1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2019-10-09   #300

Reply to #297 @demolition :

OK, we will try to do it in the next updates.

2019-10-09   #301

do you have any updates from the experts on lowering the SDA of enemy units in camps 235and above

2019-10-09   #302

Reply to #301 @demolition :

Yes, the decline will be in the update

2019-10-09   #303

Reply to #302 @admin :

When will the update take place. Or has the decline taking place already

2019-10-09   #304

Reply to #303 @demolition :

We will try very hard to have time to update everything until 10/16/2019

2019-10-10   #305

Hello Admin you can put trade in event ? And put Soldier Guerillas or T-Elenent Supply units : thx

2019-10-10   #306

Reply to #305 @romeomihai :
Hi!Yes, we will do it soon

2019-10-10   #307

Do you have any altanative plans to switch from Flash to HTML5 among other things when will finish until the end of 2020?

Or will you close this game at that time?

S137 Britain MertTran

2019-10-10   #308

Reply to #307 @merttran :

No,we will not close the game, we have plans to work in HTML5
There is no reason to worry, our game is the simplest technically and we will quickly resolve this matter.

2019-10-10   #309

Did the update of reducing the SDA in campaigns 240 and above happen yet. If not can you please let me know when it will happen please ty

2019-10-10   #310

Reply to #309 @demolition :

I answered you above: We will try very hard to have time to update everything until 10/16/2019

2019-10-11   #311

how do i use 40 or 50 discount card when i purchase a gold troop in the shop

show me the steps.if i buy the gold troop it says do you want to use gold .if i sayyes do i pay the full price of the unit.even if i got those discount cards in storage

2019-10-11   #312

Reply to #311 @demolition :

it's simple, you buy a unit from the store, a discount card is automatically used, do not block the item in stock

2019-10-11   #313

Hello Admin why you ask so much gold for this units Soldiers Guerillas?  I not have so much gold try to help all players not onli rich players. Thx . Not need more this units

2019-10-11   #314

Reply to #313 @romeomihai :

This unit did not start otherwise

2019-10-12   #315


Why you reduce CDL25T  185 skill from 16% to 8%,and why wen you do updates dont do post here in forum for we know changes you did on game, like used be in past.

i would like too you explain to me how 1 unit ignore 30% sda cant do any damage in enemy units how is that possible.


2019-10-12   #316

Reply to #315 @gerobond :

1. initially there was an error in the mechanics of the unit. We fixed the error that led to such changes.

2. a unit can ignore an attack, but does that mean it should launch an attack? the attack occurs only at the end of the opponent’s turn.
3. we currently do not have global version updates. we are still working on fixing all the errors that exist. Therefore, there is no news.

2019-10-12   #317

Why you reduce CDL25T  185 skill from 16% to 8% why you change everiday to bad and not to help? Give any chance for all players... thx

2019-10-12   #318

reply to 316

1- i have sure in description of unit was 16% i checked that before buy unit now is 8% so dont look was an error

2- that item dont work wen unit atack is controled by me i can use 3 in 3 rounds and use in unit i want and do damage always, but have 1 unit you put in campaign dont do any damage if skill ignore 30% sda is impossible unit dont make any damage.

2019-10-12   #319


I saw gerobond writing and am agree with him dont reduce cdl25t skill its only defending troop and if u reduce will be only crap unit like its many of this cain in shop also if u can try make some interesting silver troops in shop coz normally no chance with any of silver troops become maked camps ,so the reason silver troops its for what ?    with regards enis

2019-10-12   #320

Reply to #317 @romeomihai :

Please read the answers that players receive, no need to repeat the same thing, from repeating the question, the answer will not change.

2019-10-12   #321

Reply to #318 @gerobond :

1.I already answered, the answer does not change from the repeated question.
2. Write the name of the unit(I give you a full description of the skill, so that you understand how the skill works.)

2019-10-12   #322

Reply to #319 @enisharvey :

Please read the answers that players receive, no need to repeat the same thing, from repeating the question, the answer will not change.

2019-10-12   #323

reply 321


1. what you reply about an error in mecanic is not true, you see in picture is descrition of unit now reduce 8% , but was 16 was write there im sure of that i checked before buy unit .it was 8 % at lv 120 ,10% at 140 ,12% at 165 and 16 at 185 i upgraded unit and saw that

2019-10-12   #324

reply 321 

2- is this unit why have some enemys dont do any damage wen have % disregarding SDA?red devil.jpg

2019-10-12   #325

Reply to #323 @gerobond :

Read my answer in its entirety.

The unit worked not correctly, it was with a bug.After correction, naturally % decreased, which is not a mistake(that is, a decrease in% is the result of a unit fix)

2019-10-12   #326

Reply to #324 @gerobond :

80% damage to the enemy in the range 2, ignoring 30% SDA - Red Devil's skill attack ignores enemy 30% SDA

2019-10-12   #327

If ignore 30% SDA why have enemy wen used do 0 damage?

2019-10-12   #328

about CLDT was 16 and now is 8 it was what was in descrition of unit 16 before 8 now, so wa s reduce from 16 to 8 even was to corrected a bug damage should stay on 16 wuold like know why?

