923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2021-08-14   #650

I figured out his problem. Axis is only holding trade center at the moment so that does not count as a city and that is why he could not claim chests. Once I told him to take a city he was able to claim his rewards.

2021-08-14   #651

Reply to #650 @josuapark :


If click on Rewards on the World Map, then he can see the number of captured cities to which the awards are attached, from your question, I decided that the cities were captured, but he cannot receive rewards, since they figured out everything, then everything is fine, have a good game.

2021-08-24   #652

I have no attack function on either one of my accts on the world map. When I click on a city all I can do is upgrade it or hire mercs. I do  not have an attack button anymore.

2021-08-24   #653

Reply to #652 @josuapark :

Clear browser cookies / cache, worldmap was reset after merge
I checked your account, everything works fine.

2021-08-24   #654

sorry my bad. Just had some serious lag on my end. Everything is working fine

2021-08-24   #655

Reply to #654 @josuapark :

Have a good game

2021-08-25   #656

Здравствуйте, подскажите какие нужно выполнить условия что-бы (молодой) корпус мог учавствовать в битве корпусов??

2021-08-25   #657

Reply to #656 @paramon :


Ник главы,название корпуса и сервер

2021-08-27   #658



Sayın Admin

Takı birleştirdim ve 3 bilet aldım...

3 bilet ile yapmış olduğum vurkaçlardan aldığım madalyalar 12 olup gen için 6 aldım ama 17 olan depoda ki gen 17+6 olması gerekirken 17 de kaldı 

Arada yapmış olduklarımdan da gelmedi zaten 

Kontrolünü rica ederim.

2021-08-27   #659

Reply to #658 @leifbrock :

Sağladığınız bilgileri kontrol edeceğiz ve bir hata bulursak, mevcut olmayan kaynakları iade edeceğiz.

2021-08-29   #660

S9, only 100 rp in landrush and no pb today.

2021-08-29   #661

Reply to #660 @coby2407 :

Hi,please show me this in the screenshot.

2021-09-05   #662

Still no pb in col , so are you going to fix it now. Screenshot_20210904-204450_Puffin.jpg

2021-09-05   #663

Reply to #662 @coby2407 :

Accepted, we will check and fix it

2021-09-12   #664

вы собираетесь исправлядь баг с колизеем??

2021-09-12   #665

Reply to #664 @avni :

В понедельник, постаремся исправить

2021-09-16   #666



Check-in not working

2021-09-16   #667

Reply to #666 @oopsiebear :

How exactly does it not work?

2021-09-16   #668

The Check-in button is not active... and i have done 15 days. After the server time 00:00 today 16th not working

2021-09-16   #669

Reply to #668 @oopsiebear :

We fix it, have a good game

2021-09-23   #670

вы когда почините колизей???уже прошло 2 недели после ваших обещаний!!!

2021-09-23   #671

Reply to #670 @avni :

Колизей будет исправлен с большим обновлением, нам пришлось сделать первое фоновое обновление с упрощением компаний, со вторым обновлением колизей должен быть исправлен. Которое ожидается завтра

2021-09-23   #672

Can't log into game

2021-09-23   #673

Reply to #672 @coby2407 :

Try again, please

2021-09-23   #674

Loading now thanks

2021-09-24   #675

Email sent

2021-09-28   #676

GjinLeon.S12, Server 12

world chat have been like this for the last 4 hours, said npc attacking city, but nothing been attack in the map in ww.

and one player have been stuck attacking at city for the last 4 hours.

2021-09-28   #677

GjinLeon.S12 S12

can't finish daily as well today the daily online time: 300 min stuck at 177 minCapture3.PNG

2021-09-28   #678

Reply to #677 @gjinleon :

Hi I will check your acct.

2021-09-28   #679

Capra; S138

looks online time dont count and server have some problems.



2021-09-28   #680

Reply to #679 @capra :

Yes, we know. Now we are fixing it already.

2021-09-29   #681

Reply to #680 @admin :

Still have these problem

2021-09-29   #682

Reply to #681 @capra :

Yes, we know this will be fixed by the morning, we are still working on a fix, after the problem is fixed, the server will receive compensation for the inconvenience caused.

2021-09-29   #683


Oyun woeld da giriş yapmıyor ve çok donuyor....

2021-09-29   #684

Reply to #683 @leifbrock :

Yes, we know this will be fixed by the morning, we are still working on a fix, after the problem is fixed, the server will receive compensation for the inconvenience caused.

2021-10-18   #685



Sayın admin depomu kontrol edermisiniz 2k altınım silinmiş.

desteğiniz için tşk.ler

2021-10-18   #686

Reply to #685 @leifbrock :

Hesabınızı doğruladık 07/10/21 - 17/10/21 arasında deponuzda 500'den fazla altın sahib degilsiniz, hangi 2000 altın hakkında yazıyorsunuz?

2021-10-18   #687

Tarafınızın göndermiş olduğu 2.000 altın 1.000 Rp olan 

2021-10-18   #688

Reply to #687 @leifbrock :

If you saved this as a letter in the in-game mail, then it was deleted after the expiration of the deletion automatically period after 6/7 days.

2021-10-28   #689

Cant get into game,



说明: HTTP 404。您正在查找的资源(或者它的一个依赖项)可能已被移除,或其名称已更改,或暂时不可用。请检查以下 URL 并确保其拼写正确。 

请求的 URL: /GeneralWar.aspx

2021-10-28   #690

game will only load to 70% for me

2021-10-28   #691

Reply to #690 @josuapark :

Wait, please

2021-10-28   #692

Reply to #690 @josuapark :

Please, check, everthing ok?

2021-10-28   #693

ok can get in now, thanks

2021-10-30   #694

everything is good now

2021-10-31   #695


Dünya  savaşında Frankfurt BUG da birliklerimi oynatamıyorum

2021-10-31   #696

Reply to #695 @leifbrock :


2021-10-31   #697


Bilmiyorum, şimdide birliklerim sıkıştı ?

MUNİCH de birliklerim duruyor hareket etmiyor şehir SARI ben MAVİ ?

2021-10-31   #698

Reply to #697 @leifbrock :

Problemin screenshotını ala bilirmiyim

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