i bought 6000 gold the other day but i did not get my gold return from investment tonight at reset.S17 demolition.
Reply to #456 @demolition :
You made a contribution to the event on the 14th , and you immediately received 2000 coins (1 deposit day)
On the 15th day you got 1000 coins (2 deposit day)
And according to the conditions of the event, only on the 4th and 8th day should you still get 1000 and 2000
You need to wait a bit)
4th deposit day November 17
8th deposit day November 21
Is it possible to change the email I use to login my account in the game. Or do I got to use the same email
1 more favor please.can you put event for festivals for thanksgiving please.
in past years we used to get gold when our birthday came once a year.can you do something like that like the former administrator did.
Reply to #467 @demolition :
When registering on our game portal - we do not ask players to enter such a date, because this date can be confirmed by only with the help of an identity document. We cannot request this from players
But we can run the system message line with Congratulations.
How many Dogtags will you provide?
i don't know how to deal with OLD Dogtags (Ex Ⅴ and Ⅸ etc.).
May i sell these OLD Dogtags or keep them someday when they can exchange some good things?
Or have you planed to any exchange events between old one to new one?
i hope we can exchenge dogtags for gold. It's the best way to utilise them effectively.
MertTran S-137 Britain
can you put medal storage slots in the flash sale like you do with other storage slots
can you eliminate the timer to collect gold for an alliance to right after landrush?instead of it resetting at start of landrush.then counting down 5 hrs after landrush ends.and then the countdown dont restart until 20 minutes after landrush ends.why not lets us collect our reward right after landrush ends.it should be this way after every landrush.
can you put instances for sale in flash sale and put experience in lucky draw please
thanks.i would like to buy 50 instance chances please
i have a 60 percent off briefcase.will it work on a unit in the flash sale.
I'm the last member of my Alliance that still plays this game, I'm also Staff, but I can't offer any new member a Staff position because I didn't create the Alliance... I need to know how I can take control of this Alliance in an attempt to grow it?
Thank-You for answering me... The server is S128 & the Leader is NorisRose2, the Alliance is called Aftermath & my name there is BLCornett... I'm the last Staff member that still plays... Again, Thank-You for answering me... I appreciate any help you can offer...
When are you guys going to post your game rules? I asked about this about a month ago and your response at that time was that later on that week you were going to post game rules and here it is a month later and still nothing. I realise you are busy with other things but you could at least tell us players that the game rules are still the same as they were before you guys took over and that you will update the rules to what you want once you get time to actually make some game rules. The alt situation on some servers has gotten out of control because you have not posted or enforced rules about alts being in other powers than your main acct and alts fighting in the same city as your main acct on the ww map. It used to be that if a player had multiple accts on one server all those accts had to be in the same power as the players main acct. Also the person could not run his alts with his main acct in the same city during a fight. The only time the main and alts could be in the same city is if they were passing through and going in different directions.
when will you put top trade in again.a lot of players need red devil and aura tank units in the game.and a lot of them wont recharge that much to get red devil unit from daily recharge.they may recharge a little but not that much for sure to get it in daily recharge.what about putting it in flash sale.but most would rather you put those units in top trade in.put lower level red devil and aura tanks in flash sale .they may do that.why not try that.
Reply to #490 @admin :
Why not put it like you did b4.all aura tanks in top exchange by getting dog tags and progressing to better aura tanks by doing instances. And do the same with red devil units.and use dog tag no.9.then on the 3rd page trade ice fragments for instance chances. Also let us trade in coupons from lucky wheel for something. Please
Hi i am LendMckay S123.
Why dont you fix red devil skill's bug?
Red devil can use skill many times before starting battle in the ww.
No high level unit, equipment, or general can beat red devil at lvl1.
I am in troble because I can not do anything in the ww.
I have no choice but to quit this game.
hello admin why only 6 day this event trade in please put more day and put more tickets
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how long b4 you put top trade in back in the game.a lot of my friends need red devil and aura tank units