1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2020-02-19   #700

Reply to #699 @alp1 :

click >>>GAME RULES 
Oyunun kurallarının paragraf 4 ihlali -unblock data 2020-02-22 17:52:56

2020-02-22   #701

i have a question? what are you plans to the future of the game?  I am sure that the players would be interested for your answer.

2020-02-22   #702

Reply to #701 @lutzow :

That is, what do you mean, what are the plans? We are developing the game constantly.

2020-02-22   #703

i am interested as to your long term plans as to improve the game. from i see here is alot of petty compaints. I like the game rules update, whether you enforce it,[x files=trust no one] we will observe!

2020-02-22   #704

several comments they are throwing events on the wall to see if it sticks, i understand there is a transition period from the sale GW for things to calm down, you are rehashing old events that were done 5 years ago!, how about some of your ideas! use your imagination!

2020-02-22   #705

Reply to #703 @lutzow :

We cannot hypothetically reveal all our cards at once, but one thing I can say for sure is that everything will be better than it was.

As for the rules of the game, we apply them to all players, regardless of status and so on. Before the rules of the game = all players have the same status.

2020-03-11   #706

Are you guys ever going to turn the special abilities that some units have back on when it comes to fighting in HOF and power battle? Last time I asked this a person answered that the abilities were turned off due to a balance issue. I asked why this was considered a balance issue when everyone in the game has access to the same units as everyone else and it was all a matter of what a person was willing to spend in this game. I was told that someone would get back to me and nobody ever did. I and many others have spent alot of money on units that can give an advantage over other players that don't want to spend money on the game and as such we should not have our advantage taken away in certain areas of the game just try and make the game more balanced for those players that don't want to spend. In every game the spenders almost always hold the advantage because we are the ones that help the most when it comes to keeping the game going.

2020-03-11   #707

Reply to #706 @josuapark :

In any case, players who buy units for gold coins have an advantage in HOF over other players, given the fact that units for gold coins are stronger than other units, so the inclusion of skills will lead to a large imbalance in the HOF

2020-03-11   #708

ok so what about about my unit skills not working in colosseum and power battle. My units special skills only work in colosseum when I am the one matching up with another player but do not work when another player enters colosseum and draws me in the matchup. According to your own rules the god shot skill is supposed to work when I have the first move (although this is not what is stated in the units description) and since both players have the first move in colosseum my unit skills should be working whether I am the one matching up in colosseum or someone matches up with my acct. Solomon skill is not based on your made up "first move rule" and it does not trigger in power battle or colosseum either. I just love how you guys arbitrarily nerf my units because you can't make them work in all aspects of the game and come up with these stupid imbalance issue excuses. Everyone has access to these units so if they want the advantage they should buy them instead of you guys taking away stuff that I paid for. Why is this imbalance fear only attributed to HOF? If it is such a big problem why even have those units in the game if you are going to nerf them when it matters most? I am sure players hate fighting my type of units on the ww map where the skills work so what does it matter about them working in HOF? Do you see where I am going with this. Your imbalance excuse makes no sense since players have to deal with these skills in almost every other part of the game so what makes HOF so special?

2020-03-11   #709

Reply to #708 @josuapark :

Big difference,

example : players of level 50 or players of the same level of 200, but with poor units/parameters may have a chance, albeit small, to receive special rewards HOF.
Therefore, there must be a balance so that each player feels confident that he can claim a reward, although if you take into account that in the battles there are players with units who buy units for gold, then the chance of other players is reduced to a miserable chance.
But, if these skills are included in the HOF, the top 10 players in the HOF will never change.

You do not understand such things as the included rewards and mix all the locations in one pile, but this is wrong!

And pay attention, these units are not only with you, there are other players who bought the same equipment, for some reason they all see and understand, but only you have everything not as it is.

2020-03-13   #710

When are you guys going to fix the skill usage imbalance in this game? I mean you tell me that the reason you are not allowing my gold units to use their special abilities in certain parts of the game is due to a balance issue, well then you should make everyones acct use the same amount of skills when getting attacked in arena, colosseum, and city siege. I have 3 accts and the AI almost never helps any of those accts with skills when someone attacks me yet when I attack certain players the AI will drop skills in every round for 6 and 7 rounds at a time to help the player I am attacking whether they are a lower or higher lvl than me. This is most certainly a balance issue and is one that I have brought up to you guys several times and yet you do nothing about it. You won't even comment on it.lol Guess only certain things are considered balance issues huh?

