General War Memories » coby2407


Registered :2019-08-29

Topics Number: 0     Posts Number: 119



Last activity 2024-07-20
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Moving troops in ww say it cost samr silver to move all troops. I did that and only 5 troops moved

«  2024-07-20
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Ill ask them and see about it then

«  2024-07-20
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Show us rule where it says that

«  2024-07-20
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Can you take them back then and give me my gold back

«  2024-07-18
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

 weakening agent II, cant you use them in camp

«  2024-07-17
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

We don't transfer, we run whlie other is sleeping

«  2024-07-16
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Your weakening agent II doesn't work

«  2024-07-16
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

He gave me log in details and kept logging into my accounts

«  2024-07-09
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

When are you going to upgrade cities in ww to level 300

«  2024-07-06
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Can you change corrosion II to Strategy Books  in trade in please

«  2024-07-06
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Can you put corrosion II in flash sale or trade in pls

«  2024-07-03
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

When are you going to raise cities in ww from 250 to 320?

«  2024-05-05
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Got now ,thanks

«  2024-05-03
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Any reason I can't collect silver reward in trade in. The one with 500 limited gold.

«  2024-05-03
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Ok, thanks

«  2024-04-09
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Is hall of fame gone for good now 

«  2024-04-08
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

My online pack not working. Should be auto because im m5 but cant even collect manual. S12 GstsGibson

«  2024-03-19
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Yes, its working. thanks

«  2024-03-02
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Reply to #870 @admin :

Yes , only get problem with demo

«  2024-01-31
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

GeroBond has timer on or using blockers, I have no problem attacking Fb

«  2024-01-30
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Reply to #865 @admin :

I got black screen, so demo attacked me to reset timer and I attacked him again and got black screen again.

«  2024-01-30
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Do you need demo to get his timer off city siege

«  2024-01-30
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

I get a black screen when I try to attack demolition in City Siege and cant do camp 5 , Purge 2 , missile crisis in hero mode. Same again black screen. GstaGibson S 12

«  2024-01-30
Replied to topic  › Hall of Fame [HOF]

Is josuapark and Wizz same player? You need to check h of f is they are.

«  2022-09-10
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

email sent

«  2022-01-21
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

emails sent, ww is fixed now

«  2022-01-13
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

email sent

«  2022-01-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

email sent

«  2022-01-01
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

I didn't have time to use them because didn't collect them all at once and didn't know they only had 2 hours on them till it was to late to use them.

«  2021-12-13
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

You need 10 for equipment and by time id collected them some had gone so couldn't use them . Now lost them all. 

«  2021-12-13
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