2019-10-12   #329

Reply to #327 @gerobond :

You want to say that you did - 0 damage to the enemy? Can you show a screenshot?

In our game, the minimum damage = -1

2019-10-12   #330

Reply to #328 @gerobond :

Dear, when we fixed the technique, the damage was not equal to 16%, but in fact it was only 8%, so we changed everything in the description. We didn’t lower the % ourselves, but fixed the error, that is, the skill had to reduce endurance, but skill CDL25 it reduced both attack and defense, which caused a lot of damage from the skill CDL25.

2019-10-12   #331

reply 329

you only can see that in video you can test in campaign 2 south american cry, try in all enemy units you will find

2019-10-12   #332

reply 330

so you sold us unit telling was 16% wen in really was 8% wen you find mistake you didnt solve for discription you did from unit wen was selling but put in 8 and change discription is that? 

2019-10-12   #333

Reply to #332 @gerobond :

Dear user, as you noticed, the game was integrated from the gamebox, we are working on all the errors, this factor cannot be changed, also any error is revealed during the game process.

2019-10-12   #334

Reply to #331 @gerobond :

Leave your exact nickname and server, we will check this information

2019-10-12   #335

reply 333

I understand that and im glad you working on errors, but what happened 1 unit was sold like have 16% skill and now have 8 % that was not fair for us i bought units thinking 1 thing and its other.Wen i bought unit was after integration , 

reply 334

My nickname is GeroBond server 17 if you test campaign 2 south american cry u find 1 enemy unit red devel skill dont do any damage like any other batle item, CLDT skill dont do damage too, even other units have big SDA batle items almost dont do damage what i figure dont worth more buy batle items becouse almost dont do damage.

2019-10-12   #336

Reply to #335 @gerobond :

Dear user, does not cause damage and almost does not cause damage - these are different expressions, when you write, write specifically what exactly is wrong, as other users not understand you,when are read you.

CDL25 - at the moment it has no errors,% cannot be changed (if we write 16% in the discription -  it will not be valid  in unit mechanics)

2019-10-12   #337

wen i use bombing ,gas bomb and some other items in campaign almost dont do damage in enemy units becouse SDA enemy units its to hight that is after level 230 , after 240 in camp 2 and 5 have 1 unit batle items and at least red devil skill and CLDT skill  dont do any damage. so batle items almost dont help enemy units have big stamina and HP how is supose do camps without spend 2 or 3 k gold to do only 1 camp, some good buyers quit from game becouse that dont was to spend 5 or 6 k gold to upgrade 1 level.

sorry my english not big thing

2019-10-12   #338

Reply to #337 @gerobond :

So this is not issue a Red Devil or CDL

this is not a problem at all, you just started writing now what you had to write from the very beginning, that is, you should have written that the SDA of enemy units is very large and you cannot inflict significant damage on them ...

Now regarding this - we are trying to solve this is, that is, reduce the NPC's SDA

2019-10-12   #339

like i told have 1 enemy unit red devil dont do damage and only 1 and should do becouse if enemy have 100% SDA and red devil ignore 30% should do some damage CLDT dont know if ignore SDA but think no, CLDT % is other problem i bought wen you tell have 16% and in realy only have 8% and i feel cheated becouse that

2019-10-12   #340

Reply to #339 @gerobond :

CDL25 - at the moment it has no errors,% cannot be changed (if we write 16% in the discription -  it will not be valid  in unit mechanics) Current 6% is a valid skill CDL25 ...

If we write 16% in the description, this will not be a valid figure, since after the bug was fixed, the damage from the skill fell several times, that is, exactly 8%. So, we will now listen to you and write 16%, then you write that the description and damage are not true.

The damage of the skill cannot be increased. Understand this already.

2019-10-13   #341

Reply to #339 @gerobond :

Like this: I found an error:

240-245 - 2 room - the upper tower - no damage was done.

240-245 - 5 room - lower tower - no damage was done.

On Monday, we will begin to fix this, on Wednesday everything will work.This is a technical error and is not related to SDA.

All you had to write about the problem in more detail !!! The whole day you search, the skill does not work, the NPC has 100% SDA, it was enough to take a screenshot of the problem floors of the camp and indicate the level of camp

2019-10-13   #342

Reply to #339 @gerobond :

I'm glad that we figured it out, wait, soon we will solve this problem.

2019-10-13   #343

Hello Admin why not put all general to general exchange? Auchinleck ; Evil Santa ; Timochenko ; why not put this general to exchange?

2019-10-13   #344

Reply to #343 @romeomihai :

We will all do it soon

2019-10-13   #345

Reply to #344 @admin :

Thx we will waiting that 

2019-10-13   #346

Reply to #345 @romeomihai :

Have a nice game!

2019-10-14   #347

Will there be an event for Halloween 

2019-10-14   #348

Reply to #347 @coby2407 :


Take your time, everything will be =)) (soon)

2019-10-14   #349

ask the experts to reduce the SDA by half for camps 240 and above.thanks

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