
By admin at 2021-09-09 • 0 collector • 1137 pageviews

Unique chance for every player.

It's time to exchange what was bought in the past for resources, units, officers in the present.

We can get rid of everything that has accumulated over time.

Write the name of the items you want to get rid of.

We, in turn, will come up with a full-fledged exchange for these resources for actual (necessary) resources.

If you want to get rid of a unit previously purchased for gold coins, write, we will exchange these units for gold.

We will launch Trade-in with your exchange ideas.(start time Trade-in 12-sep-2021)

23 Replies | Last update 2021-10-05
2021-09-12   #1

Now you will have the opportunity to buy something with temporary gold coins at the flash sale.
To do this, you will need to contact us so that we add the item you need for temporary gold coins.

Terms of use for these temporary gold coins.

If you have some temporary gold coins in stock, you can use them in a flash sale, but:
*1. These spent coins will not count towards Gold Joy / Lucky Draw
*2. If you run out of these temporary gold coins, then when you try to buy the item again, regular gold coins will be spent.
Be careful to only spend temporary gold coins!


There will also be a different pricing policy for the cost of items for temporary coins.

Any item will cost less for temporary gold coins.

Best regards, JTGGame Team!

2021-09-12   #2

Reply to #4 @andrei :

Читайте тему русской платформы.

2021-09-13   #3

where do we list the units we would like to trade in or do we send an email to the admin

2021-09-13   #4

I have all sorts of old materials that I would like to exchange, where and how do I list materials I would like to trade?

2021-09-13   #5


2021-09-13   #6

Hi Sir,

     How much golds exchange for unit 210, 230 and 250?



2021-09-13   #7

Reply to #6 @kudarat :

Such a trade-in will be launched twice a month, at the moment we will try to add units for the exchange from the minimum type to type 130 inclusive.
After that we will add units with large types 150-190-210.

The cost of the reverse exchange will be approximately 35% -45% of the total cost. Therefore, earlier we wrote that need to take into account the fact that the unit is no longer relevant and try to exchange it back for gold(this is done taking into account all the resources obtained earlier for the spent coins when buying a unit, so an exchange for the full amount of coins is not possible)

I will also remind you of the new feature, now you can buy units, items, etc. for temporary gold is much cheaper than gold.

2021-09-13   #8

Can you Trade-in with these units and general?

Lengend Gen.G



2021-09-14   #9

Reply to #8 @dak2020 :

Unit and officer

  • BKAN-120 Did you buy for gold coins? If not, we can exchange them for some items.

2021-09-14   #10


Materials that I would like to trade in:

  • Veteran Medal H

  • 5-star Easter eggs

  • 3-star Easter eggs

  • Troop Fra-Halloween witch

  • Troop Frag-Halloween Pumpkin

  • Halloween Toffee -E

  • Halloween Perppermint -N

  • Veteran Medal A

  • Veteran Medal S

  • Veteran Medal F

  • Veteran Medal G

  • All sorts of Mooncakes


  • Calliope Prototype

  • Katyusha Prototype

  • Oracle TypeII-120

2021-09-14   #11

Can you Trade-in with these units and general?

Lengend Gen.S

M12      T-54 Prototype

2021-09-14   #12

Reply to #9 @admin.

I can't say I brought it with gold coin. I am not sure where I got it from. If it is not from gold then I'll go for items, How about a couple of  - Stratagy Recovery (U). 

2021-09-14   #13

*Dear players, if some of the exchanges were not added, do not worry, having a list of items in the subject, we will often carry out such an exchange.
Therefore, add your lists of unnecessary items, etc.

We in turn, will help you exchange them for more relevant items.

2021-09-14   #14


Bu etkinlik bizi aşar.... Ne birlik var ne gen ....

Sadece madalyalar işe yarıyor oda süreliye dönüldüğünden birlik bile alamıyoruz...

Kolay gelsin oyuncular

2021-09-14   #15

Reply to #14 @leifbrock :

Bu etkinlik size farklı tematik instanceslerden, gereksiz birimlerden vb. ihtiyaç duymadığınız eşyaların depodan kurtulma fırsatı verir. Bu trade-in, aksine, altın veya daha alakalı, gerekli eşyaları elde etmenize yardımcı olur.
Sahip olduğunuz gereksiz eşyaların bir listesini yazıyorsunuz, biz bunları gerekli eşyalarla değiştirmeye çalışıyoruz.

2021-09-14   #16

can you add general fusion A fto top trade in or to flash sale ?

2021-09-14   #17

general fusion medal-A

2021-09-14   #18

Sayın admin 

9 ve 5 madalualar için gen yada birlik alabilirmiyiz

2021-09-15   #19

Reply to #18 @leifbrock :


2021-09-15   #20

Reply to #16 @jonnyleon :

Let's add this to the next Flash Sale

2021-09-15   #21


Other items to be traded-in:

  • Xms Stocking

  • Xms Snowman

  • Xms Hat

  • Xms Snow Globe

  • Xms Tree

  • Generals Chips-Xie Jin Yuan

  • Generals Chips-Sun Li Jen

  • Design SketchA

  • Design SketchB

  • Core Material

  • Apointment Certification

  • Dogtag-V

  • Dogtag-IX

  • F

  • 4

  • O

  • U

  • R

Thank you

2021-09-15   #22


   need to trade

 CDL 25T-185 for Aura heavy tank-185

Soviet Guerillas-185 for Red Devil-185

2021-09-18   #23


Need the trade 

Desert Fox  , Katyusha ,  Cayman , Red devıl , Cdl    Birliklerinin  210 lvlisi

Ve Auro istemekteyim


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