1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2021-05-23   #1100

Reply to #1099 @demolition :

If I am not mistaken, I have already sent this information to you by email. I don't remember now, I'll check it on Monday and I’ll answer you.

2021-05-24   #1101

Reply to #1100 @admin :

What level in the watchtower to get high trophy y trophies

2021-05-24   #1102

Reply to #1101 @demolition :

I answered your email address

2021-05-25   #1103



what level in the watchtower to get high tropy Y please?

i´m level 251 and get trophy NM and 8 star easter eggs

2021-05-25   #1104

Reply to #1104 @monster01 :


In theory it should be like this

260+ lvl Hight trophy Y

I'll log in to your account and check.

----after check

We have added (in trade-in) the exchange of these eggs for trophy Y, we will try to quickly fix and put trophy Y instead of eggs

2021-05-26   #1105



Trade de ki 50 lik ilk birlikte 50 madalya ile alınabiliyorken 

Auro nun ilk 50 liği neden Core takısı ile geldi acaba ?

İhtiyacı olan var olmayan var ödemedeki sorun hala devam ederken Türkiyede ki oyuncularda ....

Diğer Trade etkinliğinde konulduğunda Auro birliğinde 50 likte Core takısı olmasa bari nacizane düşüncem ile....

2021-05-27   #1106

Reply to #1105 @leifbrock :

Basittir, Trade-in 'e ikinci bir unit eklendiğinde, 50seviye değiş tokuşu için bir çekirdek ayarlanır ve bu sadece yeniden yükleme ile elde edilebilir.

Nasıl yatırım edebileceğinizi zaten cevapladık.

gwrus.jtggame.com platformu aracılığıyla

2021-05-27   #1107



when is there the tl gold event again?

2021-05-27   #1108

Reply to #1107 @monster01 :

Gold Event?

2021-05-27   #1109



     We need Corrosion Agents II and III in Flash Sale.

2021-05-28   #1110



where you can buy time limit gold, there was always 1-2 times a month, but not the last time at all

2021-05-28   #1111

Reply to #1110 @monster01 :

We did it

2021-05-30   #1112



thank you for the tl gold (event)

but the bars and easter eggs are still there


2021-05-30   #1113

Reply to #1112 @monster01 :

Yes, we hope to fix this next week, at the moment, you can exchange these eggs in the trade-in for the trophy Y

2021-06-06   #1114



hi, how much gold does it cost to swap the oracle type-II 170 to 230 or 250 at a trade in event?

and i still get the easter eggs and nm trophy from tower

2021-06-06   #1115

Reply to #1114 @monster01 :

We will make changes to the tower on Friday (remove the eggs), and Trophies Y can also be obtained from level 260.


17000 gold if 170 * 230 (34999-19999=15000+2000 (transfer of exp, camouflage,improvement)
22000 gold if 170 * 250 (39999-19999=20000+2000  (transfer of exp, camouflage,improvement)

2021-06-08   #1116

Email sent please respond

2021-06-10   #1117

I don`t follow him\her all the time, but noticed that her\her BR rising too incredible 

If her\her BR is


How exactly rise like this


2021-06-10   #1118

He\she increased him\her BR wth 700+ M but his\her BR is 900+ M thats mean that he\she start with 200+M at lvl 266 


2021-06-10   #1119

Just wonder I know how it`s work, but I`d think that`s it`s not so fair. Give him\ner all the rewards `cos he\she spend a lot of money but... 

2021-06-10   #1120

This is not a cheat but a problem with event - if I retreat all my troops before the event starts and then i assign them i will receive points for event 

2021-06-10   #1121

DO NOT PUNISH the player this is YOUR fault 

2021-06-10   #1122

Reply to #1122 @np1888 :

I will answer you in secret, Your method would work if the player had been informed in advance of exactly when this event would start, and since no one knows when this event will start, it means that the player is clean, you just need to improve the units with improvement sheets, as the points in the rating will increase significantly✌️

2021-06-11   #1123

Reply to #1122 @admin :

I can remove all my troops everyday when i finish my dailies and log off and then no need to know when the event will start  When i log in the next day i will deploy my troops and will start play. If the event already started next day when i log - ok, if it does not started - again will remove troops and so...

2021-06-11   #1124

Reply to #1123 @np1888 :

You are smart, but have you seen the launch time of the event? No one can know if it will be launched at night, during the day and at what time.It is enough to actively participate in activities and collect improvement sheets and all will be well

Have a good game

2021-06-11   #1125

Or will be just easy to find a way to record historicaly highest rating and everyone will start the event with his historicaly highest rating or current highest rating and then removal of troops will does not matter

Have a good day

2021-06-27   #1126



Birlik etkinliği ne zaman gelecek... ??

