1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2022-08-06   #1250

Reply to #1249 @josuapark :

Units in Trade-in still have an auxiliary function. Because in contrast to the trade-in units, we have created gold units with better skills. And knowing which unit to use when is the wisdom that comes with experience. Example: Red Devil - we excluded from Trade-in a long time ago because of a bug in the skill (the ability to use it several times on the world map), but returned it to Trade-in and the availability was made more difficult. The first time a unit is easy to get, then it gets harder and harder. This is common practice.

When we make an event, need to evaluate this event in time, as each of them is made to help the players.Each unit is needed and will be needed. If even now it seems to you that this unit is useless

Ghost Infantry - gold unit, same skill as Aura Tank (invicible) + additional skill, was also in Trade-in, did you pay attention to the unit? I think not, but now you write about the imbalance. There is no imbalance. Each unit complements the other.

2022-08-21   #1251

fact still remains that these trade in units never were this expensive when they first came out. You only increased the costs because people stopped buying gold units because they are absolutely worthless in campaigns after lvl 230

2022-08-21   #1252

Reply to #1251 @josuapark :

The more often a unit is placed in trade-in, the more difficult it is to get it. Moreover, these units have appeared more than once in Accumulated Recharge or in Daily cumulated Recharge. If you are so profitable to get them, you can bypass the trade-in and get the desired unit through these two events. Gold units that have skills much stronger than these units, these units cannot have advantages in the main unit formation in battles. Trust my experience and knowledge.

P.S. Check Accumulated Recharge.

2022-08-23   #1253



Sayın Admin Takılarda ki ;

- Plunder Phandom

-Roaring İgnore 

nin tam açıklamasını öğrenebilirmiyim...

Ne anlama geliyo acaba?

2022-08-23   #1254

Reply to #1253 @leifbrock :
Size becerinin açıklamasını içeren bir ekran görüntüsü göndereceğim.

2022-09-04   #1255

Reply to #1253 @leifbrock :
Beceri tanımını bulmamız biraz zaman aldı, lütfen bir dahaki sefere beceri tanımını daha hızlı bulabilmemiz için unit-in adını yazın.
Plunder Phantom -  (for 130 lvl) - has a 20% chance to recover 25% of the max hp to own unit, increase 200% ATK in one round.
Roaring - deal 48% damage of total HP, ignore 35% sda, and make the target move -3 for 2 round.

2022-09-25   #1256



Admin altın bitti gen birleştirici ve kamuflaj verdin etkinlikte.....

FOUR 4 harf ve rakamını ne yapalım ?

Dogtag 1-5-9 lar ne olacak ?

bunları altın karşılığı bozduramazmıyız ? kamujlaj güzel oludu ''G''

2022-09-25   #1257

Reply to #1256 @leifbrock :

Maalesef bu mümkün değil, ama bir sonraki Trade-in takas yapmanın mümkün olacağını düşünüyorum.

2022-09-25   #1258

Sayın Admin 

Daha önceden de yazmıştım Tradeye koyalım demiştiniz ama 

Lütfen desteğinizi bekliyorum


2022-09-25   #1259

Reply to #1258 @leifbrock :

Etkinlik lansman programına göre henüz ücretsiz event montajı yok, bu yüzden eklenmedi.Ücretsiz değişim olasılığını kontrol ettim, bu sadece bir sonraki Trade-in'de mümkün olacak

2022-09-25   #1260

Sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum o zaman

Teşekkürler unutmazsanızda sevinirim

2022-10-08   #1261

Sayın Admin

Flash sale de ki ;

1- General Fusion medal 2.999 altın ve

2- Camouflage için 2.022 altın için 

ayrı ayrı ödeme karşılığı nedir?

hesaba ne kadar yatırılması gerekiyor altın olmadığından ?

Desteğinizi beklemekteyim.

2022-10-11   #1262

Reply to #1261 @leifbrock :

Merhaba, mesajınızı okudum ama sanırım neden bahsettiğinizi tam olarak anlamadım.

2022-10-12   #1263

Admin selam

Flash sale deki General fusion ve Comouflage için elde altınım yok nasıl başka temin edebilirim.

Türkiye oyuncularında ödeme sıkıntısı devam ediyor 

Yönlendirirseniz sevinirim

2022-10-13   #1264

Reply to #1263 @leifbrock :

Bence Türkiye'den oyuncular için büyük bir kısıtlama yok. Örneğ : bu sistemler üzerinden ödeme yapmak mümkündür.
+Ziraat Bankası

Bu sistemler için tek seferlik maksimum/minimal transfer
3706,20 TL = 3897 altındır.
92,51 TL = 97 altındır

2022-11-11   #1265

hello. is there a test server on this game? (everyone has the highest HQ level, unlimited gold, honor, etc.) if not, would you make one?

