923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2021-11-01   #700

Reply to #699 @leifbrock :

acct yoklanıldı şu an hic bir problem yok

2021-12-14   #701


server 138-Russion 

загрузка игры остановилась на 70%

2021-12-14   #702

Reply to #701 @caesar :

Есть такое дело, получен бан на 48часов. Причина чрезмерное использование навыка юнита в бою без откатных раундов.

2022-01-09   #703

Hi i can not collect my online packs 

kurtolsen server 103 

thank you 

2022-01-09   #704

Reply to #703 @kurtolsen :


We will check your account

2022-01-12   #705

you guys have a bug in the game with the aura tank. every now and then the skill that blocks all attacks does not work and the tank will be killed instantly. I has happened in arena and has just now happened in a campaign which really pisses me off since I was almost done with the campaign and lost due to not having that tank work like it should. It cost me several corrosive agent III and other battle items as well as reinforcement orders.

2022-01-12   #706

Reply to #705 @josuapark :

There are no such problems in the aura tank. Apparently you had problems with the internet connection and you missed the rounds of the opposition skill.


It does not happen that a unit's skill does not work for one player, if a unit has a problem with a skill, then all players should have it.

2022-01-12   #707

email sent

2022-01-13   #708

emails sent, ww is fixed now

2022-01-15   #709

yeah ok

2022-01-15   #710

you guys still have the issue of units getting stuck in one spot during campaigns when using reinforcement orders as well

2022-01-15   #711

Reply to #710 @josuapark :

Clear browser cookies/cache often, this will not be a problem. Apparently, when using reinforcements, your browser does not have time to load the page with the addition of a new unit.

Try launching the game in UC Browser. I use it myself, it works great.

2022-01-21   #712


S 137

%70 de takılıyor giremiyorum oyuna bilgi verirmisiniz

2022-01-21   #713

Reply to #712 @leifbrock :

Hall of Fame [HOF]

2022-01-22   #714

I'm blocked 70% load... I don't understand but why I don't play HoF... I don't cheat in the game and I only have one profile... so why are you blocking me?... please make amends thanks for replying. S74 Prague, kostitras78

2022-01-22   #715

Reply to #714 @kost :

Unban time: 2022-01-23 05:01:40 (violation of p4. Excessive use of a unit's skill. Read the rules of the game for details. (Click here)

2022-01-22   #716

Reply to #715 @admin :

ok, so that's a really cool rule :D

2022-01-22   #717

Reply to #716 @kost :

This paragraph of the rules applies to those units that have problems with the correct operation of the skill.

2022-01-27   #718

Hi i can not collect my online packs  this the second time scince 18 days ago you find my complain in message 703 and the daily online time reached its max instantly too .

kurtolsen server 103 

thank you.

2022-01-27   #719

Reply to #718 @kurtolsen :

Hi. We didn't find any problem. We didn't such problem, what browser do you use?

2022-01-27   #720

i am using Uc browser.

2022-01-27   #721

well my friend GstaGibson  helped me on that it was the storge it was full and i did not notice that  and Thank you for your trouble. 

2022-01-27   #722

Reply to #721 @kurtolsen :

Great, we checked your account on the same day. I just forgot to answer, such a problem as a whole cannot be a single one. The online-pack rewards feature is a massive feature that applies to all players. Therefore, we did not find any problems

2022-01-31   #723


in server 139 is inactive WordWar, here isnt Coloseum, not medals for generals.

that should be that ?



2022-01-31   #724

Reply to #723 @capra :

The average world level on the server is low. Once you reach the required level, all these locations will be available.

2022-01-31   #725

im lvl 44, i think that is enough

2022-01-31   #726

Reply to #725 @capra :

Not your level, it depends average World Level.

Now World Lvl - 26. 

2022-02-11   #727

is there a problem with paypal on your end? I can not recharge

2022-02-11   #728

Reply to #727 @josuapark :

We don't have problems with PayPal, what error do you see?
Everything workimage.png

2022-02-11   #729

login in page for paypal will not load. signin box pops up but that is all. Can't signin. I have cleared cookies and history and even restarted my laptop and still can't login to paypal to make a purchase. I can login to my paypal acct by going directly to the paypal website but can't get into paypal going through the game

2022-02-11   #730

Reply to #729 @josuapark :
I don't see any problem


Made a paymentimage.png

2022-02-11   #731

Reply to #729 @josuapark :

Check private message

2022-02-11   #732

just so you can see what I am getting this is all that happens when I try to recharge


2022-02-11   #733

Reply to #732 @josuapark :

Okay, open generalwar.jtggame.com in Google Chrome, log in with your username and password on generalwar.jtggame.com, make a payment, i.e. buy coins by selecting your server and login via Baidu

I use UC Browser(<<Click)

2022-02-11   #734

ok thanks. It worked by doing it that way. 

