62 Replies | Last update 2023-10-23
2020-09-04   #50

You need to look again it shows my troops killed and moscow still there.

2020-09-05   #51

but you attempted and I have watched you skill your ways to wins against a lvl 216 unit with a 300% blessing before so I know you could have done it you just tried to prove a point and got caught lying.

2020-09-05   #52

Stop with your bull shitting, My troop got killed in moscow has I knew there would. So I can kill 1 troop with skill with is easy to do when only one troop, not when there is a few in there, the troops were level 65 with 20% so knew what would happen. I know the ability of my troops not like you .Its sad that you have to cheat and lie so you can run ww. You can only just get into top 10 of h of f and need help from techs to do camps when people have passed you doing them by themself

2020-09-05   #53

you could have easily beat those 16 npc with skills if you wanted but you got ahead of yourself taking pics without thinking what it showed and had to let yourself die.lol I have a couple low lvl twink accts on other servers so I know full well what can be done with your troops and that buff against mercs. All depends if you wanted to coin skills or not like you do against single units lvl 216 units that have a 300% buff.

2020-09-05   #54

Bull shit and lies again you are so full of it, you don't even know how your own troops work maybe you need to ask tech for help .I know what my troops can do that why I sent them to cap, instead of putting them in maintenance I sent them to be kill.I see you've asked truimph to help you again. I may have to follow kings order and take some forts.

2020-09-06   #55

I did not ask triumph to do anything. I don't know who that alt belongs to but then why are you so worried about it since you are just an alt here and are only here to cause trouble here because you don't like me and most likely are mad because I constantly beat you in HOF and this is your only way at trying to get to me. I know how my troops work and that is why I ask why there are so many discrepencies with my units in different parts of the game when they should work the same in every facet of the game. I paid for a unit to work a certain way and I expect them to perform in that manner and when they don't I ask questions. Sorry that bothers you so much. Maybe you should not read what I write and save yourself some stress since based on your current rantings you are clearly stressed.lol

2020-09-06   #56

Lol you know triumph because he only comes out and take cities when you move. No stress here. You don't have to cheat in ww but you do .

2020-09-06   #57

Would love to know how I cheat since I don't do much on the map except protect allies from you and blc stupid game play. Triumph is moving before I even get out of bed in the morning. Both you and him are moving at the same time and I just sit there and watch you and him go at for awhile before I refresh and let everyone know I am back on. For all I know triumph is someone you and blc have pissed off on another server and has come here to mess with you like you guys try to do with me. I think it is funny you are upset that someone is using your own tactics against you and you don't like it.lol

2020-09-06   #58

You break the rules you set in ww but if othes break your rules you want them banned. You admitted on here you broke your rules and will continue to break them. Truimph comes out to get buffer down for you and is out at same time so according to your logic he is helping you. And acquiring someone elses account is against the rules set out in forum.So yes you do CHEAT and LIE

2020-09-06   #59

I acquired the the acct before jtggames took the game back over and way before the rules were set in place. I even talked with the admin of the previous game owners to clear it with them and let them know what I was doing and they said there was nothing they could do about privately done player transactions so no I did not cheat nor did I lie. Once I took the acct over I informed the players on this server that I had taken the acct over so nothing was hidden. I don't lie nor do I cheat unlike you. You are here breaking rules or at least the rules they did have in place. I only broke my 300% buff rule when I was forced by you and blc to defend a position when you already had the buff near or over 300% forcing me to  make it higher by having to defend my BP. You can't even by honest and admit the reason you are here is just to cause trouble and help your little buddy BLC so it shows that you true liar and cheat is you but again nice try.  Again you lie about Triumph moving and stopping when I do. I just got on the game and seen he has already been moving and I just came on so again another lie.

2020-09-07   #60

You have no proof when you acquired the account or if it was ratified by gm before ,it's always been against the rules to acquire someone elses account. So it do as I say and not as I do for you. Any one else who breaks your rules you want them banning. You said you are happy with soviets having 1 fort but if someone takes an extra fort you want them banning same with resources , you are happy to have 2 resources that = 20 cities making buffer high but denpending who take mc back off soviets you report them. I see you and wizz moving when triumph starts taking cities. 

2020-09-07   #61

guys here know what went on with me acquiring that acct and it was checked and verified by a couple of people who did not believe that it was a legit deal so you there is your proof. I have had the acct for 2 years now maybe a little little longer or less. Either way it was cleared through the admin and as long as no other IP showed up on that acct after I acquired it I was good to go according to the admin. Never said I was happy with the soviets only having one fort. I said to let them have At least one or whatever it takes to keep the buff around 300%. I appreciate that you have made an effort lately to keep it around that but I know once your buddy comes back he will be acting the fool again but I got a little surprise for him.

2020-09-11   #62

Words from you is no proof , you can make anything up and you do. We need screen shots . I know over 3 years ago someone was trying to get rid of their account and is was illegal then. Just because you say it was cleared by admin, where is the PROOF ?

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