923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2022-06-12   #750

Reply to #749 @leifbrock :

Yeneden hesabınızı kontrol ettik, herhangi bir sorun yok.

2022-06-13   #751

top trade in. the game deals with fraud.



2022-06-13   #752

Reply to #751 @adolf :

Check again, please

2022-07-02   #753

The game did not add my RP rewards from the last GP event to the RP event totals in this weeks RP event when I collected them from mail on this acct and my Wizz acct.

2022-07-02   #754

JosuaPark was second and Wizz was third in the last GP event

2022-07-02   #755

Reply to #753 @josuapark :

We will check it.

2022-07-03   #756

nevermind it showed up after I refreshed the game

2022-07-03   #757

Reply to #756 @josuapark :

So the problem is solved? If so, then I'm happy for you. Have a nice game.

2022-07-18   #758

this is the kind of thing that really pisses me off with this game. Mouse cursor hovered over enemy turret while one of my units got killed and the game did this and would not allow me deploy another unit. I could only cancel and now I lost a XL strategy and a corrosive agent III because of this.


2022-07-18   #759

Reply to #758 @josuapark :

This is your own action. That is, you move the mouse cursor over the unit and if there is a technical malfunction, for example, the mouse freezes, then naturally this leads to losses, but unfortunately, we cannot solve the technical problems on your side. Regarding the information that is displayed on the screen when you hover the mouse, this is the right game moment.

2022-07-18   #760

Reply to #760 @admin :

that is the freezing of the computer mouse has nothing to do with the information that is displayed on the screen if you hover the mouse over a unit.

2022-08-21   #761
Hello S139-SCHWERIN Accounts for MorseS139 are LumirBurns, KadirPate, ChazMorton, Binakloyd, CindAllen, MaikGuerra, LadyJane. I want these accounts to be warned or closed

2022-08-22   #762

Reply to #761 @ikarakan :

Hi. What are the reasons for this? What violations behind these accounts have you noticed?

2022-10-03   #763

I have problem with "Item" in Storage. I opened storage then click "Item" tab. Nothing happen. it won't show me the list of item. Same thing when I want to exchange item from Troop Formation in Combat Center. it won't show me the list of item. I did not "sell" all my items. It happen two days ago. Can you find out what wrong? Thanks.

DAK - S10

2022-10-04   #764

Reply to #763 @dak2020 :


We will check it

2022-10-04   #765

Reply to #763 @dak2020 :

In order to solve your problem, we returned your account to its original state, to the point where the error occurred, namely at 2022-10-01 22:55:41 server time. We hope that the error will not happen again.

2022-10-06   #766

Servers: S131

nickname: monster01

hello, i can no longer open my item storage or exchange it in the combat center, could you please have a look and fix the error? thanks

2022-10-06   #767

Reply to #766 @monster01 :


In order to solve your problem, we returned your account to its original state, to the point where the error occurred, namely at 2022-01-02 22:13:51 server time. We hope that the error will not happen again.

2022-10-11   #768

Kaizamona s139

Please can you tell me why my alt accont LadyJane s139 will not load above 70% both are in the axix faction 

2022-10-11   #769

Reply to #768 @kiazamora :

This account also belongs to a player with the nickname Morse139, it is forbidden to have an alternative account in different factions.

2022-10-13   #770

Okay thank-you kindly for your reply 

2022-10-13   #771


server s139

Could you please release this account LadyJane on server s139 so that the account can be changed to correct faction of soviet as is my main account kindest regards Morse

2022-10-13   #772

Reply to #771 @morses139 :

We have unlocked this account,you have some time,WITHOUT action on the world map,you must change sides to Soviet.

2022-10-15   #773

Why is the game constantly resetting the timers on my two accts. JosuaPark s3 and Wizz s3? The other day both accts had been on for over 300 minutes and when I got up an logged back in the online timer had reset back to 0 and today when I got up my arms event total were reset back to 0 on both accts and I had almost 700 million on both acct totals when I went to bed.

