General War Memories » gerobond


Registered :2019-07-13

Topics Number: 0     Posts Number: 39



Last activity 2022-04-27
Replied to topic  › Hall of Fame [HOF]

well was not me who used my acc in HOF i want know how change my pass im trying and cant do 


«  2022-04-27
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

didnt figure that lol, sorry make you lose time

«  2020-08-01
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!


Plese check my acc cant claim rewards from online pack,thanks

GeroBond server 17

«  2020-08-01
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

World level in my server 212 and i and other players can do that damage you only need right skills dont have any cheat

«  2020-01-26
Replied to topic  › Suggestions and Ideas

i unrstood that what i dont understood is diference in HOF , 1 can play and other no dont see any valid reason for that vantage can guive to main acc is same, if acc in server 122 dont match with 17 i could understand if match what is diference, so all people can have alt acc can use in ww were c

«  2020-01-21
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

U can put event now but in christmas we dont had event, now better call him new year event

«  2019-12-27
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

its 1st time we dont have christmas event or reward we used guet in christmas,easter ,etc

«  2019-12-27
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

thank you

«  2019-11-02
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

can you tell me hom many we need use each time?Becouse if is like 3 we need 12 to use since we gain 2 daily activity, only place i remeber find is score event were if im not wrong u can guet 4 if each time i need more then 2 this dont worth nothing so if u dont remove time please replace for some

«  2019-11-02
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers


the item is t

«  2019-11-02
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers


i want ask if limit time of 2 hours Areform signt IV have is bug?

«  2019-11-02
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

dont was diferent time was same since level 220 i was thinking reduced becouse people complain about that but look was mistake

«  2019-11-02
Replied to topic  › Suggestions and Ideas

i want ask you to put general in flash sale in past we use find good generals there from D to S level like auchineck ,santa and all others, we use find substite of general we use to upgrade generals and please dont join fuse medals sometimes we need 3 A medal and 1 A+  u put 1 of each so will gue

«  2019-10-27
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers


was just for know thanks

«  2019-10-16
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers


 you log in in my acc ?

GeroBond server 17

«  2019-10-16
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

like i told have 1 enemy unit red devil dont do damage and only 1 and should do becouse if enemy have 100% SDA and red devil ignore 30% should do some damage CLDT dont know if ignore SDA but think no, CLDT % is other problem i bought wen you tell have 16% and in realy only have 8% and i feel chea

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

wen i use bombing ,gas bomb and some other items in campaign almost dont do damage in enemy units becouse SDA enemy units its to hight that is after level 230 , after 240 in camp 2 and 5 have 1 unit batle items and at least red devil skill and CLDT skill  dont do any damage. so batle items almost

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

reply 333

I understand that and im glad you working on errors, but what happened 1 unit was sold like have 16% skill and now have 8 % that was not fair for us i bought units thinking 1 thing and its other.Wen i bought unit was after integration , 

reply 334

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

reply 330

so you sold us unit telling was 16% wen in really was 8% wen you find mistake you didnt solve for discription you did from unit wen was selling but put in 8 and change discription is that? 

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

reply 329

you only can see that in video you can test in campaign 2 south american cry, try in all enemy units you will find

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

about CLDT was 16 and now is 8 it was what was in descrition of unit 16 before 8 now, so wa s reduce from 16 to 8 even was to corrected a bug damage should stay on 16 wuold like know why?

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

If ignore 30% SDA why have enemy wen used do 0 damage?

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

reply 321 

2- is this unit why have some enemys dont do any damage wen have % disregarding SDA?

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

reply 321



«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

reply to 316

1- i have sure in description of unit was 16% i checked that before buy unit now is 8% so dont look was an error

2- that item dont work wen unit atack is controled by me i can use 3 in 3 rounds and use in unit i want and do damage always, but have 1 unit you put in campai

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers


Why you reduce CDL25T  185 skill from 16% to 8%,and why wen you do updates dont do post here in forum for we know changes you did on game, like used be in past.

i would like too you explain to me how 1 unit ignore 30% sda cant do any damage in enemy units how is th

«  2019-10-12
Replied to topic  › Suggestions and Ideas

[Easter Event]Consume improvement files&get LT gold return

«  2019-08-31
Replied to topic  › Suggestions and Ideas


in past use have 1 event were we use improvment files and guet some limit gold as reward can you do that again


«  2019-08-31
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

No  look all good now since units are in level 233

«  2019-08-30
Replied to topic  › Questions and Answers

Now i have units on 233 all look good still 233 in HOF

«  2019-08-30
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