1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2022-02-13   #1200

just tried and didn't work for me, again stopped at 215. losing gold and a shitload of time

2022-02-13   #1201

Reply to #1200 @test :

So you do not notice how they break your tower. The towers have level 280 in the current version, your account passed 215 successfully yesterday. I don't find any mistakes on our part.

2022-02-13   #1202

i'm sorry, but i did not. From lvl 190 and beyond the same type of units spawn. At lvl 215 the units spawn and i don't see them firing a shot, my units and main tower are at full healt and the game shuts down.

2022-02-13   #1203

Reply to #1202 @test :

I checked on other servers(other players),there also players with a higher level were able to rise above level 215.

2022-02-13   #1204

i understand but maybe it's something account bound, that happened to me before

2022-02-13   #1205

Reply to #1204 @test :

Watchtower depends only on the version of the game, that is, there cannot be single errors in the watchtower, if there is an error, then everyone has it.I personally checked your account in the tower yesterday, everything is functioning.

2022-02-18   #1206

I had some corrosive agents in storage before your techs changed it so that there was no countdown timer on them and I also got more corrosive agents after you made the change and I still have a countdown timer on my corrosive agents. Am I going to lose the ones that I bought before you made the change?

2022-02-18   #1207

Reply to #1206 @josuapark :

To completely get rid of the timer, you need to use all the old corrosion with the timer, and then get new ones, then there will no longer be a timer on these items. If you have one item with a timer, then the items received will have a timer. We wrote that it is necessary to use all the corrosion from the warehouse, then get new ones, only then the timer will completely disappear.

2022-02-22   #1208


S 137 

Sayın Admin Corrosion a ihtiyaçım var ama 600 altından 800 e çıkmış

Hesabın etkinliği için birlik gen sefer yapmak gerek ama 1 ayda biriktirip gecebiliyorken bu süre 1,5 aya çıktı konu hakkında yardımınızı rica edeceğim.

2022-02-22   #1209


S 137 

Birliklere takımı için altın biriktirelim yoksa Corrosion için mi HOF ta da yeterli gelmiyor gücümüz nasıl biriktireceğiz acaba 

Etkinliklere de koyabilirseniz sevinirim

2022-02-22   #1210

Reply to #1209 @leifbrock :

Bir dahaki sefer Trade-in etkinliğini çalıştırdığımızda korozyon oluşmasını kolaylaştırmaya çalışacağız.

2022-02-22   #1211

Sayın Admin

İlginiz ve düşünceniz için teşekkürler 

2022-02-28   #1212

Teşekkürler Admin Corrosion etkinliği için her seferinde değerlendirmeniz ricaısı ile

2022-02-28   #1213

Reply to #1212 @leifbrock :


2022-03-04   #1214

what does the skill "christmas carnival" on the "xmas reindeer tank ex" do?

2022-03-04   #1215

Reply to #1214 @test :

Be patient, the information will be available in the relevant topic.

Trade-in units

2022-03-04   #1216

ok thx

2022-03-04   #1217

i'm also wondering what the death storm EX skill "sandstorm" does

2022-03-05   #1218


S 137 

Sayın Admin 

C1 i nasıl temin edebilirim 

2022-03-05   #1219

Reply to #1218 @leifbrock :

Accumulated Recharge

2022-03-07   #1220

any information on the death storm EX skill "sandstorm"?

2022-03-07   #1221

Reply to #1220 @test :

We collect all the information, everything will be published soon.

2022-03-07   #1222

ok ty for the update

2022-03-08   #1223

Reply to #1222 @test :
Death storm EX - 170 lvl


2022-03-10   #1224

ty for the info

2022-03-13   #1225

is there a problem with limit time gold in top trade in? If I buy a instance ticket it uses my limit time gold but if I buy instance chances it uses my regular gold.

