Ill ask them and see about it then
Show us rule where it says that
Can you take them back then and give me my gold back
weakening agent II, cant you use them in camp
We don't transfer, we run whlie other is sleeping
Your weakening agent II doesn't work
He gave me log in details and kept logging into my accounts
When are you going to upgrade cities in ww to level 300
Can you change corrosion II to Strategy Books in trade in please
Can you put corrosion II in flash sale or trade in pls
When are you going to raise cities in ww from 250 to 320?
Got now ,thanks
Any reason I can't collect silver reward in trade in. The one with 500 limited gold.
Ok, thanks
Is hall of fame gone for good now
My online pack not working. Should be auto because im m5 but cant even collect manual. S12 GstsGibson
Yes, its working. thanks
GeroBond has timer on or using blockers, I have no problem attacking Fb
Reply to #865 @admin :
I got black screen, so demo attacked me to reset timer and I attacked him again and got black screen again.
Do you need demo to get his timer off city siege
I get a black screen when I try to attack demolition in City Siege and cant do camp 5 , Purge 2 , missile crisis in hero mode. Same again black screen. GstaGibson S 12
Is josuapark and Wizz same player? You need to check h of f is they are.
email sent
emails sent, ww is fixed now
email sent
email sent
I didn't have time to use them because didn't collect them all at once and didn't know they only had 2 hours on them till it was to late to use them.
You need 10 for equipment and by time id collected them some had gone so couldn't use them . Now lost them all.
Moving troops in ww say it cost samr silver to move all troops. I did that and only 5 troops moved