2020-03-13   #711

Reply to #710 @josuapark :
This is called the balance in the arena, because there fights do not take place in real time, i.e. it is impossible to attack a player in the arena, so that the same one is involved in the arena and can control his units., but with the correct construction of their skills, they correct this situation.You are not correctly building the sequence of your skills, so AI does not help you, I will give you this sequence of skills that you must build.

2020-03-13   #712

so in other words a glitch to cheat the AI.lol If there is a sequence then all players should have been made aware of this a long time ago. This glitch has been around a long time and has been corrected numerous times but appears to be back and going to be allowed to be used now. Well I guess I would like the sequence so I can enjoy the advantage of having skills drop all the time as well now to.

2020-03-13   #713

Reply to #712 @josuapark :

You know little about the game, this does not mean that what you have not learned is a glitch.))

And yes, this does not work as constantly as you write about it. We tested over 50 fights.

2020-03-14   #714

funny there is a guy I fight on s55 that every time I fight him in arena the AI drops 5 to 6 skills every time I fight him. Speak with your NGs and they will tell you that there was a glitch in this game that allowed guys to use certain skills in a certain order that would cause the issue I am running into with certain players and for the record the player that I am fighting on s55 does not use all these skills you have listed. I find it funny I have played this game for 6 years and you have owned the game for about a year and think  you know all about this game when you have no idea what has gone on in the past. I have forgotten more about this game than you will know.

2020-03-14   #715

Reply to #714 @josuapark :

Dear, in a battle any skill that costs in a cell under the number 1. can work, but the skill that exists in my screenshot works more effectively. During the battle, only 1 skill works, and not skills, as you write.

P.S. I remember you wrote about this in another topic, and there the player answered you, but you apparently continue to look for a black cat in the black room

2020-03-15   #716

  Are you guys ever going to consider banning the main acct of players who are repeat offenders when it comes to cheating instead of just banning their alts? I know of at least one player who I myself have gotten banned at least 6 times over the 6 years that I have been playing for cheating or breaking rules and 3 of those times have happened since you guys have taken over this game.

2020-03-15   #717

Reply to #716 @josuapark :

1. We did not take the game, we are the creators of this game.
2. I wrote to you more than once, there is no need to recall the past, now there is the present, and the game has rules according to which we apply certain restrictions against violators.

2020-03-16   #718

How are you going to stop the cheating if you just take something away for a little bit and then give it back? If like you said you created this game then you know there are players who continue to cheat because there is no real consequence for their actions. You say you want to create a fair and balanced game so maybe you should consider a harsher punishment for those players who continue to cheat. That is only fair to the players who play by the rules. I don't think you realise how many players are pissed off or upset or have even quit because you guys are not consistent or serious about stopping the players who break the rules. I get PMs from players all the time pointing out players that are cheating or asking me to come in here and complain or discuss things because they are tired of wasting their time talking to you guys or trying to get you guys to do more. Plus they don't want other people seeing their names here and then getting nasty PMs from players calling them names and what not. Personally I don't care. I have spent a lot of money on this game and if something is not right you can rest assured I am going to speak my mind on the subject whether you or other players like it or not and I have a problem with the cheating that goes on in this game and your lack of a serious effort to put a stop to it.

2020-03-16   #719

Reply to #718 @josuapark :

We are not responsible for the actions of players.
We act according to the rules of the game and nothing more. We can make changes to the rules, but only those that will not harm the game itself. Blocking the main accounts can lead to the fact that only you JosuaPark will remain in the game, and this is not at all reasonable.

2020-03-16   #720

Up to this point each storage slot would hold 99 trophies but now that I am collecting High Trophy X each storage slot only holds 40 trophies. Is this normal?

