General War Memories » lulorboyd


Registered :2020-04-03

Topics Number: 0     Posts Number: 11



Last activity 2020-05-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

1. Your nickname : LulorBoyd

2. Your server  :  SERVER S138

3. I see you give to ass 3888 gold if we make our 1st RECHARGE

«  2020-05-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

if you dont have mony in your sistem i cand take my mony back, but i need your confirmation 

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

i told you to send to my an mail and then i will sned to my banck , and my banck cand give my mony back

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

i told to you to send my mony back 

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Reply to #324 @admin :

Send my mony back 

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

plz send mony back or send to my an email with your confirmation and i will send to my back and my bank can give my mony back 

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Reply to #320 @lulorboyd :

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Reply to #319 @lulorboyd :

You can send me on mail proof that you didn't get those $ 30? 

i need to send to my bank  proof  the transaction of $ 30 is not registered in your sistem 

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Were i can find number of that tranzaction?

for the moment 30$ ar blocked 

the transaction is still underway

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Reply to #316 @admin :

«  2020-04-03
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

1. Your nickname :   LulorBoyd

2. Your server      :  S138- Russion

3.  I buy 600 gold but i dont receve on my cont , 

how is posibble and why ?

«  2020-04-03
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