2022-10-15   #774

Reply to #773 @josuapark :

Hi, we will check it.

2022-10-21   #775

In City Seige, I had no problem when attacked Lord/player but when I attack City Seige or challenger. It did not work properly as screen is black or show land but no units on both side. I cleared cache few times but nothing change. Can you find out what wrong? Thanks.

Maxwell.S10 from Server 10

2022-10-22   #776

Reply to #775 @dak2020 :

We will check it.

2022-10-25   #777

Reply to #775 @dak2020 :

We checked,no errors were found,can you attach a screenshot if there is a problem?

2022-10-27   #778

Reply to #775 @dak2020:


This is from City Seige. I have no problem against players but not with Challenger (or my called City Seige as Lord) 1 and 2. Sometime it is black like that or so city without units.

2022-10-27   #779

Reply to #778 @dak2020 :

You attack bots, therefore, as far as I know, these bots cannot be attacked, they are created for cases of inactive players. Those. they are created so that they themselves attack., but still I will clarify this information.

2022-11-09   #780

Is there an issue with colosseum? Neither this acct JosuaPark s3 and Wizz s3 can matchup in colosseum.


2022-11-09   #781

Reply to #780 @josuapark :

We made a version update during the final battles, now we have to wait for them to pass.

2022-11-20   #782

Renegade9- S2Manhatten- my arsenal hasnt upgraded to the level that i'm at and i cant fuse the 180 level equipment

2022-11-20   #783

Reply to #782 @renegade9 :


So there are no new equipment in Fuse? You have a level 181 HQ under construction (also a level 180 arsenal), which means new equipment will be available as soon as construction is completed.If it doesn't, please let us know. Thanks

2022-12-10   #784


S 137

Server saatimi değişti

Tr saatine göre sabah 06:00 da boss mu yapacağım ?

2022-12-10   #785

Reply to #784 @leifbrock :

Selam. Otomatik olarak olur - yaz ve kış'da.Maalesef bunu düzeltemiyoruz, bu birkaç sunucu grubu için yapılıyor. Farklı saat dilimlerine sahip 3 sunucu grubumuz var.

2022-12-10   #786

Teşekkürler bilgilendirme için 

Ama Rp puanıma etki etki sorun değil

2022-12-10   #787

what the hell is going on with the game? i have lost xmas reindeer tank ex. does not show anymore.

xmas reinder tank.jpg

xmas reindeer tank ex.jpg


2022-12-10   #788

Reply to #787 @alois :

We will check it

2022-12-10   #789

Reply to #788 @admin :

A unit may disappear if you sold it. This unit is not on your account. Now we will check the logs of your actions.

2022-12-10   #790

Reply to #789 @admin :

I haven't sold it. I know that 100%.

2022-12-10   #791

Reply to #790 @adolf :

The unit was sold on 2022-12-10 19:37:36, possibly by accident. Do not log into your account for the next 15-20 minutes, we will try to restore this unit.

2022-12-10   #792

Reply to #790 @adolf :


2022-12-10   #793

Reply to #791 @admin :

ok. i logged out.

2022-12-11   #794

Reply to #793 @adolf :

Have a good game.

2023-01-15   #795



Hiya all i have a problem with not being able to change items in skill 2 (skills you collect) when you so on menu where troops materials generals etc item will not open and when trying to change the skills for campaign etc you cannot please help has i cannot progress



2023-01-16   #796

Reply to #795 @mikey66 :


We will check it.

2023-02-06   #797

Hi Guys

Has of previous message 21 days ago i still cannot get items for skills 2 and in storage you cannot open items where your skills are stored meaning i cannot progress due to not been able to change skill items please help 


Mikey66 S132 Lancashire

2023-02-06   #798

Reply to #797 @mikey66 :

Hi.Our technicians write that it was fixed during the version update, let me check it again. Best regards.

2023-02-06   #799

Hiya again just checked and still not fixed as of 23:35pm UK time 


Mikey66 S132 Lancashire

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