2020-03-16   #721

Reply to #720 @josuapark :

In the current version, the number of new items is collected in a standard amount (x40). It is possible that in future updates we will increase this number to 99

2020-03-18   #722

Do you realise how silly that response was to banning main accts? There are alot of people who play by the rules in this game so it would not just be me here playing. Most of the people cheating are players who have not or do not spend a lot of money on this game therefore your logic makes no sense. Most big spenders are not going to risk losing their accts for good or for a short period of time because they want to cheat. The reason you have so much cheating in this game is because 1. you took so long to actually make game rules related to cheating with alts and 2. because you only ban the alts instead of the mains. If you were to ban a main acct for a week or so for the players who have been caught cheating 3 or more times you would start to see a decrease in the amount of cheating. Even th guys who don't spend a lot don't want to see their mains banned for any length of time. Now there are some big spenders here who do cheat by using other peoples accts and since you always fall for that stupid little lie they always tell about it being a family members acct and they were just adding money to the acct when they get caught you let them get away with it. You state you are not responsible for the actions of players yet you set forth game rules.lol Another silly statement. Either way it is your game and your rules I just figured you would like to spend more time on other things instead of always dealing with cheating players.

2020-03-18   #723

Reply to #722 @josuapark :

We will definitely consider your proposal.

2020-03-19   #724

Are document boxes supposed to be in instances? Herioc rainforest has a document box listed as a reward and I was just wondering if this was correct or if it is supposed to be a blueprint instead

2020-03-19   #725

Reply to #724 @josuapark :

Yes,they should be.

2020-03-25   #726

  IF as  you claim that gold units have an advantage over trade in units and that is the reason you have taken away the special skills on my gold units in certain areas of the game including HOF then why are the top spots in the HOF rankings filled with players that have almost all trade in units in their lineup? I look at the stats of these guys that are dominating in HOF with trade in units and my rating is almost a 180 million higher than theirs and my unit stats are typically better than what theirs are and yet when it comes to fighting in battle with them 2 to 3 of my units don't even make it out of the first round and my units barely even do any damage to their units once it is my turn or I go first. You have had players and NGs telling you for quite some time that the trade in units are overpowered. If you need proof just log in to one of the servers that have NihatHaynes s2 in it and watch some of the replays and you will see what I mean about being overpowered units and it is not just him but his units are the worse it seems. They almost never miss and are always doing more damage than what the stats add up to and that is without any skills being used on them to boost their damage output. He has a tank that when you add crit and atk together comes out to just about a mil damage and yet consistently does 1.4 to 1.5 mil damage. I know CDMG% factors in sometimes but nothing flashes on the screen suggesting that it triggered a crit attack and it should not be triggering all the time even if it is triggering and not flashing on the screen. What is your reason for this big advantage that trade in units have? Please don't tell me about how I am able to use those units since they are available to everyone because I will respond that the gold units I have are available to everyone and therefore you should not be taking away their special abilities to make the game fair since everyone has access to the same units.

2020-03-25   #727

Reply to #726 @josuapark :

If you still do not understand what is the advantage of gold units, then you do not know anything about the game, you did not notice the parameters of gold units? What advantage do you write about units from trade-in if unit skills are disabled for everyone, i.e. the same units that from the trade-in according to the parameters in the HOF do not differ from the units that are in the store, which can be bought for silver and PR, which cannot be said about the gold unit, which has all the parameters much higher than that of of these units.
Units from trade-in are simply necessary for all players, as the game has such a function as reinforcement and if you use everything correctly, you will achieve a lot, that is, in essence, these units are auxiliary in nature than the main + and, naturally, getting a bonus from the manual

2020-03-26   #728

I understand that if the special abilities of my units were working in HOF I would have an advantage which should be the case since I am a player that spends money on this game and helps keep it going. That is the business model for all internet games except this on or so it seems. No other game takes away a units special abilities or strengths when ever especially when it comes to pvp battles except this game. You arguemen is that gold units still have an advantage over trade in units even when you take away the special abalities of both gold and trade in units and that is just not the case. If you look at stats gold units SHOULD have the advantage but they don't. Trade in units are always doing more damage than what their stats show they should be doing and they avoid taking damage more than they should. I have repeatedly brought this to your attention and so have your NGs. I fight a lvl 227 player on my server that has all gold units (except for his lvl 215 cheetah)with better stats than any of the trade in unit players I fight in HOF and I beat the lvl 227 player easily without having to use any skills and my units do significant damage to his units in one shot eventhough his units have 185k to 220K defense yet when I fight trade in units in HOF and these units have 70k to 90k defense I can barely do any damage to the units. You either have a bug in HOF or like I said they are overpowered. My manuals are pretty decent so I know all about the bonuses you get from them. I will provide screenshots of my units stats and then you can try to explain to me why me with a 631 mil rating struggles against and loses against players with trade in units with ratings of only 430 to 447 mil. Maybe then you will see why I am frustrated and don't believe your arguement that gold units still hold an advantage over trade in units.

