didnt figure that lol, sorry make you lose time
Plese check my acc cant claim rewards from online pack,thanks
GeroBond server 17
World level in my server 212 and i and other players can do that damage you only need right skills dont have any cheat
i unrstood that what i dont understood is diference in HOF , 1 can play and other no dont see any valid reason for that vantage can guive to main acc is same, if acc in server 122 dont match with 17 i could understand if match what is diference, so all people can have alt acc can use in ww were c
U can put event now but in christmas we dont had event, now better call him new year event
its 1st time we dont have christmas event or reward we used guet in christmas,easter ,etc
thank you
can you tell me hom many we need use each time?Becouse if is like 3 we need 12 to use since we gain 2 daily activity, only place i remeber find is score event were if im not wrong u can guet 4 if each time i need more then 2 this dont worth nothing so if u dont remove time please replace for some
i want ask if limit time of 2 hours Areform signt IV have is bug?
dont was diferent time was same since level 220 i was thinking reduced becouse people complain about that but look was mistake
i want ask you to put general in flash sale in past we use find good generals there from D to S level like auchineck ,santa and all others, we use find substite of general we use to upgrade generals and please dont join fuse medals sometimes we need 3 A medal and 1 A+ u put 1 of each so will gue
like i told have 1 enemy unit red devil dont do damage and only 1 and should do becouse if enemy have 100% SDA and red devil ignore 30% should do some damage CLDT dont know if ignore SDA but think no, CLDT % is other problem i bought wen you tell have 16% and in realy only have 8% and i feel chea
wen i use bombing ,gas bomb and some other items in campaign almost dont do damage in enemy units becouse SDA enemy units its to hight that is after level 230 , after 240 in camp 2 and 5 have 1 unit batle items and at least red devil skill and CLDT skill dont do any damage. so batle items almost
reply 333
I understand that and im glad you working on errors, but what happened 1 unit was sold like have 16% skill and now have 8 % that was not fair for us i bought units thinking 1 thing and its other.Wen i bought unit was after integration ,
reply 334
reply 330
so you sold us unit telling was 16% wen in really was 8% wen you find mistake you didnt solve for discription you did from unit wen was selling but put in 8 and change discription is that?
reply 329
you only can see that in video you can test in campaign 2 south american cry, try in all enemy units you will find
about CLDT was 16 and now is 8 it was what was in descrition of unit 16 before 8 now, so wa s reduce from 16 to 8 even was to corrected a bug damage should stay on 16 wuold like know why?
reply 321
2- is this unit why have some enemys dont do any damage wen have % disregarding SDA?
reply to 316
1- i have sure in description of unit was 16% i checked that before buy unit now is 8% so dont look was an error
2- that item dont work wen unit atack is controled by me i can use 3 in 3 rounds and use in unit i want and do damage always, but have 1 unit you put in campai
Why you reduce CDL25T 185 skill from 16% to 8%,and why wen you do updates dont do post here in forum for we know changes you did on game, like used be in past.
i would like too you explain to me how 1 unit ignore 30% sda cant do any damage in enemy units how is th
in past use have 1 event were we use improvment files and guet some limit gold as reward can you do that again
Now i have units on 233 all look good still 233 in HOF
well was not me who used my acc in HOF i want know how change my pass im trying and cant do