Questions and Answers

By admin at 2019-07-03 • 13 collector • 54473 pageviews

In this topic, each user can ask a question that interests him, we will try to help find the answer.

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1405 Replies | Last update 26 days ago
2019-07-03   #1


Lemans S84

Can u make different way to buy gold because i dont have visa card etc or paypal?

When GW still in FB gamesroom,i buy gold from that

2019-07-03   #2

Reply to #1 @freedom :


What country do you live in?

2019-07-03   #3



türkiyede paypal kapalı skril den altın alımı yapalımmm

2019-07-03   #4

Reply to #3 @crayzblue :

Yakında Payssion sistemini bağlayacağız

2019-07-03   #5

Reply to #2 @admin :


2019-07-03   #6

Reply to #5 @freedom :

We will soon connect the Payssion system and you will be able to use recharge.

2019-07-03   #7

Reply to #6 @admin :

What is that,Payssion system?

2019-07-03   #8

Reply to #7 @freedom :

This system will allow you to make payments from Indonesia.

2019-07-03   #9


2019-07-03   #10

Another question

Can u make MR improvent, improve 10 ?

2019-07-03   #11

Reply to #10 @freedom :

I will pass the question to our specialists

2019-07-05   #12


S1 Москва

Сегодня в 00.21 и 00.25 осуществил через PayPal два платежа по 100 игровых кредитов, но пополнение получил только 100. С карты деньги списались дважды. Дождусь ли я ещё 100?

2019-07-05   #13

Reply to #12 @elbarkinney :

Пожалуйста, напишите на, в теме письма прикрепите скриншот о транзакции ( сведения о покупке,код транзакции и т.д.)

2019-07-06   #14

i need more tickets to get zodiac master general S.i used all my tickets for instances.put some more in the flash sale please

2019-07-06   #15

i like the idea for mr improvement times 10 but also do silver improvement times 10 also.this will greatly help me get rid of silver too.S17 roma  Demolition

2019-07-06   #16

Reply to #14 @demolition :

A little later, you can still buy tickets, time is enough)
Everything will be fine)

2019-07-06   #17

all my chances are used up in flash sale.i cant buy any more tickets

2019-07-06   #18

Reply to #17 @demolition :

We have added +5 more attempts

2019-07-08   #19

Demolition S17 Roma.Zodiac master general.

i got this general recently.but i cant get the angry harm skill to work.i have tried it on most of my artillery units.cant get the skill to work.why?is it because i need the red destroyer unit for this skill to work.why wont it work.

2019-07-08   #20

Reply to #19 @demolition :

Zodiac Master - only works on this unit 

2019-07-09   #21

hello. why not merge servar?

2019-07-09   #22

Reply to #21 @romeomihai :


Which server to merge with which server?

2019-07-09   #23

i play to servars s 43 and hier play only 5-6 players need a merge with all servar

2019-07-09   #24

Reply to #23 @romeomihai :

you can specifically write, with which server you want to go through the merge?

2019-07-09   #25

i thinks se good merge with servar s 55 if not with s9

2019-07-09   #26

Reply to #25 @romeomihai :

I will pass this offer on to specialists.

2019-07-11   #27

JosuaPark s122 Are the rules about alts going to be same as they were before? I have an acct on s124 where there are players there that have 4 or 5 alts scattered in other powers than where their main acct is in. Before the game changed hands this was considered cheating since it gives a player an unfair advantage as far as a player getting kills or being able to control the map. This was considered a bannable offense and players would get banned but were given their accts back after a couple of days and would just go back to using alts again because they knew that they would get their accts back.

2019-07-11   #28

Reply to #27 @josuapark :


Yes, soon, we will deal with this issue, we are for a fair game

2019-07-18   #29

hello admin why not more merge servar?

2019-07-18   #30

Reply to #29 @romeomihai :

Please,click here -> Server merge

2019-07-26   #31

I need a red devil unit to make my camps easier please. Please put red devil unit in top trade in please.

S17 Roma demolition

2019-07-27   #32

Reply to #31 @demolition :

Accepted, we will include(added) this unit in the next event (top trade in)

2019-07-27   #33

why did yall reduce the rewards for GP used to be 1 million rp for 1st place in the GP event.the 5 skillbooks were the same but 1st place was 1000000 rp not just 300000 rp

please give better rewards for this event .my character in s2 manhatten (kip) needs a lot more rp to get better units

2019-07-28   #34

Reply to #33 @demolition :


Be patient, events run differently each time,  with a different number of awards.

2019-07-29   #35

Can you offer this unit in top trade event after the red devil unit. Others want the cdlst unit also. But do the red devil unit next the katyusha 90 unit after the red devil unit. Server S17 Roma demolition character

2019-07-29   #36

Reply to #35 @demolition :


2019-07-31   #37

Reply to #28 @admin :

 i hope you can resolve the issue with alts!

2019-07-31   #38

Reply to #37 @nebelung :


We are working on this, soon will  problem find its solution.

2019-07-31   #39

skrill ödeme sistemini aktif hale getirilmisiniz lütfen paypal türkiyede kapalı

2019-08-01   #40

Reply to #39 @crayzblue :

Teklifinizi uzmanlarımıza ileteceğim.

2019-08-03   #41

when will top trade event happen.also bring back event for festivals and hall of fame too.

2019-08-03   #42

Reply to #41 @demolition :

Very soon

2019-08-06   #43

what skill does soviet 26sniper unit give.demolition s17 roma

2019-08-06   #44

Reply to #43 @demolition :

Resurrection(rebirth after defeat) - the unit after the defeat, returns to the battlefield (with a full hp),also increases attack by 80%, the skill works once and works only in PVE

2019-08-06   #45

what is pve

2019-08-06   #46

Reply to #45 @demolition :

PVE is when you play against NPCs

PVP is when you play against another player

PVE - companies, batlle zones, etc

PVP - arena, coliseum, WW, tower siege, etc.

2019-08-08   #47

Does this Soviet26 sniper skill work in campaigns

2019-08-08   #48

Reply to #47 @demolition :

In theory, it should work, as companies are also considered locations of PVE

2019-08-09   #49

when can i log back in to roma to do my camp.i got disconnected while doing my camp

s17 roma demolition

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