General War Memories » renegade9


Registered :2021-03-27

Topics Number: 0     Posts Number: 4



Last activity 2022-11-20
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

Renegade9- S2Manhatten- my arsenal hasnt upgraded to the level that i'm at and i cant fuse the 180 level equipment

«  2022-11-20
Replied to topic  › Сomplaint against a player who violates

Renegade9, ServerS2. gurolowens has 2 accounts gurolowens and gurolowen2

«  2022-06-08
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

I don't care what the problem was or whose fault it is you charged me and I want what I paid for

«  2021-03-27
Replied to topic  › Problems, errors, bugs!

i recharged yesterday 25 mar 2021 and was chrged $200 and didnt receive nothing. I wrote and they told me there was a problem and recharge again.

«  2021-03-27
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