I'm being harassed & threatened by a player JosuaPark on server S128... I've deleted him & I ignore him... He's gotten my g
Thank-You for answering me... The server is S128 & the Leader is NorisRose2, the Alliance is called Aftermath & my name there is BLCornett... I'm the last Staff member that still plays... Again, Thank-You for answering me... I appreciate any help you can offer...
I'm the last member of my Alliance that still plays this game, I'm also Staff, but I can't offer any new member a Staff position because I didn't create the Alliance... I need to know how I can take control of this Alliance in an attempt to grow it?
There Used to be Special Events where we could earn Better Troops... I wonder why it doesn't happen anymore... Every time there's been a Special Event over the last year or so, it's been for Items to buy with gold or silver... I would love to be able to work towards earning a chance to get a Spec