Ok, what kinda time frame are we looking at with this? a week a month a year? I dont want to badger you or the devs over this issue, but imo this is a whopper of an issue with the basic congruity of the game, (hence why its the first matter i am bringing forward) a matter im very unsure of why it hasnt been put right long before this time. Some direction & insight on the actions the devs / yourself are taking on this ticket would be appreciated thanks again for you time and effort.
Thank you, i really amn't wanting to be pushy lol. its a 7 year old game am i right? its perplexing why its not been delt with sooner tbh. I've seen so many alt accts and teaming going on in ww it saddens me that people cant be trusted to play fair and there is a definite need for tighter controls in matters like this.
any idea when the easter event will start??? thanks..
Ok, i think i understand there is a transitional process at work atm regarding the game. Of course i will be patient, it is after all a game and supposed to be a fun and relaxing activity, lol. Thanks again.. Are there more than 1 moderator(s) staffing this forum or will i be dealing with you always?
Reply to #161 @admin :
Yes i now but you can put this medal to fuse: http://prntscr.com/rwsc7x
hier you have to exchange A+ you can put and to exchange A
Hello Admin you can merge servars S9 with S55 please hier not have more players onli 6-7 players please put merge servers. Thanks
Ha ha ha onli you demolition not need merge why you finks if you send mesage with coby2407 i not se you are demolition. to game have onli 6-7 players all his chickens admin can ceck that
Because of you this game is no longer as it was and more and more players stop .
can you guys maybe keep flash sale in the game at all times from now on. I wanted to do some campaigns this weekend but now I see you have taken out flash sale and now I can't buy any campaign chances which means I am at a stand still unless I buy the chances one at a time which is ridiculously too expensive to do that way.
I understand that but you also need to understand that I only have one or maybe 2 days a week and it is on the weekends where I can sit for an hour straight without interruptions to do campaigns. Rest of my time I am working or have things to do around my home so my time is limited.
Hey, ok so now that the easter event is finished (and a good event it was thank you) can we proceed with the suggestions/discussion regards the issues within the world war we were looking at before easter?
To refresh memories of my suggestion, i asked if the devs can make it so that an alliance can only have players of one power as members. i.e. an alliance that has soviet, axis or allies listed as its power only able to have players with matching power types.
Theres a few very serious problems with the W.W one of them being the fact that there is no congruity of powers means that alliances have no real drive to challenge and fight in the ww. it also helps with the cheating thats going on in ww regards the pursuit of ice fragments and loot chests from occupying cities. The rigging of play by certain accounts is utterly destroying competion in the game and at alot of times, plays a part in locking lower level players out of the ww altogether.
i believe my request is a small (and a very easily implemented) step in the right direction i think we need to stop the organised cheating thats ruining the competitive nature of the ww game and turning it into little more than another click collect type of monotinous chore. Lets start making ww competitive and engaging, i think this will set us in that direction.
I have more ideas/complaints to make regards ww but will leave those for after this idea is discussed. thank you.
p.s if you are a player of the game and have read my post above please wade in and support my idea. its an effort for us all. t.y
Hi, further to my suggestion above (regarding alcs & factions) i think also upon reflection that another item be added to this as it is intrinsically conected to it.
Would'nt it be in line with my proposal to also have all alt accounts bound to the same alliance? this i believe is part of the fundamental honestey of the game and in my opinion a massive blind spot where alot of the cheating has been going on in ww and alc wars. (using alt accounts in different alcs during alc war & ww has been being used to unbalance the game and reap rewards unfairly)
Just an addendum if you like.. It's perfectly reasonable, fair for all and a fix to a very wide gap thats being exploited i think thanks for your time and apologies for adding this after the ticket is already being considered.
Yes, i understand this is the way that it currently is, but in line with attempting to redress balance flaws in the basic structuring of the rules, wouldnt this be a good idea? The need to stamp out cheating and agreements between players and the positioning of alt accounts in different alcs and powers is in dire need in this game.
