Сomplaint against a player who violates

By admin at 2020-01-25 • 0 collector • 13293 pageviews

This topic was created in order to protect you against violations against you within the rules of the game.

If you encounter a violation of the game rules, please, let us know.
1. Indicate your game nickname
2. Indicate the nickname of the player who committed the violation
3. IMPORTANT !!! You must have screenshots of this violation.

All extraneous discussions will be deleted without warning!
Also, will be deleted messages that are not compiled according to

119 Replies | Last update 2024-05-03
2020-01-25   #1

game nickname demolition.

violator name Besiktas 

red devil1.PNG

red devil2.PNG

red devil.PNG

2020-01-25   #2

Reply to #1 @demolition :

The player is blocked for 48 hours according to paragraph 4

2020-01-26   #3

game nickname Demolition

violator nickname:Fox



fox used red devil skill on me and mertran before battle

2020-01-26   #4

Reply to #3 @demolition :

The player is blocked for 48 hours according to paragraph 4

2020-01-30   #5

neden oyunum kapalı

2020-01-30   #6

Reply to #5 @crayzblue :

5. paragrafın ihlali, WW'deki bir fabrikanın kasıtlı olarak ele geçirilmesi.

unblock acct date: 2020-02-02 04:54:49

2020-01-30   #7


Diesel s55

EVINRUDE s55 is using the bombardment skill glitch to kill units before battle starts

2020-01-30   #8

Reply to #10 @josuapark :

The player is blocked for 48 hours according to paragraph 4

2020-02-25   #9

Carlo hesabı neden kapalı hesaba girilmiyor

2020-02-25   #10

Reply to #14 @feyzii :

Oyun kurallarının ihlali, paragraf 5.
Hesap 2020-02-26 05:46:51 (48 saat) tarihine kadar engellenib, bir sonraki ihlal 72 saat, üçüncü ihlal 300 saat ve 4 ihlal sınırsız yasak olacak.

2020-02-25   #11

benim mesajı neden sildin hesabım çılsın lütfen kural belli süre belli neden fazla ceza verildi bana 

2020-02-25   #12

kural 5 hof ama hof yok nasıl bir kural ihlali var

2020-02-26   #13

Reply to #16 @feyzii :

KIZILELMA alternatif hesap,

Oyunun kurallarını ihlalı paragraf 4, yani hesap engelleme 2 günden sınırsız olabilir, hala sorularınız mı var?

2020-02-26   #14

Reply to #17 @feyzii :  
CARLO paragraf 5 - 48 saat
KIZILELMA paragraf 4 - 300 saat

oyunun kurallarının farklı paragraflarını karıştırmayın!

2020-02-26   #15

Reply to #17 @feyzii :

paragraf 5 
WW'de block-a(taraf) ve block(taraf) oyuncularına zarar veren tüm eylemler ihlal olarak kabul edilir. 

2020-02-26   #16

admin kim para verirse sen onları dinliyorsun sen tasman onların elinde anladın mı ne dediğim...

2020-02-26   #17

Reply to #16 @feyzii :

Hayır, anlamaya bile çalışmadım, oyunun kurallarını ihlal ettiğinizi bilmem ve görmem yeterli.

Oyunun kuralları önünde - paralı veya parasız bir oyuncu olsun fark yok, tüm oyuncular eşittir.

Kuralları okuyun, kuralları çiğnemeyin ve her şey yoluna girecek.

2020-02-26   #18

Hi  on server 103

in world map the player AvniGuerra is using the Roaring skill glitch to kill units before battle starts


2020-02-26   #19

Reply to #18 @kurtolsen :

The player is blocked for 48 hours according to paragraph 4

2020-02-26   #20

Hi  after u ban AvniGuerra  i had that message from and i think that is another violation  

"1.1. Insult and veiled insult.
— Insult (Insult  words, Insult  phrases) and a veiled insult (euphemisms, incomplete words, abbreviations, words with the replacement of one or more letters, words with asterisks, etc.), profanity in any languages, in any encoding, also prohibited in all their manifestations!"

and a question can a banned player send messages or he supposed to be out of play completely ?


2020-02-27   #21

Reply to #20 @kurtolsen :

Messages written in private messages are not considered. Use the ignore button or do not read messages from this player at all.

