1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2019-08-19   #100

Reply to #99 @leifbrock :

Biliyorum ama bu konuda hiçbir şey yapamayız.Skrill'i bağlamaya çalışacağız, fakat bu bile 100% söz veremiyorum

2019-08-19   #101

O zaman bizim birlik yukseltmek ve diger konularda gelismemizin olmamasi demek 

Nasil oyun oynamamiz bekleniyor odeme yapmadan ?

Diger yuksek oyuncularin yaninina nasil ulasacagiz?

Birlik yok , Kirmizi general yok, Taki yok .....

Yoklarla ne kadar yukselebilriz ?

2019-08-19   #102

Reply to #101 @leifbrock :

Bizimle alakalı olmayan konular hakkında yazıyorsunuz.

Skrill bağlanma fırsatını beklemeniz yeterli

2019-08-19   #103

S17 roma demolition.
can you put in top trade in ice fragments for camp chances and tickets for instances.also can you put gas bomb items on sale in flash sale.exchange ice fragments for camp chances and ice fragments for tickets.

what is going on in my acct?i went to hq231 and upgraded my combat center to 231.but when i refreshed all my units went down to 228.so i had to use even more experience to get them back to 231.this is costing me a lot of experience.how about compensating me for all that experience i am losing when i refresh the game.it is costing me gold and i am having to sell my good generals to get my units upgraded.either go in and fix my units or give me gold to buy experience from flash sale .or give me 200 million experience please

228 unit a.PNG

228 units.PNG

these units drop from 232 to 228.and there are a lot more units that do this more than 2there are 14 units that dropped down to 228. 

2019-08-19   #104

Reply to #103 @demolition :

Unfortunately, trade in is maximally filled

2019-08-19   #105

Reply to #104 @demolition :
I told you that you need to wait for a version update in which there will be a fix for your problem, right?

2019-08-19   #106

Reply to #105 @demolition :

 #84 @admin :

Reply to #76 @demolition :

For your questions, we managed to fix the following:

1. The experience necessary to increase the level of units has been revised; there may be cases when the level of units is 1/2 level higher than the level of the command center. - this is normal.

2.230+ Battle Zone - 235 level of bots is also not a problem, we reduced their power.

3. Now need to wait for the update of the content, which will be launched next week.

2019-08-20   #107

when will the update take effect for me what day.S17 roma demolition

2019-08-20   #108

can you do good to go event again.it ends today at 2350 server time for us.we need to continue to have double drop rate.

2019-08-20   #109

Reply to #107 @demolition :

This update applies to all players, because massive,  during the current week.

2019-08-20   #110

when will the update happen

2019-08-20   #111

Reply to #110 @demolition :

I’ll clarify this information as soon as a response is received from specialists, I will inform you.

2019-08-20   #112

Hi admin you conect today to my acc?

2019-08-21   #113

Reply to #112 @romeomihai :

Hi our specialist checked your account today, found no problems

2019-08-21   #114

http://prntscr.com/ov70bv  ; you conected today to my acc?

2019-08-21   #115

if his not you i need change pass

2019-08-21   #116

Reply to #115 @romeomihai :

In the afternoon, yes, of course, I write after all, our specialist checked your account

2019-08-21   #117

did you get a response from the specialist on update for me.s17 roma demolition

2019-08-21   #118

Reply to #117 @demolition :

I repeat, the update will be for all players, with a probability of 99.9% the update will arrive tomorrow on all servers. I will definitely inform,when i have a news.

2019-08-21   #119

can you put good to go event back in the game please and put gas bomb A+and S in flash sale 

2019-08-21   #120

Reply to #119 @demolition :

All events are triggered in order. ok, we will put skills in flash sale

2019-08-22   #121

it is still not fixed I refresh in the game and my units went from 232 level to 228 level.
S17 Roma demolition

2019-08-22   #122

did you log in 4 me just now.i was in world war 

2019-08-22   #123

Reply to #122 @demolition :

Yes, we are working on your account.

Do not log in yet.

2019-08-22   #124

ok let me know when i can log in 

2019-08-22   #125

when i am at 229  level unit when i try to upgrade unit to 230 it jumps to 232.then if i refresh it drops back to 228only then does it drop back to 228

if i leave it at 229 then the unit stays the same

2019-08-22   #126

Reply to #125 @demolition :

Due to the fact that in the current version there is an error with the wrong exp for units, the most optimal level of units is 229, we raised the level of your units to 229 level, now you need to wait for the version to be updated in which we fixed this error.

Until the error is fixed, please do not touch the level of units!

You can login

2019-08-22   #127

ok how long until it will be updated.

let me know when i can upgrade my units

2019-08-22   #128

Reply to #127 @demolition :

Today we will try to update the  game version.

2019-08-22   #129

apparently yall must have fixed it.i logged in this morning and all the units that were at 229 is now at 231.thank you .s17 roma demolition

2019-08-23   #130

Reply to #129 @demolition :

You now don't have a problem? yes?

2019-08-23   #131

so far so good.should i upgrade my units to 232 once my cambat center gets there

2019-08-23   #132

Reply to #131 @demolition :


Have a nice game

2019-08-23   #133

when will yall put up the hall of fame.was it not supposed to be today

2019-08-23   #134

Reply to #133 @demolition :

After 23:59

2019-08-24   #135

i thought you said it would start at 2359.is that server time.or is it 1159pm central time

2019-08-24   #136

Reply to #135 @demolition :

Estimated time - S1

2019-08-24   #137

we are all asking when are yall gonna do event for festivals.we all want this event.when can yall put this event back in the game.also we want soviet gurillas unit in top trade in please.and can you trade ice fragments for camp chances and instance tickets please.

2019-08-24   #138

Reply to #137 @demolition :

We will try to do everything next week.

2019-08-24   #139

why are my units in hof are only at 229 but in the game my units are 232.my units and gerobond units are at 229 in hof.

2019-08-24   #140

Reply to #139 @demolition :

We will check it it is also possible this error will be corrected after 00:00

2019-08-26   #141

i lost a battle in hall of fame because my units are still at 229 in hof.they are suppose to be at level 232 for me.in the game my units are at 232 but not in the hall of fame.please fix this.

2019-08-26   #142

Reply to #141 @demolition :

I know, yes, you already wrote, we will definitely work on it

2019-08-27   #143

can you put soviet guerillas unit and red devil unit in next top trade in.and put ice frags trade in for instance tickets and instance chances please

2019-08-27   #144

Reply to #143 @demolition :

We will try to do all this.

2019-08-28   #145

can yall give better rewards for world war chests.we need gas S and gasA+ and jamming S and A+.and also give a greater percentage of getting improvement files aspecially supreme and diamond files

2019-08-28   #146

Reply to #145 @demolition :

That is, to increase the number of rewards in the chests?

2019-08-28   #147

How long b4 you can fix my and gerobond units in the hof to level 232 instead of 229.this is costing us victories

2019-08-29   #148

Reply to #147 @demolition :

Dear, it is impossible to introduce a correction only for you. We are preparing a fix version

2019-08-29   #149

it is not only for me but it is gerobond acct

and it is unfair for other acct units to be the same level but my acct is 3 levels below than what it is supposed to be.try to fix this b4 the hof ends|

i just upgraded my caeser fighter to 233 and it went fron 229 to 233 in hof

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