Are the devs so very keen for there to be a gaping hole within alc wars that some players are teaming and using alts to ensure their chosen accounts get the rewards (gold etc). WW & alc wars are a broken bareley playable mess. I think & feel action is desperately needed This is at least a rule that would allow for action if & when the rules are broken. please please can this be considered for implementation?
thanks for your time
Reply to #185 @nikolai :
The fact is that the creation of alt accounts and their use will always be a priority for those who want to break the rules of the game
Therefore, first of all, we will try fix everything on a mechanical level, and then we will think about how to proceed.
thanks, i dont wanna badger people honestly! I think the game would truely benefit from this. i'm happy for people to have alts (i might make some myself) but they should be bound to one allegiance in power and alc - otherwise the game will have zero congruity and unscrupulous knobs will exploit it to their advantage at the cost to the other players and the wellness of the game. i believe that the devs want the game to be sucessful, as i do too. thanks for time again
Since there is still a big problem with alts in the game and it is next to impossible to figure out who all they belong to I was wondering if you would consider adding to the game rules a rule that if the majority of the members of an alc belong to one power then everyone in that alc has to belong to that power. Example if 99% of an alc members belong to soviet and there are only one or two members that belong to allies or axis then those members have to move to soviets or all the soviet players in the alc have to move to allies or axis. Right now s21 has a player who started out as a soviet has been playing for at least 4 years and is still only lvl 88 which is a good indicator of being an alt and is the only allied player in his alc the rest are soviets and everyday he does whatever he can to help the soviet side out by keeping them in a big buff all the time
Reply to #190 @josuapark :
Everything will take effect on Friday.
We have already fixed this, now we will send a letter to all leaders of the Alliances, so that they remove players from other factions from the alliance.From now on, alliances will be able to be attended by players of only one faction.
Hi ok this is a suggestion that i think has to do with peoples sanity in the game..... please for the love of god stop with the needless scrolling messages all the time.. i like the scrolling messages that tell us a vip player logged in, i like the messages that announce activities & events are starting - but i do not need to know (nor do i give a damn) if so n so has fused whatever blueprint or has recruited whatever famous general..on & on & on & on & on & on... you get the point lol!
in list format,,
fusing of blueprints - i dont think anyone but the person doing this cares.
general recruitment - its really anoying. really really really... Its nt interesting to others & invokes rage after seeing it several dozen times in a day...
the turkey only players anouncement - put this & other regional & connectivity matters in the chat box at log in if needs be?
the click to learn about recharge bonuses - click what? the scrolling message? (i know you mean the recharge button - but its not really explanatory to new players (who the message would have any real relevance for.) again put this in the chat box at log in?
I think it might be more pertinent and useful if the scrolling box at log in and at other times were used for upcoming & current running events and games? An idea for your consideration...
thanks for your time,
ive tried clicking it before. it doesnt do anything. it might be that adblockers wont let it open the recharge paypal page? i assume most people use add blockers these days, if not then their loss lol. point stands, its not really what you'd expect to see scrolling at log in all the time. the over-all feel of these messages (not that there are messages scrolling) but that the content is a bit lapsidaisical / somewhat hodged together / unnecessary information / unprofessional perhaps..
The scrolling messaging system really could do with a good buff tbh it would improve an important resource for the players and improve the professional look to the game.
Reply to #194 @nikolai :
No, this is just a link to a forum where there is information about receiving bonuses. This message can be clicked only in the game chat, and not on the game background.
click-->Monthly bonus from recharge!
ok so i just logged out in back in again - no it dont link to anything.there is an attempt for it to link to something.. a grab icon appears on it nothing else though. there might be a broken link there. but the operational status of it isnt really my point. my point is its usefulness and it being rather out of place. (to click this link one has to screen grab and drag away from buildings in the city or you would open those boxes instead - not many would bother with this process lol)
Reply to #196 @nikolai :
This message cannot be opened against the background of buildings, it appears after a while in the game chat, where you can click.And this message is very useful for people who make payments, according to the table that opens, players can calculate their bonuses for the month.
All system messages are part of a useful mechanism, unfortunately, it is impossible to disable them.
for example:
In the same case, with the VIP player who enters the game, quite a lot of players are waiting for their friend to enter the game to go with him in instances or WW
yes i see that its in the chat box (what need is there then for the scrolling message?) any player that wants to calc their bonuses wont need that info every time at log in? there is the direct button to that, no? The point i made regards the 'holistic' scrolling message system was that everything that scrolls at start up and the announcements regards other players activities makes little sense and most of the time povides nothing but ire to the players. if you (the game) want to offer your wares, then a least make it intelligible and dont cheapen the games face for it. i'm sure most of the traffic that idles by would not be impressed with the way it appears tbh.
Requires Login
will do, i'll give it a week and see what, if any, changes are made then see where to go from there