power battle not start yesterday after round one it stop and not work today colosseum still closed please fix it
NihatHaynes S73
You really need to fix your campaigns. I am tired of telling you that something is wrong with them. I am constantly almost beating them with a 260 to 290% blessing but can't get the last two npc killed before rounds run out. I then go over 300% blessing and then I can't even get half the npc killed. I am doing a campaign now where I almost beat it with less than a 300% blessing but now I am at 424% and can't even get as far as I did with a 260%. The stupid AI is dropping the guard skill every other round so how the hell are you supposed to kill anything if you are constantly having to clear the guard skill and keep your infantry alive. I do 410 million damage against an npc and barely take any health off its meter. It is freaking retarded.
Went from almost beating the campaign with just a 260% blessing to needing a 590% blessing just to beat it and still only had 4 rounds left at the end. So you tell me again how there is nothing wrong with your campaigns. If I was down to just 2 npc with a 260% blessing there is no way in hell that I should have needed another 330% to beat those last 2 npc. You guys have a serious problem that you need to address.
Reply to #409 @josuapark :
You can not compare all the companies, you can not compare all the rooms of the company, if you went one room of the company with a 200% blessing, this does not mean that the second room will also require 200% blessing.
Yes,companies no have problems passing through and NPCs.
The indicators are other players who have gone through all these companies.
Our NPCs do not have their own intelligence, in order to significantly increase their damage, all NPCs have minimal damage and maximum also with other parameters
In one battle you got more crit; in one battle, the NPC attack didn't hit you.
Everything goes differently always.
come on stop with the excuses. I have been telling you this for months that something happens with the campaigns every time I go over 300% blessing You can not tell me with a straight face that I can get to the last 2 npc at 290% blessing and then in order to kill the last 2 I have to increase my blessing by another 330% to 590% just to kill the last 2 npc in the number of rounds given. This is not normal. I tried at least 4 times at various blessing levels while working my way up to 590% and they just kept getting harder and harder. When at 290% blessing I don't have much trouble keeping my infantry unit alive but as soon as I go over 300% the arty npc almost kill my lvl 210 oracle with one shot even when I have the fort skill activated on it. I am going to provide pics of my oracle stats and bayon stats and you tell me why I still have trouble staying alive and killing things at a 590% blessing in a campaign. My bayon sometimes stacks two solomon skills on itself and I will have charge and focus added to it and it still won't do any damage to the npc. As I said before there are times it shows 410 million damage points done to an NPC and the health bar barely moves on that unit.
That is just nuts especially at 590% blessing. This game is very expensive to play at my lvl without the game being screwed up and making it even more expensive just to keep leveling up. As you can see in the pics my units stats are pretty good and are very good at a 590% blessing so I should not be having the trouble I am. Yeah every battle is different I understand and I also know that going over 300% blessing everything seems to go to maximum in favor of npc and my units go weaker
Reply to #411 @josuapark :
But nothing, that your defense is weak?I repeat, there are no problems with companies, this is not an excuse, this is reality, you understand that the game is not only on your server, there are other servers, you look, no one writes about it except you.
you still have not explained why at 290% blessing I have no trouble keeping my oracle alive but after 300% I start having trouble. You claim the npc don't get stronger so if that was true it should get easier and easier as I increase my blessing but it gets harder. You only talk about my defense but you failed to justify why I have trouble killing units with my bayon tank especailly when solomon skill is stacked. My defense is on par with alot of other peoples units. I have 3 accts in this game and this acct is the only one where there is a drastic change in npc strength after 300% so One of my other accts if a lvl 206 so I know what I am talking about. It is no big deal. This is one of the reason I stopped spending so much and I started spending more again since I seen you guys were actually making an attempt at gettting some game rules set up to deal with alts but if you are not going to address the other things wrong with this game then I will just stop spending so much again. Your loss not mine. Oh and one more thing you forgot to factor in the DOD on that oracle which is at 171% so again tell me why I am getting my oracle killed so easily. Most shots should be missing my oracle with that kind of DOD and tendency is 87% Again everything you say is just excuses.
Reply to #413 @josuapark :
I have been discussing this topic with you for a long time, during this time many players from other servers went through companies and increased their levels, but I write that each battle in companies can be different, and your blessing of 590% does not have this no relation. One time you can get lucky, another time the rounds may not be enough, another time you can win, not everything depends on the blessing.
1. We do not force you to pay, so this offer of your has nothing to do with the passage of companies.
2. Write the level of the company, I will provide you with a video of exactly how I went this company, with the very same units that you have.
I will be interested to listen to you after you watch the video.
I know we have discussed this before and nothin has been done to fix it. I understand that there are parameters. I am a tool maker by trade and write programs for CNC machines and know how parameters work. What I am telling you based on what you have told me is that after 300% the npc seem to go to their max settings which makes my units miss all the time due to the npc having max defense and dod and and all other stats. The parameters do not appear to move from their max settings after 300% blessing on my part and the only way to then beat the campaign is to constantly increase my blessing. Again there is NO WAY I should have to increase my blessing to almost 600% if I almost beat the same campaign at 290%. What part of that do you not understand? If at 290% I got down to the last 2 npc and rounds ran out I should only have to at max go to 350% blessing if as you say the NPC stats change each time you restart that campaign. At some point while building my blessing the NPC should at least drop their stats back down to close to what they were when I almost beat the campaign with only a 290% blessing and that is not happenin. Do you understand what I am telling you now?
Reply to #416 @josuapark :
You should understand that the minimum parameter for example
2 - minimum parameter
and maximum parameter 4, no matter how you try, the NPC will not be able to exceed this specified parameter 4.
With the right strategy, you can go through the same company with your divisions with 200 blessings.
Moreover, we check each company individually and we manage to get through, which means companies do not have any problems.
Write me - the room number of the company that you cannot go through, I will collect for you a video file in which you will see how can end this battle
I got through the battle. My point was that if I almost beat it with a 290% blessing and was down to the last 2 npc and ran out of rounds there is no way I should have had to increase my blessing to 590%. Campaign 9 on fierce confrontation is the one that I almost beat with 290% blessing and eventually had to go to 590% because once I hit 300% the npc seem to lock at the highest parameter setting they have and do not seem to change like you say they do every time you restart or try the same campaign while building a blessing. I started at 260% and got about halfway through the npc. Went to 290% and got to the last 2 npc, went to 310% and that is when my oracle started to get killed in one shot and I could no longer do any damage to the npc and could not even get halfway through the npc. Eventually ended up going to 590% and finally got through. AI was constantly dropping the guard skill which made things harder as well. I will change my skill lineup next time I do a campaign and start at 200% and see what happens. It all good was just a little frustrated is all
I have repeatedly brought this bug to your attention and yet you still have not done anything to fix this. In order for my solomon skill to work during the world boss fight I have to first do a battle in some other area of the game first like in instance colosseum or arena. If I don't do this first the solomon skill will never trigger for the entire time world boss is active but if I do a battle somewhere else first the solomon skill will activate multiple times. It is frustrating to bring something to your attention and then have you guys basically tell me I don't know what I am talking about or basically say your game is bug free when it most certianly is not bug free.
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Reply to #399 @josuapark :
equipment - improvement from signet
orders / medals - at the officer
improvement options units