923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2024-08-25   #900

Can we also get compensation like some honor and reputation and experience 

2024-08-25   #901

Reply to #900 @demolition :

We all know, there is no reason to worry.

2024-08-25   #902

Can we also get compensation like some honor and reputation 

2024-08-25   #903

Reply to #902 @demolition :

Compensation will be sent when the Colosseum is fully fixed. Don't worry.

2024-09-14   #904

Что с игрой???БАГ.png

2024-09-14   #905

Reply to #904 @zhadum11 :

Уже работает.

2024-10-05   #906


s 137 

Corrosıon agent 3 almak neden zorlaştı 260-265 bölümünün 5 i geçilmiyor 215 dua ya rağmen nasıl destek olunur?

2024-10-06   #907

Reply to #906 @gilesconley :

Selam, neden? Flash Sale-de 600 gold coine almak olur

2024-11-01   #908

Здраствуйте. В любой сервер могу зайти, на английской верии, на русской. Кроме вот этого S 136. Именно там где играю показывает 70%. Как такое может быть? S 136 KimNeal

2024-11-01   #909

Reply to #908 @green :

Сейчас проверим.Работает вроде все

2024-11-03   #910

i had 24h left on the timer of my halloween treasure chests, 10h later thet are gone. Timer wasn't working correctly

2024-11-03   #911

Reply to #910 @test :

Everything works fine, rewards were sent 2024/10/31 0:28:29 server time. You got them 2024-11-01 16:49:14 server time.
How could they have 20 hours left on them? If they only have 48 hours.

2024-11-03   #912

you tell me, when i checked them in my stash yesterday before i logged out they showed 24h left and 10h later when i got back online they were gone. So time indication in stash doesn't seem accurate, else they would still be there

2024-11-03   #913

Reply to #912 @test :

The timer on them starts from the moment they are received from the mail, the time on the server now is: 2024-11-03 20:48:39 they disappeared 2024-11-03 16:49:14 i.e. after 48 hours.
you got them 2024-11-01 16:49:14

2024-11-03   #914

i'm not discussing the time left, i'm saying the time showing on the timer was incorrect, else i would still have had the chests

2024-11-03   #915

Reply to #914 @test :

You couldn't have chests, look at the time of receiving chests and the time of disappearance. Exactly 48 hours have passed.

2024-11-04   #916

look, i checked them yesterday before i logged out and the timer had 24h on them, less then 12h later they are gone. So then the timer on thse chests were nog showing the correct time.

Fix your timer, it will save us both time.

2024-11-04   #917

Reply to #916 @test :

you got them 2024-11-01 16:49:14
they disappeared 2024-11-03 16:49:14
These are your account log entries. I don't see any problems.

2024-11-04   #918

the timer in the stash wasnt showing the correct remaining time

2024-11-04   #919

Reply to #918 @test :

It theoretically cannot show incorrectly, please note that no one except you writes with such a problem.
For testing, yesterday I received such an item while I was answering you and the timer works without any problems.


2024-11-05   #920

in theory then... i know what i saw, and i'm not a liar or cheater.

We'll leave it at this, not going to waste more time, useless

2024-11-05   #921

Reply to #920 @test :

I don't rule out that you've got something mixed up.So yes, I think it's worth taking a break from this discussion.Have a good game.

2025-01-04   #922

DinoArnold сервер Минск. Здравствуйте! такая проблема, купил в распродаже броник 2 января и тут же случайно продал,помогите вернуть пжс.

2025-01-04   #923

Reply to #922 @dinoarnold :

Да, есть такое. Ставьте замок на юниты. Проверьте почту.

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