By admin at 2019-12-23 • 6 collector • 4189 pageviews

This set of rules applies to all players present in the game chat and  in the game.
The rules are binding on all users.
The administration to make the necessary changes to the rules at any time. Changes to this set of rules shall enter into force upon their introduction.
Monitoring compliance with the rules is carried out by the Project Administration.
If a player's violation fits various points of the rules, the punishment is chosen by the Administrator on the basis of the chat situation and other circumstances, focusing on the point that provides for a longer period.In case of repeated violation of the rules for any item, the punishment may be increased to 30 days of silence. In the case of serious repeated violations, the punishment may be increased to a permanent gag, or even to the block account.Applications for unlocking an account from a player are considered exclusively by the Technical Support Service of Users. In the case of applying sanctions to the accounts of violators of the game rules, the Administration have the right not to provide evidence.If the user is faced with actions that include the use of bugs (a bug is an error in the program that leads to its incorrect operation) or was himself the one who recognized this or that bug, then it is mandatory / urgent to inform Administrator.Transferring acct data(login/password) to a second/third party is also prohibits; this action may lead to accts blocking.This set of rules is the only one valid and takes effect from the moment of its writing. Users undertake to independently verify the relevance of the current version of the Rules.

1. Insults: Punishment from 3 hours to 30 days (gag)
— insulting a player or corps in any form, as well as humiliating human dignity and words, phrases discrediting the honor and dignity of other players.
— Insulting the NG
— insulting the NG, representatives of the Administration or the JTGGame company as a whole.
1.1. Insult and veiled insult.
— Insult (Insult  words, Insult  phrases) and a veiled insult (euphemisms, incomplete words, abbreviations, words with the replacement of one or more letters, words with asterisks, etc.), profanity in any languages, in any encoding, also prohibited in all their manifestations!
1.2 Insult : Punishment: from 6 hours to 7 days. (gag)
1.3.Veiled insult obscene language : Punishment: from 3 hours to 3 days.(gag)

2. Threats
— Messages containing direct or indirect threats of reprisal in real life, extortion and blackmail.
Punishment : account blocking of 3 days

3.Discrimination on racial, national, religious or other grounds / Nationalist, racial slogans and statements.
— messages calling for any action against other nationalities and peoples.
— Messages that state the superiority of one nation or people over others.
— Messages leading to interethnic, racial hatred and hatred, as well as leading to the provocation of religious / political conflicts.
— propaganda of intolerance to cultural, ideological, gender, linguistic, political or any other affiliation, as well as the promotion of similar actions and statements made by other users
Punishment: from 1 day to 30 days. (gag)

4.Black Market, fraud and prohibited programs.
— Messages about any financial transactions, sales, exchanges, donations, transfer of an account into the possession of another player, as well as the sale for an account in chats.
Punishment: temporary or permanent blocking of the account, depending on the severity of the violation (determined by the Project Administration).

— It is also forbidden to use any in-game errors that, for one reason or another, cannot be fixed quickly. (for example: It is forbidden to use the «Red Devil»(and other units) skill more than 1 time in 3 rounds, that is, having applied the skill once, you must wait 3 rounds to use it again).This applies to all locations where the «Red Devil» skill is malfunctioning constantly (if the skill is used before the start of the battle on WW, then the use of this skill is allowed only once, and the reuse of the skill is allowed after 3 full rounds also 1 time.)
Punishment: account blocking from 2 days to unlimited.

5.Organization, conduct and / or participation in contractual battles during the  HOF
— Alt is an additional account or player's character that is created before or after the main one, the purpose of which is to obtain an in-game advantage over other characters or their associations, in-game resources or other game benefits.(even if you log in to this account through another server, falling into the same group of combined servers with the main account, this account is considered an alt account.)

— Alt are allowed: if alt is in the same block with the main account.
In other cases, it is forbidden to have alt acc, alt acc can be blocked from with first violation, also any alt account maybe blocked for violation of the rules of the game until unlimited time.
Punishment: blocking access to game from 2 days to unlimited.

— A contractual battle [in HOF] is a deliberate obstacle or a change in the normal game process in order to obtain in-game resources and / or advantages for the main account of the owner of the alt and / or the association of players.
[you can't use the alt account in HOF to earn points for the main account]

For the first violation in HOF: blocking 48h
For the second violation in HOF: blocking 72h
For the third violation in HOF: blocking 300h
For the fourth violation in HOF: blocking unlimited

Any use of an alternate account in the HOF event leads in blocking the alternative account until the end of the HOF.[in a contentious situation, an account that has a low level of development is considered an alternative account.]
If the battles between the main account and the alternate account match at least once, then both accounts are blocked until the end of the HOF event
[Repeated violation will add another 10 days to the existing blocking period]

— Reset serial Victory

During HOF battles, only one intentional defeat is allowed to a player with 20+ series of victories (why it is needed - this is necessary in order to facilitate the work of the system in the search for an opponent for the player.)

Twink acct
It is allowed to use twinк accounts, but with the condition that the battles between these accounts will NOT intersect the battles with the main account.
(twink account - are account that are in another server group and have no in-game relationship to the main account)
Punishment: twink and the main account may be blocked (a period to 10 days) if at least one battle takes place between these accounts during the HOF 


6. It is forbidden to use in nicknames of players, factions, alliances and other user associations, and in the names of other in-game objects, whose name can be changed:
6.1 Definitions and terms of obscene, offensive and obscene meanings, both in direct and in disguised form.
Punishment: account blocking from 3 days to unlimited.
6.2 Definitions and terms similar in meaning, meaning and pronunciation to those defined in the previous paragraph.
Punishment: account blocking from 3 days to unlimited.
6.3 Definitions and terms that openly or covertly propagate the distribution and use of narcotic substances, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, weapons and sexual-pornographic nature, including anatomical nature.
Punishment: account blocking from 14 days to unlimited.
6.4 Definitions and terms that openly or covertly incite hatred based on racial, national, gender or any other grounds.
Punishment: account blocking from 21 days to unlimited.


Для серверов русской версии.

7. Мировая карта

7.1. Целенаправленные действия со стороны одного и более игроков в результате, которого целый блок теряет свои бонусы, награды, преимущество перед другим блоком будет считаться за нарушение. Аккаунт будет блокирован на 96ч. 

— For off top, for flood, for abusive reviews about the project, for libel, for the semantic load - the forum member will be blocked from 2 days for the first violation

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