90 Replies | Last update 2023-03-02
2021-05-19   #50

Are any of the morse accts in these pics linked to each other or any of the other accts that they fought against. If so this is why I say that all alt and twink accts should no longer allowed to be used in HOF. Two of the accts in that list are not even lvl 20. One is a lvl 7 and the other is lvl 14.




2021-05-19   #51

Reply to #50 @josuapark :

Lefty - 
MorseGod - 
Morse.S134 - 
Morse.S2 - 
Morse.S136 - 
JranStrong - 
blocked until the end of HOF event

2021-09-27   #52

Dont think its working

2021-09-27   #53

Reply to #52 @coby2407 :


2021-09-27   #54

Reply to #53 @admin :

Hall of fame

2021-09-27   #55

Reply to #54 @coby2407 :

I will check this

: Disabled, we will try to enable it after updating the version

2022-01-18   #56

big boss.png

Is BIG BOSS and the player he is matching up with the same person? These two accts only match up with each other so they are either the same person or they are in a contractual agreement to to help big boss in HOF standings

2022-01-18   #57




are any of the accts that have matched up with _2022_ s9 linked to that acct?

2022-01-18   #58

Reply to #57 @josuapark :

blocked until the end of HOF event

2022-01-20   #59



Is KurtOlsen s9 and Helper the same person? Is MG42, StuGiv, and Trom the same person? Those 3 accts are all under lvl 90. Is AgerJak s9 the same person as Ager Jak.s55

2022-01-20   #60

Reply to #59 @josuapark :

Ager Jak.S55
 KurtOlsen  - blocked until the end of HOF event

2022-01-20   #61



Names in these photos looked familiar so I went back and checked past HOF bans. KurtOlsen and Helper are the same person since those accts have been banned in the past and HabipMstfa and HattoMstfa are the same person and have been banned in past HOFs. HabipMstfa is not matching with his alt but is running his alt in HOF with his main which if I understand the rules correctly is not allowed

2022-01-21   #62

ZULU.S137blocked until the end of HOF event

— Any use of an alternate account in the HOF event leads in blocking the alternative account until the end of the HOF.[in a contentious situation, an account that has a low level of development is considered an alternative account.]

EltarMayo blocked until the end of HOF event

2022-04-26   #63

LeifBrock S137

Hall Of Fame listesini güncellermisiniz sıralama yı takip etmek için ?

2022-04-26   #64

Reply to #63 @leifbrock :

Reytingdeki herhangi bir oyuncu, ilk savaşı yaptıktan sonra anında 500 puanlık bir sıfırlama alır.

2022-04-27   #65

well was not me who used my acc in HOF i want know how change my pass im trying and cant do 


2022-04-27   #66

Sayın Admin 

LeifBrock S 137

Güç bakımından bayağı aşağıda 

HOF un bir acığı olabilir mi ?

2022-04-27   #67

Reply to #67 @gerobond :

You do not need to change your password as our system used your account in HOF to reset rating.

2022-04-27   #68

Reply to #65 @josuapark :

It is our system that used these accounts to reset to 500 points, as some of the players retained their rating from the last HOF event and did not fight in battle so that points would not be reset. These battles were necessary for the system to correctly calculate the real HOF points for these players

2022-04-27   #69

Were you doing the same thing for my demolition account also

2022-04-27   #70

Reply to #71 @demolition :

Your points are saved with the last HOF event so that the system correctly calculates your real rating, namely, your real points since the start of the event were 500. You had to fight one battle for this to be displayed. This is what our system has done instead of you

2022-04-27   #71

Reply to #68 @leifbrock :

Puanlarınız son HOF etkinliğiyle birlikte kayd ediliyden,böylece sistem gerçek puanınızı doğru bir şekilde hesaplaması için,yani etkinliğin başlangıcından bu yana gerçek puanlarınız 500'dü. Bunun gösterilmesi için bir savaşta savaşmanız gerekiyordu.Sistemimiz sizin yerinize bunu yaptı

2022-04-27   #72

Аfter the launch HOF, everyone was warned that in order for the HOF to correctly count your ratings, you need to fight one battle in the event. So that there is no injustice in HOF.Due to ignoring our messages, we have activated the system of random battles.Our system used automatic battles with interacting with specified accounts in HOF.Therefore,there is no reason for concern.

2022-04-27   #73


S 137

O zaman Hof başlangıcından itibaren yaptığımız savaşlar boşunamıydı ?

(Resim istermisiniz sisteminizden bakarmısınız)

Birde hatta olmadığım da benimle nasıl karşılaşabilir ve yenebilir beni 

Hem kendine puan alıp hem de benim puanımı düşürmek nasıl bir şeydir?

2022-04-27   #74

Reply to #73 @leifbrock :

İşin teknik kısmını söyleyemem. Mevcut HOF etkinliğinin başlangıcından bu yana savaşmadığınızı ve kişisel puanınızın 500 puan olduğunu belirledik, ancak yanılmıyorsam 545 veya 554 puan listesine yansıdı.

2022-04-27   #75

Ekran Görüntüsü (11).png

Savaşmadıysam bu liste nedir?

Daha atabilirim....

Hof başlangıcından itibaren ;

Kızılelma,Kımneal,Veloraptor,Agerjak la nasıl görünüyor peki ?

2022-04-27   #76

Is LeifBrock s9 and ZULU. s137 the same person?


2022-04-28   #77

Reply to #76 @josuapark :

LeifBrock, ZULU.S137blocked until the end of HOF event

2022-04-28   #78



Neden ?

2022-04-28   #79

Reply to #78 @leifbrock :

Bu paragraf sizin için geçerli değil. Kuralların bu bölümünü siz ihlal ediliyorsunuz — If the battles between the main account and the alternate account match at least once, then both accounts are blocked until the end of the HOF event [Repeated violation will add another 10 days to the existing blocking period]

2022-05-02   #80

are the accts of kolos s3 NicoPatton, and LuxGreen the same person?


2022-05-02   #81

Or is En1sharvey s9 linked to kolos, NicoPatton, or LuxGreen

2022-05-03   #82

En1sharvey, kolos, NicoPatton, LixGreen - blocked until the end of HOF event

2022-09-05   #83

HattoMstfa s9, HabipMstfa s9, BillMorris s2, and EltarMayo s2 are all the same person and are matching up in HOF.


2022-09-05   #84

Reply to #83 @josuapark :

HattoMstfa, HabipMstfa, BillMorris, EltarMayo, JokoStout - blocked until the end of HOF event

2022-09-07   #85

Because of past bans I know that AgerJak s9, Tr0m and MG42 are the same person and this person matched up two of those accts in HOF. Is the acct of Palul Stefan the same person as well?


2022-09-07   #86

Is GurolOwens and GurolOwen2 the same person?


2022-09-08   #87

Is NihatHaynes s2, NihatOlson s2, and Sikorski s2 the same person


2022-09-08   #88

Fb s9 matched with his alt FbFb


2022-09-10   #89

Is josuapark and Wizz same player? You need to check h of f is they are.

2022-09-11   #90

All of the above players who had the same log in game address were banned until the end of HOF. In the new update, we will try to set a level limit for entry.

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