2022-11-11   #1266

Reply to #1265 @blackbaron :

Hi. There is a test server, but players can't play there, not a game server, there is no way to play there.

2022-11-15   #1267


will you add vip to the next flash sale?

2022-11-15   #1268

Reply to #1267 @blackbaron :


We will do it.

2022-12-01   #1269

hello, could we get information of the soviet 26 sniper skill?

2022-12-01   #1270

Reply to #1269 @test :


We add it today. 

2022-12-02   #1271

ok thx

2022-12-04   #1272

Reply to #1271 @test :

We've added a unit description, and starting at level 200, this unit has 2 skills.

2022-12-26   #1273

How i can Recharge?

2022-12-26   #1274

Reply to #1274 @hubal :


Open http://generalwar.jtggame.com in Google Chrome

Log in with your username and password, press BUY GOLD, select your server and make a payment, then use the  browser through  wich you play.

2022-12-29   #1275

Hello, could we get more options to trade ice fragments in top trade in? 

Are there any plans for a new festival event, maybe one with exchange?

2022-12-29   #1276

Reply to #1275 @test :

Hi.Trade-in is completely filled. Next time, let's think of something with ice fragm.

2022-12-29   #1277

Reply to #1276 @admin :


2023-01-05   #1278



Sayın Admin ,

Depo da duran FOUR 4 harfleri ve rakamı ile ilgili etkinliğe koyacağınızı söylemiştiniz 

Generals Chips-Xie Jin Yuan (23 adet) depo da ve etkinliğinizi beklemekte 

Desteğinizi rica ederim.

2023-01-10   #1279

Reply to #1278 @leifbrock :

Yakın gelecekte, bununla ilgili bir şey bulacağız.

2023-01-18   #1280

4l3x4nd3r s.89

I last played general war memorie 22-3-2019. I used to play using the chrome browser and bookmark my account. Now I need play again but cant in chrome browser. My bookmarks cant work in coowon browser whereas I forgot the account I used to play. Can help me

2023-01-18   #1281

Reply to #1280 @4l3x4nd3r :


Use Baidu browsers or UC Browser. Google Chrome no longer supports Flash Player features. Google Chrome can only be used to make payments in the game, and in game can only be played from browsers that support Flash Player.(for example, those listed above, there are quite a few browsers with Flash Player on the internet) If you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgot password

2023-01-18   #1282

Reply to #1281 @admin :

pleese help me. i need play again

2023-01-18   #1283

Reply to #1282 @4l3x4nd3r :

Check private messages in the forum

2023-01-26   #1284

Hi Admin    i have a question regard the camo that u send as a gift for the start of new lunar year ...   are they last only for 14 day  or  i have to use them within 14 day and will last after that on the troop for ever  ?

2023-01-26   #1285

Reply to #1284 @kurtolsen :

These camouflages have a rollback timer (automatic deletion) after 14 days (it doesn't matter where the camo. is located (in the warehouse or on the unit).Life hack, if you use these camouflages on units, and on the 13th day you Unload camouflage with preservation by paying gold coins, then the camouflage period will be again 14 days

2023-02-26   #1286

cant login only loads to 70 %

2023-02-26   #1287

The servers are re-start. Access will be restored after a while

2023-02-26   #1288

Reply to #1287 @admin :

This is demolition. How long before we can log in to the game and did y'all fix the Hall of Fame event

2023-02-26   #1289

Reply to #1288 @demolition :

As soon as all work on the server is completed, we will restart HOF, currently HOF is disabled(on all servers)

2023-02-26   #1290

how much longer do we have to wait to get in the game.

2023-02-26   #1291

Reply to #1290 @demolition :

The servers are working.

2023-02-26   #1292

how about some compensation.and when will hall of fame be started again

2023-02-26   #1293

the alliances are missing from the game .

2023-02-26   #1294

Reply to #1293 @demolition :

Compensation will be later, we are still carrying out technical work. Alliances will be returned, don't worry.

2023-02-27   #1295

when will yall launch Hof event

2023-02-27   #1296

Reply to #1295 @demolition :

Compensation - located in Flash-Sale. Don't forget to get it! Regarding HOF, until we make sure the server is stable, we will not launch HOF.

2023-03-19   #1297

When will HOF event be put in the game

2023-03-19   #1298

Reply to #1297 @demolition :


2023-03-25   #1299

Здраствуйте. а можно описание про Белый танк, который сейчас в БО.

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