119 Replies | Last update 2024-05-03
2020-05-05   #50

he knows how to play because I have told him all about how the buff works. I am just saying based on how those 3 players interact on the ww map that they seem to all know each other and have an agreement to work together to keep soviets in a big buff. BLCornett also used to be soviet when he first started playing and all members of his alc are soviet players so I am positive that they at least know each other. I am going to put a comment in the suggestions and ideas section for consideration.

2020-05-05   #51

Reply to #50 @josuapark :

Let me remind you that there is such a clause in the rules where it says: if a player's actions on WW bring losses to the faction in which he is located, this is considered a violation.
I will notify these players of the availability of the Game Rules.

2020-05-11   #52

AvniGuerra s55 is in axis power but is still in a alc that is soviet

2020-05-11   #53

Reply to #52 @josuapark :

This is not a violation; the alliance Leader must carry out the purge of alliance from players of another fraction

2020-05-11   #54

then what is the punishment if the leader does not do this? The player is in violation since he is able to leave the alliance on his own as well and is playing the game in violation since he knows that must be in the same power as his alc. Both player and leader must be held accountable since both can kick or leave an alc on their own.

2020-05-11   #55

also the leader of the alc that AvniGuerra is in no longer plays so it is up to AvniGuerra to leave the alc on his own since the leader can not kick him out

2020-05-11   #56

Reply to #55 @josuapark :


2020-05-11   #57

Reply to #57 @zhadum :

This is not a violation/error; the alliance Leader must carry out the purge of alliance from players of another fraction

2020-10-06   #58

Does the acct of SirTwat s21 belong to either Lefty s21 or MullaRice s21?

2020-10-06   #59

Reply to #58 @josuapark :
SirTwat - banned
These players have no violations:

2020-10-24   #60

Does the acct MickKirk s21 belong to Lefty s21

2020-10-24   #61

Morse s21 Leftys21 MullaRices21 and MickKirk s21 appear to be all the same person as they all login at the same time every time they come into the game. Lefty and Morse are in allies while MullaRice is in axis and MickKirk is in soviets. I am sure they are using a VPN to hide their IPs so they can't be tracked or they are using The Tor Browser to hide the IPs so they appear to be different people but those accts all belong to one player

2020-10-24   #62

Reply to #61 @josuapark :

----Indicated incorrectly

Morse  - banned
MickKirk - banned

2020-11-10   #63

Let`s stop cheating with RedDevil at s55 


2020-11-10   #64

Reply to #63 @np1888 :

The player is blocked for 48 hours according to paragraph 4

2021-04-06   #65

Please, look at the screenshot # 63 done 2020-11-10. Now look at screenshot done today 2021-04-06. Obviously the player has a difficulties to understand the game rules. Especially the rules about RedDevil`s skills. RedDevil is in the right part of the screenshot.2.RedDevil.png

2021-04-06   #66

Reply to #65 @np1888 :

The player is blocked for 72 hours according to paragraph 4

2021-05-10   #67

Is MullaRice s21and Lefty s21 the same person



2021-05-10   #68

Reply to #67 @josuapark :

MullaRice - banned

2021-05-10   #69

But rule 5 is h of f and not ww

2021-05-10   #70

Reply to #71 @coby2407 :

— Alt are allowed: if alt is in the same block with the main account.

The topic is not for discussion!

2021-05-11   #71

Is Lefty s21 and AldoGuzman s21 the same person. If so one acct is in axis and the other is in allies.



2021-05-11   #72

Reply to #71 @josuapark :

AldoGuzman - banned

2021-05-14   #73

Do the accts of Herky s21 and Random s21 belong to the player Lefty s21. lefty is axis and Random and Herky are allies.



2021-05-15   #74

Reply to #73 @josuapark :

Random and Herky - one person,but not affiliated with Lefty

2021-05-23   #75

are these 3 accts the same person? If so two accts are in axis and Lefty is in allies.




