1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2019-09-25   #250

Reply to #249 @adolf :

How can we help you?

I told you yesterday that try 160+ 

2019-09-25   #251

I'm not stupid. i know 160+ but it won't come. only other shit comes, not g180 armor. this infantry weaponry is already angry.

2019-09-25   #252

Reply to #251 @adolf :

I don’t understand how can I help you?

We do not control a random chance

2019-09-25   #253

No g180 armor in 4 months. 7-10 games every day. still 0. lucky draw is also a pointless thing. No generals or machines in 5-6 years. 3 times only ireceived gold. the rest other scum. I try to take one place for 3-4 months in a row, nothing. so if I swap generals and machines and gold where I haven't been in 3-4 months. when i start taking the same place again, scum. playing lotto wins more often than playing at the same place.

2019-09-26   #254

Reply to #253 @adolf :

Please open rating.Do you see players with a high level?

So they all received this equipment in their time in 160+ and 162+ zones, which means you will succeed

2019-09-26   #255

i see 31 players with lv 160-164. only 1 has g180 armor.

2019-09-26   #256

Reply to #255 @adolf :

So the drawing is falling out, I repeat, we do not control a random chance, I’ll ask our specialists to check everything - again

2019-09-26   #257

For 200-300 battles, you should still be able to carry as much as 2 g180armor.

2019-09-26   #258

Reply to #257 @adolf :

160 +  will be re-checked.Please wait, it will take some time.

2019-09-27   #259



  Hi! When we can have reinforcement order for campaign?

2019-09-27   #260

I'm doing research. who has got 160+ g180 armor? I haven't won at least 300 battles.

2019-09-27   #261

Reply to #259 @kudarat :

What do you mean?

2019-09-27   #262

Reply to #260 @adolf :

Dear user! The answer above is given to you, please be patient and expect. No need to flood in forum

2019-09-27   #263

i didn't get the g180 armor either. gives only the rest

2019-09-27   #264

Reply to #263 @yozsi :

Try to find a drawing in zone 160+ Somalia

2019-09-27   #265

Reply to #257 @adolf :

Please check your storage, there should be bluepring of G180 [offensive] armored x2

2019-09-28   #266

please investigate how many +160 somalia battles you need to do to get g180 armor? 300-400 battles and 0 g180 armor. what is the winning% 0.000 ....?

2019-09-28   #267

Reply to #266 @adolf :

Please check your storage, there should be bluepring of G180 [offensive] armored x2

Unfortunately, the % chance of getting unknown and also not disclosed.

2019-09-28   #268

they should also do something with the lottery. I only get rubbish from there. never got a machine or a general. gold 3 times. all this within 5-6 years. at the moment, only 8 debris came in just 8 turns.

2019-09-28   #269

tnx. had 2 g180armor placed.

2019-09-28   #270

Reply to #268 @adolf :
Take your time, get lucky

Reply to #269 @adolf :

Have a nice game

2019-09-29   #271

Reply to #270 @admin :

Can corrosion agent items be used in campaigns?

2019-09-29   #272

Reply to #271 @demolition :

No,only on player units,not on NPC units

2019-09-29   #273

well then in my camps the battle items have very little effect on enemy units in camps 235 and above.the SDA of these enemy units are way too high.how about lowering the SDA of these enemy units.it is like what gerobond said.the camps in 240 level has an enemy stationery gun that battle items have no effect on it.yall need to reduce the SDA levels an all enemy units in camps.especially 235 and above camps.may it fair for us please.

2019-09-29   #274

also the ww kills did not reset and we got no ice fragments at 1 hr b4 reset tonight.

2019-09-29   #275

Reply to #273 @demolition :

I will send your message to the experts.

2019-09-29   #276

i still have a lot of friends here that need red devil units and aura tanks.can you put these in next top trade in please.also i still have a lot of ice fragments.can you exchange them for blitz S items and gas bomb items pleaseand also event for festivals again that is very helpful for us to get battle items.for camps.

2019-09-29   #277

Reply to #276 @demolition :

We will try to do it.

2019-09-30   #278

Any update from the experts on lowering the SDA of enemy units in camps 235 and above.

2019-09-30   #279

Reply to #278 @demolition :

I will send your message to the experts.

2019-10-03   #280

any news from the experts about camps 235 and above

2019-10-03   #281

Reply to #280 @demolition :

Unfortunately,news will not be earlier than the 8th

2019-10-04   #282


is it right that we need 80,000  gold to integrate general Zodiac Master S ?   https://prnt.sc/peg9wm

2019-10-04   #283

Reply to #282 @kurtolsen :

The price of integration depends on the type officer, for example: an ordinary orange officer - in the integration costs 8,000 gold.

Special officers (type event)in the integration costs 80,000 gold 

2019-10-04   #284

If that's the case, why don't you sell "Subsitute General Series" for a change?  

After merged, it's very difficult to use General Integration because you always only sell General Fusion Medals and Conscription II,III but never sell "Substitute General Series".  

In your rule, if you want to integrate some general, you need General Fusion Medals and two same class of regular or Substitute Generals.  

You always sell the same thing in Flash Sale.  So, we can buy Conscription II and III though, it's ghost chance to get general A or A+ and need two same class regular generals.

In that case, it's not easy way to integrate generals unless you sell "Substitute General Series".

Do you know what I mean?

Thank you.

2019-10-04   #285

Reply to #284 @merttran :

You can easily integrate officer up to A + , medals are on flash-sale. Regarding integration up to S, an integration function is also available, you just have to wait for the appearance of the S medal to integrate the officer up to S type.

For integration up to S
You need an officer who will be integrated х1
and two different officers with A + rank also would do. The game has all the possibilities to integrate any officer up to A +.

We also added the General Medal-S in the flash sale.

2019-10-05   #286

can you put gold joy in the game please.i need to fuse bps

2019-10-05   #287

and when will you put top trade inback in the game please

2019-10-06   #288

Reply to #286 @demolition :

can you put gold joy in the game please.i need to fuse bps - Ok we will do it soon

and when will you put top trade inback in the game please - what is the top trade? 

2019-10-06   #289

Reply to #288 @admin :

When will you put gold joy in the game. Will it be now.

2019-10-06   #290

Reply to #289 @demolition :

as soon as the Score Exchange event is completed 

2019-10-07   #291

in the next top trade in event please put aura tank red devil unit and soviet guerillas unit.

2019-10-07   #292

Reply to #291 @demolition :

Ok, we will do it soon

2019-10-07   #293

i need good to go event to get rare g240  tank bp please

2019-10-07   #294

Reply to #293 @demolition :

Ok, we will do it

2019-10-08   #295

It's taking a lot of instances to fuse 1 bp.over 70 trophies. If you can't reduce the number of trophies it takes to fuse 1 BP then give us 4 trophies per instance instead of 2 like it is now

2019-10-08   #296

Reply to #295 @demolition :

Dear user!

The mechanics of assembling equipment have never changed and will not be changed. You want everything at once, it doesn’t! Fight in the battle zones, collect trophies, that is, how everyone does it all the time.

2019-10-09   #297

i need for you to upgrade the exchange function in the game.i cant exchange from high trophy A to high trophy X in exchange and also i cant exchange from high trophy X to high trophy NM.

exchange 1.PNG

2019-10-09   #298

also can you upgrade rewards for watch tower.the best trophy i can get in watch tower is high trophy C.how about giving higher trophies like high trophy X as a reward instead of high trophy C

exchange 2.PNG

2019-10-09   #299

Reply to #298 @demolition

give better rewards for watch tower please.with high trophy X trophies please.

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