I know that we have always had 5 to 6 days and that is the problem. I had mail that still had 5 days of storage time left on both my accts and when I logged in all my mail was gone. I use my mail as time runs out so that I have extra exp and silver to use when events come up. Why did all my mail suddenly disappear when it still had time left?
This has never happened before. I have been playing this way for years and have always used my mail as extra storage and the timer has always started at 6 days and counts down and when the timer reaches 0 or one day left I use those mails so I don't lose them or I use them up if an event is active that require silver, rp or exp. Guess there must have been some sort of glitch in the game that I lost all my mail eventhough I had days left on the count down timer. Not a big deal at the moment since there is no event active that requires any of those resources. Just wanted to make you aware of the problem.
Reply to #813 @josuapark :
You must pick up the letters from the game mail without fail as soon as you receive them. We are responsible for the fact that you receive letters with resources,but what will happen to them further is your responsibility,because for these letters: you don't take you can delete you can forget about them.
It is impossible to keep letters in the mail for more than 5/6 days, they can be deleted by the system, as an additional and unnecessary cache / cookie
S 137
Twilight in front (255-260) sefer 10 u geçtim ama yeniden oyna dedi.....
800 altınla flash dan aldığım 5 corrosion 3 ve 3 corrosion 2 ile geçtim....
Ek de resimlerde var
Geçtiğim 10.seferi geçmedin diyor 11i oynamam lazım 10 dasın diyor
Kırmızı birlik yok .....
Reply to #825 @gilesconley :
Bu gibi durumlarda Auto Fight tuşuna basmanız gerekiyor,yani belki haritanın arkasında bir unit vardır(oluyor). Bu da geçemediğin anlamına geliyor.Ayrıca bu gibi durumlarda kampın otomatik geçişini kontrol etmeniz gerekir,Auto Fight düğmesinin üstünde bulunur.
Sayın admin
Pardon ama 9 birlik yok edipte haritanın arkasında birlik oluyor demek hele ki kırmızı olsa harita da bana biraz garip geldi....
Hele ki 255 sefere gelene kadar böyle bir sıkıntı yaşamamışken ?
Are your techs making it so that players can not play the game on a tablet or other android devices? Ever since you updated the servers if i login to the game on my tablet or phone using the puffin web browser for android the game will only stay connected for 5 or 10 minutes and then says unstable network and kicks me off the game and lags really bad.
Reply to #832 @josuapark :
No, if this happens, then it is related to the Puffin browser, not the game. The browser can block the connection to the game, the game itself is always online. That is, technically, what you write would mean that our game server would be closed every 5-10 minutes, and this is not theoretically possible. Therefore, look for a solution to this problem in Puffin or via internet connec.
Requires Login
Reply to #799 @mikey66 :
Our specialists will re-check your account[accepted for service 09:45].