2020-03-26   #729






and all my gens are S or S+

2020-03-26   #730

oh and by the way it does not matter what mini boss skill I use I can not do 5 billion damage points to the world boss in one shot like a certain player can with his trade in units. So again which units have the advantage?

2020-03-26   #731

  Oh and for the record it is not just my acct that seems to have this problem. I have watched multiple fights of trade in units vs gold units in HOF and it always goes the same way. Trade in units win or at the very least almost win every time. Guys are not saying anything here because they are afraid of how it will look but I talk to guys so I am telling you it is not just me who sees or has this problem. I watched the fight between NihatHaynes and Gerobond and Gero might as well have taken the equips off his units that is how easily he got beat and he has all gold units except for his CDLT25T unit. Monster01 another fairly strong player with all gold units wiped out easily by Nihat and his overpowered trade in units. What I am saying is that gold units, even the ones that don't have special abilities are not performing the same way in HOF as they do in the everyday parts of the game. Something is not transferring over to HOF properly for the gold units.

2020-03-26   #732

Reply to #729 @josuapark :

You write the same thing again.

I’ll ask the question again: in HOF, all units disabled skills, why should you turn them on when you play with gold units, and they are many times superior in parameters to units with trade-in. This means that those who have a gold unit at least in HOF have a greater chance of winning )

As for the screenshots, I hasten to inform you that for level 220+ your units are poorly pumped

2020-03-26   #733

Hi admin / Tomorow is my birthday can sand my any gift? romeo supper SS  servers 43

2020-03-26   #734

Reply to #733 @romeomihai :


We will think about it.

2020-03-26   #735

compared to the trade in units I am fighting and losing to my gold units are far more superior and yet I am losing or struggling. No my units are not poory pumped up. I am in the top 10 in rating on cross server and that still is with a lvl 170 unit and a lvl 190 unit so don't hand me that garabage about not being pumped up. Stat wise my units are comparable. Why do I want my skills on my units you ask? Because I PAID alot of money for those units and I should get what I paid for. You guys never specified in the description that these units special abilities would not work in HOF and other parts of the game. If you had specified that I would have bought different units. Now I know I am somewhat behind on improvements on my units that is why I was buying units with speicial abilities to compsensate but lets be clear my units are not that bad.  Lets see if I can give you scenario that you can understand if you are into gaming. Say you have a slower PC and it is affecting your game play. You go out and buy a top of the line new gaming pc and log onto your game thinking your at least going to be better and have a chance against players that are spending way more money than you. For the record I have over 20k into this game. Now you log onto your game and find that nothing has really changed in your game play and now you are losing to players that have not invested as much money as you. You find out that your new top of the line gaming pc is having half its speed taken away and you contact the tech support  and  they tell you that because not everybody wants or can spend the money you have that they have slowed your pc speed to make it more fair. Now how would you feel about that? You would be pissed off and wanting it fixed or at least a partial refund. I keep telling you that my units are not performing the same in HOF as they do in the regular part of the game.Pisses me off when you try to explain this away by saying my units are "poory pumped up" because you are lying to everybody who is reading this. Compare my unit stats to anyone elses and they are just about as good or better. Heck my tanks have better stats than Demolition does but I don't stand a chance against him because he is over 20 lvls higher and has better equips so don't be lying here saying my units are junk or poory pumped up when some of my stats are better than demo who is according to ratings the strongest player in the game. I am telling you that when you disabled the skills for gold units something is happening to those accts that are making that persons acct weaker in HOF. There is a huge difference in my units performance from fighting in arena colosseum and everywhere else compared to when I fight in HOF

