1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2020-01-15   #650

i think streak has a lot to do with getting battles.can you get rid of streak in hof.

2020-01-15   #651

Reply to #649 @demolition :

We gave everyone a warning in the rules of the game, we also warned everyone at the start of HOF, that is, the first violation is already a deliberate violation.

2020-01-15   #652

what about removing streak from hof

2020-01-15   #653

Reply to #652 @demolition :

What streak are you talking about?

2020-01-15   #654

streak in hof .my streak is 17 the higher the streak the harder it is to get battles

2020-01-15   #655

Reply to #654 @demolition :

No, not the streak determines the opponent, but the number of points scored.

2020-01-16   #656

Please give us good event 

2020-01-16   #657

So if someone disobeys kings orders in world war, they can be banned now ?

2020-01-16   #658

Reply to #657 @coby2407 :

If the violation of paragraph 5 of the rules, then yes.

2020-01-16   #659

So they have more than one account in different powers ?

2020-01-16   #660

Reply to #659 @coby2407 :
+ as well as this moment

— A contractual battle [in HOF/WW] is a deliberate obstacle or a change in the normal game process in order to obtain in-game resources and / or advantages for the main account of the owner of the alt and / or the association of players.

(this means any actions on WW that contradict the actions of this block, harm this block, are considered a violation.)

2020-01-16   #661

So they got banned for taking resources or for using alt account in different power ?

2020-01-16   #662

Reply to #661 @coby2407 :

No, they do not ban for the resources taken, but ban for the wrecking of the
block, naturally if harming the block, then they have a main account in another block, i.e. perform conflicting actions so that the main account that was in another block has more resources and so on.
Everything is written in the rules


2020-01-16   #663

I see, so they have 2 different accounts in different powers which is against the rules.

2020-01-16   #664

Reply to #663 @coby2407 :

Yes, this is also prohibited, the alt account must be in the same block with the main account.

— Alt are allowed: if alt is in the same block with the main account.
In other cases, it is forbidden to have alt acc, alt acc can be blocked from with first violation.
Punishment: blocking access to game from 2 days to unlimited.

2020-01-16   #665

Got it now thanks, are we having any event for Chinese New Year

2020-01-16   #666

Reply to #665 @coby2407 :

Unfortunately, there is no information about this.

2020-01-20   #667

Just a question whether if it is voilation of rule or not. In WW. If one acct (with or without Alt) hold the same resource city (either exp, silver, or mr) since the beginning of JTG. Never move his units or only move to one city then quickly return back to same resource city. Always won the colosseum as King in WW since the beginning. A few time (like up to 10 since them), other acct or group of accts attacked the resource city and eventually won but quickly recapture by same acct later. Sometime we wait for blessing to lower or at even 0% but get to harder to win back. I know I tried several times. Sometime I took me to attack 8 or 8 times with 15 units (within 3 to 5 hours in one day) and only won at least 2 but same acct  recaptured quickly in same day or the next day. After that I have been avoiding that same resource city in the last 4 months. this same acct never go anywhere in the map and stay one resourse city pernamently. In the last few months, no one bother to attacked him or tried to attack but  always knowing they will lose the hundreds of battles or just to collect the chests if no city available to attack. Always know that we will never able capture one resource city as this same acct holding since JTG. This same acct never let other acct to attack and win for a while before capture again.

Would this be like taking advantages of this same acct holding the resource city permanently and let no one else collect exp, silver, or mr from resource city he holding?

2020-01-20   #668

Reply to #667 @dak2020 :
If I understand you correctly, then :
Violation is only those actions that harm the current block on WW.
In most cases, these violations are committed by alt accounts, since their main accounts are in another block.
— A contractual battle [in HOF/WW] is a deliberate obstacle or a change in the normal game process in order to obtain in-game resources and / or advantages for the main account of the owner of the alt and / or the association of players
Also, according to paragraph 5, we can understand the following: If the Block Leader prohibits capturing (attacking) any city, any factory and player who commits an action against this strategy, is defined as a violator of paragraph 5.
This means that paragraph 5 of the rules allows you to play on WW the whole team, and not play alone.
Also, this item allows to quickly find those alt accounts that play on WW  so that their main accounts get more benefits through these actions.

2020-01-22   #669

The skills don't work at all in HOF and power battle. I have explained this to you and you have not said if you were going to fix the problem. They used to work in power battle but for some reason unit skills do not work now. Yes the skills should work all the time especially on my apocalypse artillery according to the stat info on that unit. It states that the god one shot skill will trigger at the end of round one. It does not trigger at all in HOF or power battle even when I have the first move in both those events. It should trigger whenever I have the first move. The solomon skill always triggers in colosseum, arena, and campaigns but never triggers in powerbattle and HOF. My question has always been if you are going to fix this? You always tell me how my skills should work eventhough you are incorrect about my arty skill and how it is not supposed to work all the time when it clearly states that it does when I have the first move. You have never told me whether you are working to correct the issue in power battle and HOF or whether it is just a bug we players are going to have to accept. The Cayman tank acts as if its skill set is working which if it is that is not fair to other players that have units with special skills that are not working. I don't know if that is actually what is happening but judging by the amount of damage that the cayman is doing during fights compared to what its stats are it appears that its special skill is triggering for that unit

2020-01-22   #670

 Hello admin  are we having any event for Chinese New Year ?