2022-02-11   #735

Reply to #734 @josuapark :

Have a good game

2022-02-13   #736


Server 43

In WorldWar there is one Katyusha stuck in Base U.S.S.R. 

can't move or undeploy (left auto-attack OFF to find it)

2022-02-13   #737

Reply to #736 @oopsiebear :

Okay, we'll check it out.

2022-02-22   #738

S123不破一二三 You said  Corrosion I/II/III 's timer is gone, but it disappeared after this screenshot. Please make up for it as soon as possible. At the time of this screenshot, it was right after I bought it for 600 gold coins. What does it mean to disappear without extending the time? Please return Corrosion I / II / III to me as soon as possible.




2022-02-22   #739

Reply to #738 @不破一二三 :

We wrote and warned more than once "for the timer to disappear, you need to use all the corrosions that are in the warehouse, then buy new ones, then the timer will disappear. We wrote that if the warehouse remains one corrosion, then the timer will not disappear

"Remember that there is no timer on corrosion I/II/III, in order not to have a timer, old corrosion from the warehouse must be spent in full"

In your case, you didn't use the corrosion you had BEFORE our changes. So you ignored our warnings

2022-02-22   #740


I am Japanese. I didn't understand that I needed to use it all up. I wanted you to use a slightly easier-to-understand expression. I didn't understand that new purchases didn't make sense. Rule change I wanted it to be easier to understand. If I knew it would disappear, I wouldn't have saved it. You are unfriendly to foreigners, aren't you? Even though it's an expensive item. 

2022-02-22   #741

Reply to #740 @不破一二三 :

私はすべてのプレイヤーにとても良いです。 ご覧のとおり、私は英語だけでなく、ロシア語、トルコ語、ポルトガル語、そして今では日本語でもコミュニケーションをとるようにしています。 そして、私はこれが腐食の問題と何の関係があるのか​​理解していません。

(スクリーンショットに書かれていることをお見せしました 新しいアイテムを購入する前に、損傷したアイテムを最後まで使い切る必要があります。


あなたは最初のメッセージにこれを書いていませんでした、あなたは私たちにスクリーンショットを送って、私たちが責任があると私たちがあなたに何かを返さなければならないことを示しました、または私はあなたを誤解しましたか? すべては、告発ではなく、真実から始めなければなりませんでした。 「私の英語が下手なので、あなたのメッセージを誤解しているようで、商品が在庫から腐食しています。」 今教えてください、あなたは私たちと私たちのゲームに対して悪い態度を持っていますか?

2022-05-07   #742


S 137

Şehir saldırısında ekran kararmasıEkran Görüntüsü (15).png

2022-05-07   #743

Reply to #742 @leifbrock :

Hangi şehir?

2022-05-07   #744


şehir saldırı haklarıda boşuna gidiyor  

2022-05-08   #745

Reply to #744 @leifbrock :

Unutleri değiştirip tekrar deneyin

2022-05-08   #746

Reply to #744 @leifbrock :

Ve nereye gittiğinizin, neye tıkladığınızın ekran görüntüsünü sağlayın.

2022-06-05   #747

Sayın Admin 

ŞLehir saldırısında ekran kararmalarım devam ediyor.

Diğer şehirlerde sorun yok.

Ekran foroları ekte...

Ekran Görüntüsü (21).png

Ekran Görüntüsü (19).png

2022-06-06   #748

Reply to #747 @leifbrock :

Tamam, account yoklamada

iŞler halda

2022-06-12   #749


S 137

Sayın Admin , 

Cıty siege de ekran kararmam devam ediyor RP kasamıyorum....

Hep de aynı oyuncu da karşıma çıkıyor diğer oyuncularda sorun yok...

Bir süre sonra bağlantı hatası veriyor....

Konuyu tekrar ele alabilirmisiniz?


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