2020-03-26   #736

check out the stats on NihatHaynes. All his units have DEF of 100k or less.Now anywhere else in this game if I fight a player with stats as poor as his I typically kill those units in one shot maybe two depending on their STA and Nihats units are all trade in units so all their stats are fairly poor yet I can barely do any damage to his units when fighting him in HOF. It is not just him either. Every player I fight that has trade in units in HOF seems overpowered compared to their stats. In regular parts of the game where players have gold units or trade in units I barely get a scratch and DelosTate has better stats on his units compared to these guys with trade in units and he has to skill his butt off to beat me. Nihats units never miss doing full damage to a player and that is not normal. Most times it appears that his units are in constant CDMG% mode since they do more damage than they should be doing. if you add up his atk and crit his units consistently do alot more damage than what their total is. HOF has issues whether you want to admit it or not. I get it. You are not going to do anythig about it but it still pisses me off you won't fix it and that you won't give me a partial refund on my two units with special abilities since they don't work everywhere in the game and you never stated this fact in the description when I first bought them. Maybe you should consider adding that into the description now so that you don't screw over other players who may be thinking about buy units like this

2020-03-26   #737

One last thing. You stated that you did this to my units to make the game more balanced and fair to all players since not everybody wants or can spend a lot of money on this game then let me use my arguement against you. I don't want to spend as much money on the top spenders that is why I bought those two special ability gold units because I knew it would help at least give me a chance against the players who are spending more than me so now you have actually unbalanced the game because now the top spenders have it even easier and you have unbalanced the game for me. A balanced game would be to just make all units work as they should and if you want to be a top level player then you spend money to be that since everyone has access to the same units as everyone else it all comes down to what they want to spend. In your efforts to please the players who don't spend and want to rely on us players who actually spend to keep this game going you have intentionally or unintentionally made the game unfair for the moeny spenders especially for those us with these special gold units

2020-03-27   #738

Reply to #737 @josuapark :

1. HOF is an additional functionality to the game, that is, it is an in-game event, how units skills should work there - this does not apply to units working outside this event, but being a HOF event, it may not be turned on.
We are not obliged to write down each event in the unit description, which is launched approximately every 2 months.
2. Next, you show me with screenshots how an ordinary unit from trade-in is stronger than a gold unit with parameters.
3. Skills are disabled for ALL units in the HOF event, and not just for gold units. Therefore, do not write absurd things.
4. Gold unit skills, unit-skills from trade-in - will not be included in the HOF.(because if we turn on the skills, you are the first to write about - how players won, about those players who have units from trade-in)) this is a vicious circle, so the HOF will be what it is now)
5. The quality of the money invested is important, not the quantity, so you do not need to write through each message about how much you invested, because there are players who have invested much more.
6. Regarding pumping, I will show you how the same Shiva - 170 was pumped by a player who approached the issue of pumping more correctly.

the player has level 212, these are the parameters
Shiv 190 gold unit

+ you should know that when attacking with Sputte, you should have more attacks than you have
and you want to say that a trade-in unit has more parameters than a gold unit?

2020-03-29   #739

Dear Admin,

mMay you update the trade in unit T70  at trade in topics,pls. And May I know the general Ochinlake should match with which of troops. TQ

2020-03-29   #740

Reply to #739 @awesome :

Check please: link

2020-04-06   #741

Hello admin . you can put to flash sale General Fusion Medal A please

If not put to Fuse to exchange vith 3 medal B please

2020-04-06   #742

Reply to #741 @romeomihai :

Ok, we will try to do it

2020-04-09   #743

Reply to #743 @kimneal :

Я вам ответил в другой теме, вы написали в двух темах, в одном сообщение было удалено, а в другом ответ выдан. 

2020-04-09   #744

Стесняюсь спросить. где искать ответ.

2020-04-09   #745

Reply to #744 @kimneal :

Там уже убрал, остановимся тут на этой теме, то еще и тут все потеряем, так что вы хотели, какую технику о чем речь?

2020-04-09   #746

пехота. Апокалипсис. если это возможно.
Если можно его с самого начала. его у меня вообще нету.
смотрел у игроков. он давно у них. хотелочь бы тоже завладеть им.

2020-04-09   #747

Reply to #746 @kimneal :

Апокалипсис - пехота золотая единица, всегда появляется на распродаже

2020-04-11   #748

Hi Admin,

today is my birthday: are there any gift?


2020-04-11   #749

Reply to #748 @nialltate :


Happy Birthday to U

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