Unit Level [your choice, our help]

By admin at 2020-05-18 • 3 collector • 4851 pageviews

This topic is intended only for request, that is, each player owning a unit of a certain level type can ask us to organize an exchange for a higher level using the trade-in event, of course, under certain conditions.

for example :

Server: S1
nickname: admin
I have an Aura tank-140, but I would like to make an exchange for Aura tank-185.

*We will consider your request and if an exchange is possible, we will notify you.

*request is accepted only in this format, any third-party messages will be deleted without discussion.

32 Replies | Last update 2020-11-23
2020-05-25   #1

And so we continue, players who could not receive their exchange in the current Trade-in,

leave your repeated or new request, following the example from the first post.

Please, try to leave only 1 request, given that Trade-in has a limit on the number of pages, and there are other players also want to make an exchange.

2020-11-16   #2


nickname: monster01

I have an Phantom II tank-170, but I would like to make an exchange for Phantom II tank 230.

2020-11-16   #3

Reply to #2 @monster01 :


2020-11-16   #4


 En1sharvey s17 roma 

I have an P1500 art 130 ,but i would like to get 190 at list

2020-11-16   #5

Reply to #4 @enisharvey :


2020-11-16   #6

Reply to #3 @admin :

Сервер: S22 Ник:EmreLamb Танк рождественский олень 60на90 лвл.

2020-11-16   #7

Reply to #5 @admin :

Сервер S12 ник:Lubo Kelley Испитаниє Ареса 150 на више, Адский огонь 165 на више, Феникс 130 на више, арту дракон 150 на 170 и на 190..., Пасхальниє яйца на чо нить нормальноє , например шиву 90))))...

2020-11-16   #8

S74- Prague

nickname: kostitras78

Hi, I have Death Storm-110, but I would like to get 210.

2020-11-16   #9

Reply to #6 @lamb :

2020-11-16   #10

Reply to #8 @kostitras78 :


2020-11-16   #11

Reply to #7 @kelly :

Только один обмен, внимательно прочтите условие

2020-11-16   #12

 Привет, Сервер S16,   AronWilson, есть арта Советский Гнев-120 хотелось бы обменять на 165

2020-11-16   #13

Reply to #12 @aronwilson :


2020-11-16   #14

Reply to #11 @admin :

Тогда арту дракон 150 на 170 и ...

2020-11-16   #15

Server: S96
nickname: BOY
I have an WAR TOTEM-90, but I would like to make an exchange for WAR TOTEM-165.

2020-11-16   #16

Server: S75
nickname: brjemorrow
I have executor -140, but I would like to make an exchange for executor-165.

2020-11-16   #17

Server: S9  Минск

nickname: KonKord

есть  Цербер-90,  хочу поменять на Цербер-185 ( или что там рядом - 180 или 190 )

2020-11-16   #18


сервер Курск

ник Тигр

шиву 90 на 130

2020-11-16   #19

Сервер:S22   ник:_ШЕФ_  У меня есть Ланселот-90,но я хотел бы обменять на 130

2020-11-16   #20

Сервер: Одесса

Ник: CemilBurns

Арес-130 на Арес-170

2020-11-16   #21

Сервер - Одесса

ник - Охотник_КЗ

элитная колесница 120 на 170

2020-11-16   #22

Сервер - одесса

ник - ОхотникКЗ

рельсотрон 50, на рельсотрон 140

2020-11-16   #23

Сервер: S9  Минск
ник: ЦАРЬ1
У меня есть Пасхальное яицо , хотел бы обменять на Бензавоз 140-165 лвл. за рание благодарю.!

2020-11-16   #24

Сервер-Стокгольм S15 
есть танк кайман-90,хотелось бы обменять на 120,140 и 165.....

2020-11-16   #25

Server: S10

nickname: DAK

I have an P1500 Grand-110, but I would like to make an exchange for P1500 Grand -170 or 190 or 210 

2020-11-16   #26

Сервер - Стокгольм S15

Ник Alekse2

Есть Арес 130, хотелось бы обменять на 190 или 210лвл.

2020-11-16   #27

ервер-Стокгольм S15 
ник- Over
Арес 150 на Арес 210


2020-11-17   #28

Server: S11 Yorkshire

Nickname: Mikey66

I have a P1500 Grand Cannon -110 i would like to exchange this for P1500 Grand Cannon -210

2020-11-17   #29

Server: S104 Colusa

Nickname: IgorGeorg

I have a P1500 Grand Cannon -110, i would like to exchange this for P1500 Grand Cannon -190

2020-11-18   #30

Server: S138  Russion

Nickname: IgorGeorg

I have a Underworld King's Cannon - 90, i would like to exchange this for Underworld King's Cannon - 150

2020-11-18   #31

Server: S137 Britain

Nickname: IgorGeorg

I have a Red Fantom - 150, i would like to exchange this for Red Fantom - 210

2020-11-18   #32

у меня нет танка поставте т54

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