2021-05-23   #76

Reply to #75 @josuapark :

I will check this information

2021-05-24   #77

I Lefty s21 and lewis s21 the same person as well? Lewis is in allies and Lefty switched to soviets now. If all these accts are linked to lefty maybe you should consider banning all the accts including Lefty as well since it appears that he is going to continue to break the game rules. None of  these accts here on this server are this players main acct so the loss of these accts should not affect him in anyway other than to maybe make him realise that cheating is not going to be tolerated and maybe get him to stop.



2021-05-25   #78

Reply to #77 @josuapark :

All alt accounts were blocked, and Lefty was also blocked for deliberately ignoring the rules of the game. (48h)

2021-07-31   #79

Screenshot done 2021-07-31. AvniGuerra continues to do not understand the game rule paragraph 4. Look at screenshot #63 (done 2020-11-10) & #65 (done 2021-04-06). Instead of block him isn`t wiser to take RedDevil from him? Also he used RedDevil`s skill before 3 turns passed from previous uses of skill.4.RedDevil.png


2021-07-31   #80

Reply to #79 @np1888 :


Unfortunately, we cannot take such a step as to take the item from the user, we can only act according to the existing rules. The sanctions have been applied.

2021-08-01   #81

LSFC1914.S124 AytunDixon LSFC1914.S55 MataHari.S124 проверь IP Этих игроков

2021-08-01   #82

он использует чужие аккаунты для личной выгоды.

2021-08-01   #83

AytunDixon, MataHari.S124 на этих аккаунтах давно никто не играет, кроме LSFC1914.S124

2021-08-01   #84

Reply to #83 @avni :

LSFC1914.S124 и LSFC1914.S55 - аккаунты зарегистрированы на 1 человека, ранее были на разных серверах, но после объединения попали в 1 группу серверов.
Остальные разные адреса, в добавок - все эти аккаунты находятся в 1 блоке. 

2021-08-01   #85


2021-08-01   #86

Reply to #85 @np1888 :

We do not punish for private messages, as you can ignore these messages and not read what the player writes.Except for violent messages, threats and feuds in real life and a call to suicide.

2021-12-29   #87

Hi Admin

the player named   steels   on server 103  is cheating in aliance war using elemental bombardment so many times you can review the video of the battle he used to do so on the world map in the past before the battle starts please take an action to stop this violation he seems not caring and keep on using that cheat.the battle was today he used them in last 2 battles 


2021-12-29   #88

a pic from the battle New Picture.jpg

2021-12-29   #89

Reply to #87 @kurtolsen :

SteelS - Banned

2022-04-05   #90

Hi, here you can see how Ibrahim use RedDevil`s skill, before the battle starts. RedDevil is disguised as EasterEgg6.RedDevil.png


2022-04-05   #91

Reply to #90 @np1888 :

İbrahim - banned

2022-06-08   #92

Renegade9, ServerS2. gurolowens has 2 accounts gurolowens and gurolowen2

General War - Official Web Site.png

2022-06-08   #93

Reply to #92 @renegade9 :

Accounts of the same owner can participate in HOF, battles between accounts are prohibited. If there is a fact of a battle between accounts of the same owner, then let us know about it.

A screenshot of the recording of battles between accounts is enough.

2022-06-20   #94

Lefty s3 has one of his alts in a different power than his main.



2022-06-20   #95

Reply to #94 @josuapark :

Alt banned

2022-07-10   #96


this pic shows what I am talking about. He had no path to military center and had several units trapped in the city that is being attacked by axis in the photo and managed to somehow pull those units from the map and redeploy them in military center when military center can not be used as a bp or at least I am not able to use military center as a bp so I am guessing nobody else can either or should not be able to.

2022-07-10   #97

Reply to #96 @josuapark :

We will check it

2022-11-01   #98

This is the type of player on this server we do  not need. Everytime he gets upset with something or somebody this is the type of garbage he starts spewing in chat and in pms.



2022-11-01   #99

Reply to #98 @josuapark :

We banned him from chatting.

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