I think what's on the evil Santa is a medal he got earlier. the medals on my units have been unchanged for weeks. The photo was taken from the inventory after the box was opened. I did not change the madals on my units. So you should be in the inventory.
Hi. Today I received 2 medals from the World Boss. 1 Honor medal T-4 and 1 Red-flag medal T-4. I didn't get the Honor T-4 medal. Honor T-4 is not among the others.
what special ability the T-element unit? What is SDA? What property does the unit show?
i didn't get the g180 armor either. gives only the rest
What skill does soviet guerrillas have?
the next top-trade-in we could get Zodiac Master general or Luo Zhuoying general. Maybe if they were units again i would like to FightLord Tank or Shiv Tank Destroyer unit. Thanks.
Is there a page or description that shows all the units (tank, arty, infantry) that exist in the game, along with all its data and abilities? It would be nice to be able to compare the strengths and capabilities of the different units. It would be easier to decide which player to start developing
Reply to #4 @admin :
Yeah, but it could be constantly vip in the flash sale. It was rarely the last time and it didn't take time for the next one. I hope it will be possible to use vip continuously in the flash sale. One more thought. I think it would be helpf
Hi. It would be good if you could buy vip in the game without paying. I am thinking of the vips available for purchase within the vip icon. For 30-90-180 days of vip. I think if someone collects enough gold in the game, you can get vip without a deposit. Or who doesn't have a bank account or just
Hello. Today I only got 20 levy chances. Why not 50 as before? So I couldn't do the daily quests and I couldn't get the 15 gold.