Hall of Fame [HOF]

By admin at 2019-08-29 • 2 collector • 7094 pageviews

Dear users!

If you encounter a violation during the HOF event, be sure to write in this thread.

1. Your nickname and server

2. Screenshot from the history of HOF (where the violation be visible)

2. Nicknames and server number of the players who committed the violation.

All discussions in the topic will be deleted!

90 Replies | Last update 2023-03-02
2019-08-29   #1
  1. Maren - S131 Bytom! 

  2. 2x the same player and attacks each other, that was the 2nd consecutive day. (ZloiAlex against ZloiAlex2) http://prntscr.com/oyyfbg

  3. ZloiAlex ; I do not know servers

2019-08-29   #2

Reply to #1 @maren :

S138 ZloiAlex-ZloiAlex2- Banned

2019-09-03   #3

Reply to #5 @josuapark :

IкαяαкαηI and IFiKRETI - Banned

2019-10-17   #4

S137 fox and S137 hmt 
S137 AvniGuerra and Shadow.S124
S137 ZaMaRaNo and S137 Fb  
Ibrahim S137 and S137 İsTaNBuLLu - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-01-10   #5

S137 fox and S137 hmt  - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-01-15   #6

S137 HattoMstfa and S137 HabipMstfa
S38 JonnyLeon and S38 Annette - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-01-15   #7

S137 Fb and S137 FbFb
S72 AklCantu and S137 ALiR
S137 Ibrahim and S137 BeLa blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-01-20   #8

S17 GeroBond and S19 gb
S7 skin and S8 Krok
S137 ZaMaRaNo 
- blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-01-20   #9

Dear players!

Before asking questions read the rules of the game!


2020-03-17   #10

S137 HattoMstfa and S137 HabipMstfa 
GrimReaper.S45 and JosuaP   blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-05-29   #11


Demolition s9 is quitting fights against other s9 players to help them get points in HOF

2020-05-30   #12

Guess you've not read rules

2020-05-30   #13

Reply to #11 @josuapark :

The player has 70 serial victories, the system does not give him opponents, therefore the number of points does not change for this player. And according to the innovation in the rules, a player above 20+ serial victories has the right to lose one battle so that the system can find opponents.

2020-05-30   #14

ok I understand that but a player should have to take a chance on who beats him since if he notifies a certain player that he needs to lose a battle to reset his serial victories he is entering a contractual agreement to help another player which is against your rules. Resetting your serial victories should be something anybody could benefit from not just your friends.

2020-05-30   #15

Reply to #14 @josuapark :

in the rules there is nothing about the fact that a defeat can be obtained only from a friend, one defeat can be obtained from any player.

2020-06-03   #16

are the accts of Helper s55, adolf s55 and KurtOlsen s55 linked to each other. If they aren't they are working together to help out KurtOlsen. Those 3 accts are always fightin each other. Adolf comes in to lose to helper and then kurtolsen comes in to beat helper.

2020-06-03   #17

Reply to #16 @josuapark :

No, these players are not connected by anything other than competition, they are in different fractions and also different players.

2020-06-07   #18

GrimReaper.S45 and pakalolo.S41 blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-06-08   #19

AsmusAdams ........adolf


işte bu yüzden HOF yapmıyorıum.....

Sadece düz oynuyorum ve seyrediyorum...

2020-06-08   #20

Reply to #19 @leifbrock :

These players, in addition to being on different servers, and are also different people.

2020-06-09   #21

Ibrahim S137 and S137 BeLa - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-08-21   #22


2020-08-24   #23

Buddy S122, bealive S15 and KPG S8 - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-08-24   #24

KurtOlsen s55 and Helper s55 are in a contractual agreement to help each other in HOF. These two player will only fight each other unless someone gets luck enough to be matching up when they are and catches one of them. This has been going on for the past 4 or 5 HOF events



2020-08-24   #25

KurtOlsеn S103, Helper S103 - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-08-25   #26

Reply to #23 @admin :

Buddy S122, bealive S15 en KPG S8 - geblokkeerd tot het einde van het HOF-evenement

2020-08-25   #27

Reply to #26 @kpgtheboss :
You have received the full answer in a private message.

2020-08-29   #28

Can your techs check to see if the IP address of Demolition s9 is linked to the acct of GstaGibson s9 again.

2020-08-29   #29

Reply to #28 @josuapark :

Different players.No violations were recorded for the accounts.

2020-09-03   #30

Screenshot 2020-09-03 at 2.48.03 PM.pngCan you check Demolition and JosuaPark fight 1 intentional loss, need photo of win streak

2020-09-04   #31

Reply to #30 @random :

No violations were recorded

2020-11-24   #32

my streak was 31.


2020-11-25   #33

Reply to #32 @demolition :

ОК - Permission issue for 1 loss.

2020-12-01   #34

Hiya i think skinS2 is cheating with zt and zty regards mikey66 s9

2020-12-02   #35

Reply to #34 @mikey1966 :

skin S7, zt S8, zty S7  - blocked until the end of HOF event

2020-12-06   #36

my streak was 25.1 loss permitted.


Reply to #36 @demolition :

ОК - Permission issue for 1 loss.

2020-12-06   #37



    Kindly check the matches between Demolition and GstaGibson the last 2 days. Demolition lost 2 times, both intentional. I think it's unfair to give the fight in order to raise the ranking of other player.

2020-12-07   #38

Reply to #37 @kudarat :

According to the rules of the game, each player can lose 1 time with the maximum striles number.

— Reset serial Victory

During HOF battles, only one intentional defeat is allowed to a player with 20+ series of victories (why it is needed - this is necessary in order to facilitate the work of the system in the search for an opponent for the player.)

2020-12-07   #39



    Demolition don't have 20+ victories between his 1st  and 2nd intentional loss to GistaGibson, it happened in 2 days.

2020-12-07   #40


   Pls. check his last 2 losses GistaGibson. Demolition didn't have 20+ win so he is not allowed for another 1 intentional loss.

2020-12-08   #41

Reply to #39 @kudarat :
Hi, please look here


2020-12-08   #42



     Thanks for the response but it looks weird.

The streak 31 was 13 days ago.


13 days ago   #32

my streak was 31.




13 days ago   #33

Reply to #32 @demolition :

ОК - Permission issue for 1 loss.

The streak 25 wa 2 days ago. 


2 days ago   #36

my streak was 25.1 loss permitted.


Reply to #36 @demolition :

ОК - Permission issue for 1 loss.

But he lost 2x the last 2 days to GstaGibson. And his 3rd time he lost GstaGibson in 15days. It's just weird but thanks for the response maybe I'm wrong.

13 days ago#32

2020-12-09   #43

Reply to #47 @kudarat :

After he drops the strikes, but very quickly gains 20 strikes, since the opponents are quickly located. This player knows how the violation of the rules of the game usually ends, so do not worry, we are watching everything

2021-02-07   #44

streak 27 i couldnt battle ended up losing dont know why.


2021-02-07   #45

Reply to #44 @demolition :

At the moment, there is a potential opponent in the rating: monster01, so there is no need to reset the strike.

2021-02-20   #46


whether the gift from the HOF has been sent?

2021-02-21   #47

Reply to #46 @nathan :

2021-02-21 00:05:09 at the specified time, you received and took the reward!

2021-05-14   #48

Are the accts of HattoMstfa s9, HabipMstfa s9, BillMorris, and EltarMayo linked to each other in any way?



2021-05-15   #49

Reply to #48 @josuapark :

HattoMstfa, HabipMstfa, BillMorris, EltarMayo  - blocked until the end of HOF event

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