1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2019-12-27   #550

its 1st time we dont have christmas event or reward we used guet in christmas,easter ,etc

2019-12-27   #551

Reply to #550 @gerobond :

Before write, you need to read the answers on page 11

--> ttps://i.gyazo.com/a5bfc4289ed588ceacd6da61310a6e88.png

2019-12-27   #552

U can put event now but in christmas we dont had event, now better call him new year event

2019-12-27   #553

Reply to #552 @gerobond :

Each event has a time (start time and end time) therefore, the start of the Christmas event in time would not have been possible to launch the New Year event.

Just be patient, everything will be on time, as described above.

2019-12-28   #554

In early discussion in this grup someone ask u to make 10 times mr improvement button but until now thats nothing happen,how u explained about that?

2019-12-28   #555

Reply to #554 @jole :

Everything is simple, if something is not done, then it is technically impossible.

2019-12-28   #556

Reply to #563 @josuapark :

Everyone has the same chance, just instead of building conspiracy theories, they play and try hard

2019-12-29   #557

The Cheetah Commando 200 in Top Trade says equip. req. lvl 190.   Can this troop be used by a lvl 190 player, or does the player need to be lvl 200 to use the troop?  Thank you

2019-12-29   #558

Reply to #557 @evans122 :

Level 190 players can equip this unit

2019-12-29   #559


what meaning of this 

2019-12-29   #560
2019-12-29   #561

Can limited gold be used in trade in 

2019-12-29   #562

Reply to #561 @coby2407 :


2019-12-29   #563

Reply to #560 @jole :

So it should be, trade-in serves as a super exchange.

2019-12-29   #564

I mean those medals. if thawing, how and where?

general medal.jpg

general medal 2.jpg

2019-12-30   #565

Reply to #564 @adolf :

2019-12-30   #566

Reply to #557 @evans122 :


why i cant exchange this cheetah 185 for 200 i have everything for it  just i dont exchange lower lvl of it but 185 its on green 1 so i should exchange

2019-12-30   #567

Reply to #566 @enisharvey :


To exchange 185 for 200
You must have: VIP 4, also level 190

2019-12-30   #568


in top trade in i got 160 xmass candy and 185 lvl cheetah  my vip only 2 and my lvl in game 196 any chance for geting this exchange pls 

2019-12-30   #569

Reply to #568 @enisharvey :

Unfortunately, I wrote you the terms of the exchange in the trade-in, there are no other exchange options

2019-12-31   #570

It does not specifically in the game rules if a players main acct and alt acct can fight in the same city at the same time on the world map. Is this allowed? I would assume that this is not allowed since it gives the players using alts an advantage over other players that are not running multiple accts on the same server. It used to be against game rules to do this due to the advantage it gives.

2019-12-31   #571

Reply to #570 @josuapark :

In your cases, do you mean the advantage about the number of players on WW?

in the rules have the following: if different blocks (side) of the main account with alt account - this is prohibited.

P.S. these are new rules, please do not need to compare and recall when, where, what, and how it was.

2019-12-31   #572

In your rules you are stating things that are prohibited by classing things as what gives another player an advantage. I am simply asking that if one player attacks another players alt is the player that is being attacked allowed to then coin in or send all his other alts or his main to fight that player. IF you are allowing this then that gives players with multiple accts on one server a clear advantage over the players that don't feel like running mulitple accts. Your rules are good for the most part but some of it is very vague and open to confusion since you are trying to eliminate the advantages of the guys running alts but you have not covered all areas where alts can be used as an advantage.

2019-12-31   #573

Reply to #572 @josuapark :

alt accounts cannot give an advantage if these accounts play on WW for the same block (side) as the main account (without quantitative advantage)

2019-12-31   #574

Can u make good to go 4 new year??

2019-12-31   #575

I've used up all snowflakes in trade in and still need 260 xmas candy, will you be able to put some in next flash sale . Normal instances drop rate not very good.

2019-12-31   #576

Reply to #574 @jole :

Go to go - it will be launched later

2019-12-31   #577

Reply to #575 @coby2407 :

We will try to do it.

2019-12-31   #578

Thanks and have a happy New Year

2019-12-31   #579

Reply to #578 @coby2407 :

Нappy New Year, too

2019-12-31   #580

I already have 110 candy canes but I`m unable te exchange my lvl 165 Cheetah commando for lvl 185. Exchange button is inactive, but the remaining chance is not used.


lsfc 1914.s124

Server S134

2019-12-31   #581

After I wrote the question I saw the answer above.

2019-12-31   #582

Reply to #581 @np1888 :

Well, no problem.

Have a nice game and Нappy New Year

2019-12-31   #583

Reply to #576 @admin :


2019-12-31   #584

Reply to #582 @admin :

Happy New Year !

2019-12-31   #585

Reply to #584 @np1888 :

Happy New Year, too!

2020-01-01   #586

If a players main acct is lvl 160 or higher and is running around 1 or more alts that are lvl 100 to lvl 120 and another player that is lvl 100 to 120 attacks that persons alts on the map and then the player with the alts coins in or moves a couple of his main acct units into the fight how is this not an advantage to the players running alts. If one power hardly has any big guys on their side and are fighting  with low lvl accts how are they supposed to get anywhere on the map if the other side constantly sends in one or two of their big units to protect their alts. This is why this practice was not allowed in the past. It gives an unfair advantage to high lvl players running alts.

2020-01-01   #587

Reply to #586 @josuapark :

We will think about it and try to resolve this issue.

2020-01-01   #588

Is the new years miracle gold going to be regular gold or is it going to be the limit time gold?

2020-01-01   #589

Reply to #588 @josuapark :

If you're talking about New year miracle - then ordinary gold coins

2020-01-01   #590

i get this trophy when i do watch tower.it is high trophy S.but i cant use them in fusion.when i look at the trophy it says can be fused with 220+ equips .but it is not listed in g220 equips.is this trophy used for g260 equips.the g240 equips are high trophy NM

high trophy S.PNG

2020-01-01   #591

Reply to #590 @demolition :

Apparently there is an error in the description of the trophy, we will fix it.
Thnk you

2020-01-01   #592

Reply to #591 @admin :

but is it a trophy that is used for g260 bp"s

2020-01-01   #593

Reply to #592 @demolition :

G260 requires trophy High Trophy NM 

One way or another, we will check everything; if there is at least some kind of error, we will fix it right away. thanks

2020-01-01   #594

what level do i need to get in watch tower to get high trophy NM?i am running a sweep on watch tower and it is going to 210 level in watch tower which gives me this trophy.

2020-01-01   #595

Reply to #594 @demolition :

I will check this and let you know for sure.

2020-01-01   #596

i just went to level 203 in watch tower and i still get the same trophy

2020-01-01   #597

Reply to #596 @demolition :

Тhanks for the information.
We will correct it, and we will change these trophies that you received after the correction to the necessary

2020-01-01   #598

Dear Admin,

i have a discount card, may i know how to use the card. tq

user: FunnyPatel

server: S 137 BRITAIN

2020-01-01   #599

Reply to #598 @funny :


Unfortunately, I don't have information whether it is possible to use such a discount card in Paypal

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