The player is completely blocked, can neither write nor enter the game

2020-03-15   #22

AvniGuerra s55 and AzeHorne s55. Same person with accts in different powers


2020-03-15   #23

Reply to #22 @josuapark :

According to the rules of the game under the paragraph on alternative accounts, AzeHorne was banned until the owner decides to change the side of AzeHorne to the side of the main AvniGuerra account

2020-03-26   #24


NihatHaynes S73

SamBryan used red devil skill before battle start




2020-03-26   #25

Reply to #24 @osama :

The player is blocked for 48 hours according to paragraph 4

2020-04-03   #26

right now in LR server 103 player "steelS" is cheating with skill elemental bombarding and the time is not resting for us to play our round big and serious cheat act now please 

Kurtolsen   server 103 bergen

2020-04-03   #27

Reply to #35 @kurtolsen :

3. IMPORTANT !!! You must have screenshots of this violation.

2020-04-03   #28

Reply to #37 @admin :

its ok to prove the skill cheat with screen shot but what is more important how can i prove from screen shot that time was frozen and we can not play our round 

if it is possible can u review battle video .

Thank you 

2020-04-03   #29

Reply to #28 @kurtolsen :

You need to make a screenshot where there is an inscription that the skill was used on your unit and so that your unit is on the screenshot, HP indicator of your unit that proves this fact, see screenshots from players in this thread.Previous players in this thread have complained, see how they do it.

2020-04-03   #30

игрок ''KurtOlsen'' сервер 137 жульничает в LR.прикрывается твин корпусом.

2020-04-03   #31

d1rNw0Kn.формат PNG

2020-04-03   #32

Reply to #31 @steels :

Принято, проверим.

2020-04-10   #33

Reply to #41 @feyzii :

Biliyorum, ancak farklı taraflarda hesaplara sahip olmanızı yasaklayan oyun kuralları var, bu yüzden tarafları değiştirebildiğiniz zaman bize bildirin ve hesabınızın kilidini açacağız.

2020-04-12   #34

admin carlo hesabını açın değişim yapacam şimdi

ana hesabı taıyacam aynı tarafa

2020-04-12   #35

Reply to #34 @feyzii :

CARLO - hesap kilidi açıldı

2020-04-13   #36

GstaGibson use little acc to have kill to WW

Use the rules for all players
this is one of the acc he uses


2020-04-13   #37

Reply to #36 @romeomihai :

And what is this violation of the rules?

2020-04-13   #38

Reply to #37 @admin :

ceck that not ask my

you ban my for nothing and now you did my that his nothing 

2020-04-13   #39

Reply to #38 @romeomihai :

Dear, you received a lock for using two different accounts in different blocks on one server

2020-04-13   #40

Reply to #39 @admin :

Why you not blocks all little acc

the house an account for one player and the other blockers
if you not stop all little acc this game his down
2020-04-13   #41

Reply to #41 @romeomihai :

Do you understand what I am writing?

GstaGibson and LuisAtkins are different people, what prevents him from playing on WW with a small unit level? What rule is he breaking ??

Allow yourself to read the GAME RULES , after you read you will not have questions

2020-04-20   #42

Can you check the accts of BLCornett s21 and BulutAyers s21 to see if they are the same person

2020-04-20   #43

Reply to #42 @josuapark :

Different people play for these accounts.

2020-04-27   #44

LSFC1914.S55 и LSFC1914.S124 имеют разные нацииScreenshot_20.jpgScreenshot_21.jpg

2020-05-01   #46

Was wondering if you would consider banning the player BLCornett s21 eventhough I can not figure out who that alt belongs to. He is in allies and has been playing for at least 4 years now and is still only a lvl 88 despite the fact that he plays everyday. The problem is that he seems to have an agreement with the soviets or more specifically with the players BulutAyers s21 and GzimCurry s21 since every night about an hour before those two players come on BLCornett comes on and takes a bunch of soviet cities and builds their buff to over 1200% and then When GzimCurry and BulutAyers come on and start moving he follows behind them and retakes the cities they take so that they can maintain their extremely high buff and they do not attempt to kill him. According to the game rules this would appear to be a violation since it appears that he has some sort of agreement to help them maintiain their buff. He is the only active member of his ALC which is called Aftermath and every player in his alc is soviet. I have repeatedly tried talking to him about what he is doing and all he does is threaten to turn me in for harrassment so I am done trying to reason with him and I came straight to you guys now. He used to be a soviet player for the first couple years he played. Again I don't know if this acct is an alt of a player on s21 or just someone from a different server who knows GzimCurry or BulutAyers and made an acct here to help them out.

2020-05-01   #47

Reply to #46 @josuapark :

We will review and verify everything regarding these players.

2020-05-02   #48

Thanks but I doubt they will admit to anything. In fact those 3 players are on right now working together.

2020-05-04   #49

Reply to #48 @josuapark :

Different players

these two players play in one block: Soviet

BLCornett - plays for the Alliance side - maybe he doesn’t know how to play on WW

in general : these players are not connected by anything, you can be sure

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