2022-03-13   #1226

Reply to #1225 @josuapark :

This is not the case,in Trade-In there are no items for a temporary coins, only permanent coins are spent there. Example: For temporary coins, you can buy instances chances in the menu Battle, but not in Trade-in.

2022-03-20   #1227

Is there any way i can log in my old Facebook Acc for General war been wanting to play my old account for sometime now

2022-03-20   #1228

Reply to #1227 @wredebalbanero :

i forgot my IGN but i can still remember my old Which was s85-Orleans

2022-03-20   #1229

Reply to #1228 @wredebalbanero 

WredeBalbanero was my old Gamebox Username but since i can't access the website and forums i have no idea how to signup anymore

2022-03-21   #1230

Reply to #1229 @wredebalbanero :

You can continue your old game if you have previously played on the GameBox platform, but you must write your exact nickname in the game so that we can help you

2022-03-21   #1231

Reply to #1230 @admin : i'm not clearly sure but i think i used Wrede as my in game nick name in s85 - Orleans as far as i can remember 

would really hope my old Acc could be retrieved

2022-03-21   #1232

Reply to #1231 @wredebalbanero :

Wrede - there is no such nickname in the database, try to write the exact nickname or write all the nicknames that you could use

2022-03-21   #1233

Reply to #1236 @admin :

i guess i could use ranger from server s109 as thats the only acc i have left that you mentioned earlier

2022-03-21   #1234

Reply to #1247 @wredebalbanero :

I wrote to you in private messages

2022-03-21   #1235

Reply to #1233 @wredebalbanero :

Olease, check Inbox on the forum

2022-04-22   #1236

LeifBrock S137

Gen birleştirmede General Fusion A (Mavi) birleştirme takısı nasıl elde ebedilirim 

Honor Shopta ki değil

Etkinlikte alınabilse çok güzel olur

Sayılarımla Bilginize

2022-04-22   #1237

Reply to #1236 @leifbrock :

Anladım.Bu öğeyi Flash Sale'e ekleyeceğiz.

2022-05-13   #1238

What does the skill nano impact do?

2022-05-14   #1239

Reply to #1238 @test :


2022-05-16   #1240


S 137

Trade unit özellikleri nelerdir?

Birlikteki SPUTT özelliği nedir?

2022-05-16   #1241



Gen birleştirme için madalya  etkinliğe konacaktı?

2022-05-17   #1242

Reply to #1240 @leifbrock :

Yukarıyı oku

2022-05-17   #1243

Reply to #1241 @leifbrock :

Bu sefer işte alınmadı

2022-05-20   #1244



how can i open the game adobe flash player is expired

2022-05-20   #1245

Reply to #1244 @durugista :

Hi. FP problem - solved, there : http://forum.jtggame.com/t/23

2022-05-30   #1246


Flash sale etkinliği için teşekkürler admin

2022-07-14   #1247


S 137

Sayın Admin eskiden elimizde kalan ,

Dogtag 1-5-9 madalyalar var ve 

FOUR 4 harfleri var ,

bunlarla ilgili etkinliklerde ne yapabilirsiniz veya biz  ne yapabiliriz bu öğeleri

2022-07-15   #1248

Reply to #1247 @leifbrock :

Bir sonraki Trade-in'de bir şey düşüneceğim

2022-08-06   #1249

Why have your techs increased the price of the trade in units so much? When they first came out they were never this expensive. Why not just do away with the gold units altogether since they are about useless now. If a lower level players has the right kind of trade in units and knows what he is doing he can beat a player that is a much higher lvl and stronger player. It seemed like when you guys first introduced the trade in units they were kind of meant to help the players that were not big spenders to have a fighting chance against the spenders and now there is no real incentive to spend money here because the trade in units have taken over. There are only a couple of areas in the game now where gold units still rule like HOF and on the map if that player ins online to use skills when attacked. From about lvl 230 on up gold units are absolutely useless in campaigns. It is the like the whole balance of the game is backwards now.

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