1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2024-03-05   #1350

Reply to #1349 @josuapark :

We'll check it

2024-03-10   #1351

Birlik yükseltmeli etkinlik ? ne zaman başlayacak oyun iyice monotonlaştı hof ta yok gen de yok birlik te yok ......

2024-03-10   #1352

Reply to #1351 @gilesconley :


2024-03-25   #1353

Здраствуйте. если можно, поставьте в БО Gift Coupon. 

2024-03-25   #1354

Reply to #1353 @green :

Есть оно в Trade-in

2024-03-26   #1355

any chance you can add upgrade packs to the Top trade in

2024-03-26   #1356

Reply to #1355 @test :
Hi.Trade-in is as full as possible; you can get these items in other events.

2024-04-08   #1357

Is hall of fame gone for good now 

2024-04-09   #1358

Reply to #1357 @coby2407 :

No, we are trying to make some changes, when this is completed we will try to launch this event.

2024-04-09   #1359

Ok, thanks

2024-05-03   #1360

Any reason I can't collect silver reward in trade in. The one with 500 limited gold.

2024-05-03   #1361

Reply to #1360 @coby2407 :

Try again

2024-05-03   #1362

Got now ,thanks

2024-05-03   #1363

Reply to #1362 @coby2407 :

Have a good game

2024-05-05   #1364

When are you going to raise cities in ww from 250 to 320?

2024-05-05   #1365

Reply to #1364 @coby2407 :

We will try to do this in the next update.

2024-05-11   #1366

When will the update start

2024-05-11   #1367

Reply to #1366 @demolition :

We do not write specific dates ahead of time regarding the update.

2024-06-07   #1368

Здраствуйте. Не могу забрать технику. Подскажите почему. S136 KimNealScreenshot_1.png

2024-06-11   #1369

Reply to #1368 @green :

Количество золотых монет которое необходимо для обмена 9950, а на данный момент у вас всего 2040/9950...

2024-06-11   #1370


2024-06-11   #1371

Reply to #1371 @green :

Опечатка, не чести, а золотых монет.

2024-07-03   #1372

Can you put corrosion II in flash sale or trade in pls

2024-07-03   #1373

Reply to #1372 @coby2407 :

Check trade-in

2024-07-06   #1374

Can you change corrosion II to Strategy Books  in trade in please

2024-07-06   #1375

When are you going to upgrade cities in ww to level 300

2024-07-06   #1376

Reply to #1374 @coby2407 :

Trade-in is completed. We'll do it next time.

All changes arrive in order of their request. Perhaps this will be in the next update.

2024-07-09   #1377

email sent please reply

2024-07-09   #1378

He gave me log in details and kept logging into my accounts

2024-07-09   #1379

Reply to #1378 @coby2407 :

Reply to #1377 @demolition :
If you log into an account that is not yours, I will be forced to block all your accounts.
And for the future, our rules prohibit transferring account to another person.

2024-07-16   #1380

We don't transfer, we run whlie other is sleeping

2024-07-16   #1381

Reply to #1380 @coby2407 :

This means transferring login and password to each other. It is forbidden!

2024-07-20   #1382

Show us rule where it says that

2024-07-20   #1383

Reply to #1382 @coby2407 :

This is indicated at the very beginning of the rules, without any clause.

2024-07-20   #1384

Ill ask them and see about it then

2024-07-21   #1385

Reply to #1384 @coby2407 :


2024-09-08   #1386

Nickname - ShyGuy
Server - s137

Hello. How often do you launch Trade-In event? 

2024-09-08   #1387

Reply to #1386 @hyperborean :

1/2 times per month. Usually the event lasts 6/7 days.

Next start : 09/09/2024

2024-09-09   #1388

My HQ is at 86.fred lowe acct. Why cannot have reinforcement what are the requirements for reinforcements on my units

2024-09-09   #1389

Reinforcements button is not lit up

2024-09-09   #1390

Reply to #1389 @demolition :

Only the HQ level matters.Need HQ 110+.

2024-09-29   #1391

its ok

2024-09-29   #1392

Reply to #1400 @adolf :

When upgrading parameters on units, the system gives both + and - parameters.

Try to upgrade with supreme, diamond and platinum upgrades, the chance of getting a minus parameter is very low. And before confirming the minus parameter, the system asks you for confirmation. Pay attention to this. The minus, like the plus parameter, is written next to the improvement parameters for each parameter.


image.pngDon't save if you get a negative parameter. Even if it's like this. Don't save!

The system warns about this.

2024-10-09   #1393


Sayın admin etkinlik yapılacak mı? birlik yükseltme ve elimizde ki ,

Protection Token, Ice fragment,Upgrade pack,strategy book vs gibi....

Monotonluktan biraz kurtulmak lazım......

Yeni birşeyler düşünülüyor mu ?


2024-10-09   #1394

Reply to #1393 @gilesconley :

Maybe this weekend or next week

2024-12-15   #1395

i need high trophy Z trophies in flash sale

2024-12-15   #1396

Reply to #1395 @demolition :

They can temporarily only be obtained through Instances

2025-01-06   #1397

Здраствуйте. Русский сервер работает отлично. В английский не могу зайти. Он час поработал и всё. Проверьте пожалуйста. S136 KimNeal

2025-01-06   #1398

Читал переписки. вам там игроки задавали вопрос про новогодний подарок. Я заходил в игру 3 января, подарка небыло. На почте вроде бы шесть дней сообщение держится. Сможете проверить?

2025-01-06   #1399

Reply to #1397 @green :

Все работает, никаких проблем нет на S136
по скрину могу сказать, что проблема в вашем провайдере.

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KimNeal - 2025-01-01 15:18:28 Получено: ограниченные по времени золотые монеты:
Система: Новый 2025 год!

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