925 Replies | Last update 10 hours ago
2023-10-25   #850

Reply to #849 @test :

Ok,we will check it.
re: Relevant rewards have been sent.

2023-12-23   #851

unable to login to the game

2023-12-23   #852

we cant either it stop running at 70 %

S17 Roma

2023-12-23   #853

Can not log into game. Only loads to 70%.

2023-12-23   #854

We know everything, we work.
re: Everything is working.

2024-01-01   #855

Check Trade-in again

2024-01-01   #856
2024-01-01   #857

Reply to #856 @zhadum11 :

For changes in Trade-in to take effect, re-enter the game and pick up your New Year's gift in Trade-in.

2024-01-12   #858

My lvl 270 units show as lvl250 in WW
hosichen - s6

2024-01-12   #859

Reply to #858 @test :

Describe in more detail! since you are writing in a topic with problems!


2024-01-12   #860

sorry, in battle they were showing as lvl 250

2024-01-12   #861

Reply to #860 @test :

In battle (in city), units fight at the city level.

2024-01-30   #862

I get a black screen when I try to attack demolition in City Siege and cant do camp 5 , Purge 2 , missile crisis in hero mode. Same again black screen. GstaGibson S 12

2024-01-30   #863

Reply to #862 @coby2407 :

We'll check it

2024-01-30   #864

Do you need demo to get his timer off city siege

2024-01-30   #865

Reply to #862 @coby2407 :

Demolition - only he was able to attack you, the attack was from Demolition / his defense was turned on.(the city under protection). There are no problems with displaying the battle. We checked the attack of another player, everything is displayed.

2024-01-30   #866

Reply to #865 @admin :

I got black screen, so demo attacked me to reset timer and I attacked him again and got black screen again.

2024-01-30   #867

Reply to #864 @coby2407 :

Hero mode - will be fixed soon, the black screen has been sent for correction.

2024-01-30   #868

Reply to #866 @coby2407 :

There is no problem on City Siege, you can try it with player GeroBond, everything is displayed.

2024-01-30   #869

GeroBond has timer on or using blockers, I have no problem attacking Fb

2024-01-30   #870

Reply to #869 @coby2407 :

We also attacked GeroBond without any problems, look at the attack history.

We will check what could be causing the problem specifically with Demolition.

2024-01-31   #871

Reply to #870 @admin :

Yes , only get problem with demo

2024-02-05   #872

my city seige does not work in my demolition acct.i cant attack in city seige it is a black screen cant get any rewards from it.it has been broken for a long time in s17 roma email me back please.i await your response thank you

2024-02-05   #873

Reply to #872 @demolition :

The only thing that doesn't work for you is the attack on the City Siege bot, which duplicates your city. Attacking regular players works.Therefore, you are not correctly considering the issue of not receiving awards.

2024-02-05   #874

i need that city seige bot to work so i can get silver from it.so i can win arms event

i get over 8 million silver for each one

i cant attack many other players because i am at hq 284.

2024-02-05   #875

Reply to #874 @demolition :

One way or another, we will try to fix this in the update

2024-02-06   #876

how long before yall fix my city seige.when will the update start

2024-02-06   #877

Reply to #876 @demolition :

You reported the problem not long ago.Therefore it takes some time.

2024-03-01   #878

Reply to #862 @coby2407 :

Check it now, please.

2024-03-02   #879

Yes, its working. thanks

2024-03-02   #880

Reply to #879 @coby2407 :

Have a good game

2024-03-19   #881

My online pack not working. Should be auto because im m5 but cant even collect manual. S12 GstsGibson

2024-03-19   #882

Reply to #881 @coby2407 :

Everything works, you didn't have space in the warehouse. +1 slot purchased and everything worked

2024-07-16   #883

Your weakening agent II doesn't work

2024-07-16   #884

Reply to #883 @coby2407 :

Which of the agents, we have one for pve battles, the other for pvp.

2024-07-17   #885

 weakening agent II, cant you use them in camp

2024-07-18   #886

Reply to #885 @coby2407 :

Now there are two types of them in the game, one can only be used against players, and the other only in battles against NPCs. Apparently you have one that can be used against players (colosseum/arena/battle alc/world war/siege)

2024-07-18   #887

Can you take them back then and give me my gold back

2024-07-18   #888

Reply to #887 @coby2407 :

Unfortunately, it doesn't work this time.

2024-07-20   #889

Moving troops in ww say it cost samr silver to move all troops. I did that and only 5 troops moved

2024-07-21   #890

Reply to #891 @coby2407 :

Is this your first time in the game? I see that no, you know how the mechanism of troop movement on the world map works, in this case there are no errors or problems.

2024-07-21   #891

Reply to #887 @coby2407 :

And we checked, you received these agents through Gold Joy, how can we return the gold to you for this?)))

2024-08-18   #892

Power battle did not happen 39 minutes ago

2024-08-18   #893

it is broken 

it is not supposed to be this way

no king no honor either

2024-08-18   #894

Reply to #895 @demolition :

The error has been forwarded to the technical department. Wait for a response and do not panic.

2024-08-22   #895

how long before it is fixed any updates

2024-08-22   #896

Reply to #895 @demolition :

It should be decided this week. Unfortunately, I can't give an exact date.

2024-08-25   #897

collisseum power battle is still not fixed

how long 

2024-08-25   #898

Reply to #897 @demolition :

The coliseum system itself should restart with the weekly coliseum finale. If it doesn't, we'll restart the coliseum manually. Waiting.

2024-08-25   #899

Can't do coliseum chances at least not yet

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