2021-06-27   #1127

Reply to #1126 @leifbrock :

27/06/21-dan sonra. 

2021-06-27   #1128



Sayın admin 

Birlik olarak ne düşünülüyor Auro ve Clt yükseltmem lazım

Ayrıca etkinlikte eskiden 2 3 birlik geliyordu şimdi nasıl olacak

Bilgi ve destek için tşk.ler

2021-06-27   #1129

Reply to #1128 @leifbrock :

Repeated units only for recharge can be add in Trade-in
Previously, all levels were small, which made it possible to add several units at once for exchange, but now almost one line of a unit up to level 235 occupies almost all Trade-in pages

2021-06-27   #1130

Reply sent please respond

2021-06-28   #1131

Any chance of score exchange pls.

2021-06-28   #1132

Reply to #1131 @coby2407 :

Hi. Now there is a Gold Joy event, which means these events cannot overlap.

2021-06-29   #1133



i have an Oracle Type II 170 but i would like an exchange for Oracle Type II 230

is that possible?

is a gold unit

2021-06-29   #1134

Reply to #1133 @monster01 :

Yes, we can do it, after a while this exchange will be added.

re: check please

2021-08-11   #1135


S 137

Sayın admin ,

219 km ve Columbia 18 in seferini yapmak ve ilerlemek için AURO ya ihtiyaçım var.

Diğer oyuncularda bu ve bundan sonra ki seferlerde ,htiyaç duyulacak AURO ve RED DEVIL birlikleri etkinlikte ne zaman gelecek....

Yoksa kısır döngüye gireceğiz diğer oyuncular gibi 2 veya 3 auro 3 red olmadığı için ilerleme ve km basma şansımız olmayacak

2021-08-11   #1136

Reply to #1135 @leifbrock :

Alay etmeye devam ediyorsunuz, her seferinde bu birimleri koyduk diyebiliriz, çekirdeksiz takas olmaz, 3 tanesine sahip olan diğer oyuncular da çekirdek yardımı ile aldılar. Dolayısıyla biz onları geri koyabileceğiz ama Türkiye'de herhangi bir tranzaksiyalar olmadığını yazıyorsunuz vs. Size birkaç seçenek sunduk, diğer platformumuz üzerinden ödeme yapma imkanı,orada Türkiye üzerinden ödeme yapmak için birçok seçenek var, size daha yakın olacak bir çalışanımızı sunduk, tekrar ediyorum: tekrar edilen birimler sadece çekirdek kullanılarak elde edilebilir, tıpkı diğer oyuncuların onları aldığı gibi. Size başka nasıl yardım edeceğimi bilmiyorum.

2021-08-11   #1137

1 - ALAY etmiyorum.... Sayın diye başlanan Formu ltf. yanlış yöne çekmeyin...

2- Çalışanınız ile görüştüm ama yardımcı olmadı ....(başka birini Özel mailime tekrar gönderirmisiniz)

3- Ödeme konusunda çekirdek için araştırmaya devam ediyorum.. Ki birlik almam şart

4- Geri dönüş nezaketiniz için de teşekkürler....

2021-08-12   #1138

Reply to #1137 @leifbrock :

1. Uzmanımızla iletişime geçmediniz, biz zaten öğrendik.
2. Diğer platformumuzda altın/çekirdek satın almak için aşağıdaki seçenekler mevcuttur: (orada Türk Lirası Rus rublesine çevrilecektir)

2021-09-09   #1139

can you ask the techs to put campaign chances back in flash sale the next time it resets. There are campaign chances in flash right now but it is a bundle with instance chances and watch tower and those are things i do not need or want to spend extra gold on 

2021-09-09   #1140

Reply to #1139 @josuapark :

Okay, we'll do it next fs.

2021-09-10   #1141

In the turn event will the gold you give out for gold units turned in be limit time gold or just regular that can be saved without a time limit?

2021-09-10   #1142

Reply to #1141 @josuapark :

If you purchased a unit in the past for regular gold, then the exchange will also be for regular gold

2021-09-10   #1143


2021-10-04   #1144

Здраствуйте. Поставьте пожалуйста в БО генерала для артилерии.Очень нужен.

2021-10-04   #1145

Reply to #1144 @green :

Здравствуйте. Что за генерал, что за артиллерия, в какое БО?

2021-10-04   #1146

Сейчас начался БО на английском сервере. Генерала хотелось бы всадника. А так, какого сможете поставить. Всё равно буду рад заиметь хорошего генерала.

2021-10-04   #1147

Reply to #1146 @green :

Постараемся это сделать

2021-10-05   #1148


Auro için bilgi nereden öğrenebilirim birlik level hakkında  bilgi 

2021-10-06   #1149

Reply to #1146 @green :


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