2020-01-22   #671

Reply to #672 @josuapark :

With the caiman, everything is fine
regarding your units and your skills  - it says that the skills have chance to work, which means they may not work. And given that pair fights end quickly, naturally the skills do not get a chance to work.How many times will I send you screenshots, from your own accounts, with your working skills?

2020-01-22   #672

Reply to #673 @romeomihai :

Maybe it will be

2020-01-23   #673


  Now I am starting to get mad because you are making it sound like I don't know what I am talking about especially when it comes to my apocalypse. Here is pic describing how the god one shot skill works. Now you tell me where in that description it says it only has a chance to trigger. It does not say that anywhere except for when it may trigger after its first time. It states " god one shot skill WILL trigger" at the end of the first round and last for the current and next rounds. This is how this unit works everywhere in the game except for in power battle and HOF. You have repeatedly told me that in order for this to happen I have to have the first move and I am telling you that even when I have the first move this skill never triggers in power battle and HOF no matter how many rounds the fight goes. My Bayon assualt tank always triggers in the first or second round in every area of the game except for power battle and HOF. I am telling you that you have a problem with those two areas of the game. The company that had the game before you fixed the power battle problem at one time but it has come back. They said that they did not want to try and fix the problem in HOF because it was such an old part of the game that they were afraid they would mess up the game code trying to fix it to make the gold unit skills work in there. As for the cayman tank if its special abilities are working in HOF and power battle and the special abilities of other players units are not working then players running the cayman have an advantage. All I am asking is if you are going to fix the problems your game has with my units in power battle and HOF or are you going to tell me what the old company told me and tell me that you don't want to risk screwing up the game by trying to fix the problem.

2020-01-23   #674

Reply to #676 @josuapark :

That is, understand, in the end, the apocaplis has 2 skills, one works after 1 round, and the second has a chance that it will work, the first skill does NOT shoot someone, but simply increases the unit's attack. The second skill with a probability of 30% works))

2020-01-23   #675

Ok so why is it that the skill does not trigger at the end of round one only in power battle and HOF when I have the first move like it does in colosseum, arena, campaigns? The apocalypse and bayon assual tank work like they should everywhere EXCEPT for power battle and HOF. Is this issue going to be fixed or not? I understand that the unit does not shoot someone at the end of round one. It triggers the skill and I  have to wait for my turn again inorder to use it and it lasts for two turns. This is how it works everywhere in the game but HOF and power battle. None of my special skill gold units skills work in HOF and power battle but they used to work in power battle and have never worked in HOF. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to understand. I have had these units for a year or more and they have consistently worked liked like the description says in avery facet of the game except for power battle and HOF. You have a problem with those two areas of the game. Is it going to get fixed or not? I did not spend all that money to have units that only work in certain areas of the game.

2020-01-23   #676

Reply to #675 @josuapark :

I don't care what kind of company it is and what answer they answered and how they answered

I will ask our specialists to check your information.

2020-01-24   #677

Doesn't any of the techs find it very strange that there is a player in this game that is able to do 5 billion damage to the world boss in one hit?

2020-01-24   #678

Reply to #675 @josuapark :

No, if you understand the mechanics, you will understand that such damage and even more can be done with the boss’s mini-skills.Stop already looking for conspirators, crackers and others.
Картинки по запросу face palm
Why aren't you playing calmly?You always have something wrong

2020-01-26   #679

  Because unlike you I actually play the game and unless the world boss AI does not use any skills against the player on that server there is no way you can stack that many skills on a single unit to do that kind of damage and so far that is the ONLY player in the game doing that kind of damage. The world lvl on my server is lvl 196 and it is impossible to do be able to stack enough charge, fearless or any other skills before the AI drops a jam, nightmare " which clears your skill buildup" and then have to start healing yourself. I have a lvl 210 bayon assualt tank that does has over 1 mil atk and the solomon skill can trigger 2 or 3 times in a row and I can stack charge fearless penetrate or whatever else you want to throw on it and the best I can do is 98 mil damage. I have a lvl 190 apacolypse with over 800k atk and again I can not stack enough skills when the god one shot skill triggers to get over 100 mil damage. Not even the strongest players in the game are doing damage like that. You and your techs can't even be honest and admit that my unit skill do not work in HOF and powerbattle so don't act like you have all the answers here. Your answer to me about my units are I sent screenshot of how your units are supposed to work". lol Why I bring stuff up is because nothing is getting fixed and you respond on here like there is nothing wrong in the game when there clearly is. I tell you I have a problem with my units not working properly in HOF and power battle and you argue with me and tell me that I don't know what I am talking about because your screenshots of my units abilities show how they are supposed to work. I know how they are supposed to work since I have had them for a year and see how they work right everywhere but HOF and power battle. Here is a little tip for you. When my tank or arty triggers its skill a little explosion happens over that unit and it flashes up on the screen that the god one shot skill has triggered or the solomon skill has triggered. Guess what that never happens in HOF and power battle but if I listen to you everything is working correctly. Maybe if you took things more seriously I would not have to bug you so much. I have been playing for 6 years and while I don't understand everything about the game I am quite sure I understand it better than you since you have only had this game for less than a year so get off your high horse and quit pretending you know everything.

