1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2021-11-21   #1150



what is the chance to get a unit or orange general in Lucky Draw? It seems impossible to get general or the unit as i get only platinum improvement files and skills

2021-11-22   #1151

Reply to #1150 @shyguy :
The event has a random chance, unfortunately, I cannot write specific random numbers. But getting a unit or an officer is possible.

2021-12-08   #1152

I thought you was going to put exchange AReform Signet IV for AReform Signet III in trade in this is 2nd trade in now

2021-12-08   #1153

Reply to #1152 @coby2407 :

AReform Signet IV change to AReform Signet III???

maybe correctly AReform Signet III --> AReform Signet IV???

2021-12-08   #1154


2021-12-10   #1155

Reply to #1154 @coby2407 :

Check Trade-in

2021-12-12   #1156

Got signets thanks, emails sent

2021-12-13   #1157

The signet IVs you put in trade in only had a 2 hour timer limit on them and lost them all.

2021-12-13   #1158

Reply to #1157 @coby2407 :

there are no other options for this item, i.e. there is only one such item and we added it to the exchange., and as for the timer, apparently this is how it was conceived.

2021-12-13   #1159

You need 10 for equipment and by time id collected them some had gone so couldn't use them . Now lost them all. 

2021-12-13   #1160

Reply to #1159 @coby2407 :

We put 11 of these. That is, you had time to use them.

2021-12-13   #1161

I didn't have time to use them because didn't collect them all at once and didn't know they only had 2 hours on them till it was to late to use them.

2021-12-13   #1162

Reply to #1161 @coby2407 :

We add +10 att.

2021-12-30   #1163


S16 Мюнхен


16 дней не могу зайти в игру, потому что как я понял меня заблокировапи.

Хочу узнать на сколько меня заблокировали?

Что нужно сделать чтобы меня разблокировали?

С наступающим Новым Годом!

2021-12-30   #1164

Reply to #1163 @htirlitz1 :


Взаимно, первым делом быть готовым перести этот аккаунт в блок к основе BicaMaddox, если  готовы к этому мы можем снять блок

2021-12-30   #1165

Reply to #1164 @admin :

У меня с ВicaVaddox разные аккаунты и разные электронные адреса. 

Имеет это значение или нет?

2021-12-30   #1166

Reply to #1165 @htirlitz1 :

Так или иначе эти два аккаунта принадлежат одному человеку.,а значит они в теории не могут существовать в разных блоках. 

2021-12-31   #1167

Ответьте#1166@admin :

Хорошо я готов перейти в блок красных хотя это теряет азарт и остроту в Мировой войне.

2021-12-31   #1168

Reply to #1167 @htirlitz1 :

Азарт помогать основе, да, вполне. Блокировка cнята. 

2022-01-01   #1169

email sent

2022-01-02   #1170

Email sent

2022-01-06   #1171

did the techs make any changes to the cayman tank? Starting about 2 days ago the cayman has started doing a lot more damage than it used to do and nothing has changed on the caymans of the accts that I fight in arena and colosseum.

2022-01-06   #1172

Reply to #1171 @josuapark :

Hi No, we have not made any changes. With such changes, we would inform everyone.

2022-01-18   #1173

is it against the rules in HOF to for one player to use their low lvl alt acct to help another player gain an advantage in HOF ranking? Depending on how a player understands your rules for HOF it sounds like alt accts can not be used at all in HOF whether they are matching up with a players main acct or being used to help out another player. S9 appears to be using a lot of alts to help out their server by using alts to help get as many of their players on their server into the top rankings so that they can collect the best rewards. This has been an ongoing pattern with this server for years.

2022-01-18   #1174

Reply to #1173 @josuapark :

It is unacceptable to use a alt-account in this way.

2022-01-19   #1175

On the [A] 260 equips for tanks and artillery how does the Roaring ignore SDA15% work? Does this mean that when you attack an enemy unit their SDA is reduced by 15%?

2022-01-19   #1176

Reply to #1175 @josuapark :

No, bonuses on equipment only apply to you, it has nothing to do with the enemy.

2022-01-21   #1177

email sent

2022-01-26   #1178


S 137 

Corrossion Agent e ihtiyac var 

Ama altın biriktirip almak 1 ay sürüyor ve sefer geçmek de etkinliklere eklemenizi rica ederim.

2022-02-02   #1179


S 137

Verilen altını nerede ve nasıl kullanacağız.....

2022-02-02   #1180

Reply to #1179 @leifbrock :

Harcayabilirsin: deposunu genişletmek için, mağazadan ekipman satın almak,mağazadaki ekipmam Conscription I/II/III satın almak,mağazada beceri satın almak,mağazada malzeme satın almak,(exp)eğitim hızlandırma, BP üretimi, gümüş toplama için harcandı(hq silver) (Improvement)tekneye yapılan altın katkıları için,war alliances gövdeyi güçlendirmek için,hazır ekipman satın alın / ekipman oluşturu,lucky draw için.

2022-02-02   #1181

Sayın Admin 

Alamıyorum Corrosion 3 alacaktım ekran görüntüsü ekte yardımınızı rica ederim

Ekran Görüntüsü (7).png

2022-02-02   #1182

Reply to #1181 @leifbrock :

Flash Sale'de çalışmıyo

2022-02-02   #1183

Sayın admin

Corrosion nu nereden alacağım verdiğiniz cvp ta var alım lar

Mağazada Corrosion nerede resimli gönderebilirmisiniz

mağazadaki ekipmam Conscription I/II/III satın almak

2022-02-02   #1184

Reply to #1183 @leifbrock :

Corrosion only on flash sale/gold joy/lucky draw/accumulated recharge.

2022-02-09   #1185

Is there going to be a lunar instance coming or are we just supposed to trade dogtags and ice fragments for the firecracker X and then use them for the red envelopes?

2022-02-09   #1186

Reply to #1185 @josuapark :

Second., that is, there will be no instances. Just make an exchange

2022-02-09   #1187

Is it normal watchtower automatically ends at wave 215?

2022-02-10   #1188

Reply to #1187 @test :

It all depends on how many levels you have advanced.

2022-02-10   #1189

what do you mean? I was playing watchtower, all my units and the main tower were in full health but the game ended it at lvl 215

2022-02-10   #1190

Reply to #1189 @test :

Watchtower should now have 280 levels

2022-02-10   #1191

seems it doesn't for me, it stopped at 215

2022-02-10   #1192

Reply to #1191 @test :

Try again, I think there are no problems with 216/217 and higher levels of the watchtower

2022-02-10   #1193

any chance you could add the option to start playing from lvl200(80gold), it takes so much time to play

2022-02-11   #1194

Reply to #1193 @test :

Leave your nickname and server, we will try to check

2022-02-11   #1195

hosichen - S6

2022-02-12   #1196

any succes?

2022-02-13   #1197

Reply to #1196 @test :

We have now checked your account. Your units are in the tower. Don't login to your account.

2022-02-13   #1198

ok thx

2022-02-13   #1199

Reply to #1198 @test :
We checked your account and were able to reach level 255, but we have already returned everything to its place, you now need to rise above level 215 yourself. There are no problems.


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