2020-01-26   #680

Reply to #679 @josuapark :

You try to use the mini boss skill on the world boss, then write about the result.Regarding your skills during HOF (pvp) - yes, they should not work there, this is done for balance. Not a mistake.
Do you have more questions?

2020-01-26   #681

World level in my server 212 and i and other players can do that damage you only need right skills dont have any cheat

2020-01-27   #682

Yes I still have a question. Why is this considered a balance issue when every player here has access to every unit available in the game it all depends on what they want or are willing to spend? I have spent a lot of money to be in or around the top 15 strongest players in the game and I don't think it is right that you take away my units special abilities just to help keep balance with players that don't want to spend money. If they want to compete for the free gold and rewards in HOF they should spend just like the rest of us who have spent to get to the level we are. The problem with unit skills not working in power battle is still an issue though or is this considered a balance issue as well? Sorry about getting so upset with my responsed to you earlier but you kept telling me that my units were working fine when I knew they werent. Maybe we were just not understanding each other correctly but now I am glad to see you admit that the skills have been turned off in HOF and I was correct and had a legit reason to be asking questions.

2020-01-27   #683

Reply to #682 @josuapark :

I will clarify the answer and let you know

2020-01-30   #684

Can you put good to go event. Put it on the entire time top trade inis running please.the former company would do that for a week. Please.

2020-01-30   #685

Reply to #684 @demolition :

Go to go event will be fired when the new day is updated  for 48 hours.

2020-02-02   #686

Will the improvement files event ever be brought back? I have a lot saved since I always wait for this event to come out before using them.

2020-02-02   #687

Reply to #686 @josuapark :

Unfortunately, this event is not considered as relevant. We are working on new events.

2020-02-03   #688

Hello. Today I only got 20 levy chances. Why not 50 as before? So I couldn't do the daily quests and I couldn't get the 15 gold.

2020-02-03   #689

Reply to #688 @yozsi :

Everything is very simple, your block lost the flag on WW, so you lost part of the levy.

2020-02-04   #690

not receive the ice fragment for axis rank 1 today 4/2
NihatHaynes S73

2020-02-04   #691

Reply to #690 @osama :

We will check this

2020-02-04   #692

A player Demolition  on the world map does not allow players of their block and other blocks to receive honors. Taking advantage of the king's privileges, he forbids attacking cities without his consent. Do you think this is normal?

2020-02-04   #693

Reply to #692 @andrey82 :

Since any incorrect attacks cause the block to lose in rewards and in the buff (gain)
The more cities, the less buff (gain)
If you capture one or more fabriary, the block loses its full gain.
It is necessary to inform and take only cities that have a reward (chests).
Rewards are handed out to everyone, not just Demolition

It's not at all a matter of Demolition, any Block Leader should try to ensure that his block (along with the players) have more chests (rewards) and have a buff (gain) on WW

The buff on WW is lost:

If you have many cities
If you capture one or more factories

And if the buff is lost, then there will be less rewards, since the enemy will have more buffs and it will be easier for him to take the city with the rewards.

2020-02-13   #694

05 hesabım sıfırdan yeni başlangıç yapıyo neden

2020-02-13   #695

Reply to #695 @alp1 :

Kontrol edildi, lvl 101, muhtemelen yanlış hesaba gidiyorsun.

2020-02-13   #696

alp1 hesabıma giremiyorum kaç gündür 

2020-02-13   #697

Reply to #696 @alp1 :

Alp1 hesabı, oyunun kurallarının 4. maddesinin ihlali nedeniyle engellendi. Red Devil yeteneğini yuvarlanma olmadan kullanma.
2020-02-13 23:54:13
4 saat sonra hesabınıza giriş yapabilirsiniz

2020-02-13   #698

Reply to #698 @alp1 :

click >>>GAME RULES 

Cevabımı tekrarlamak için hiçbir neden göremiyorum

2020-02-19   #699

hesabıma neden giremiyorum

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