923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2020-01-28   #250

world boss seems to have a glitch on s21. Whenever I do 2 billion in damage points to the boss the boss explodes and disappears eventhough it still has health left. My units will just run around the map and when I refresh and come back the boss is still gone. Tonight I tried a mini boss skill I can't remember the name now but it is that one that HE bombers hit the target and cause 99% damage. The health bar for the boss never decreased and the boss disappeared like I did 2 billion in damage.

2020-01-28   #251

Reply to #250 @josuapark :

If the boss's mini-skill was used, then you need to refresh the page with the game, because in theory, the mini-skill of the boss can be used only against the player, but if it is used against the boss himself, the boss disappears, since the damage from the mini-skill is large.

2020-01-28   #252

  This glitch happens whether I use a mini boss skill or not. If I use normal skills and battle items to stay alive and reach 2 billion damage points the boss explodes and disappears eventhough it still had health left. Refreshing does not bring the boss back. The boss is still available to other players just not to me. Also refreshing did not bring the boss back last night when I used that mini skill.

2020-01-28   #253

Reply to #252 @josuapark :

We will check this information.

2020-01-30   #254

  Mini boss skills do not work on the world boss or at least the ones you can drop on the boss. I mentioned how I dropped a mini boss skill on the world boss that is supposed to cause 99% damage and it made the boss disappear and would not come back even after refreshing. When I hit the boss with that skill it had 75% health left and when I was able to fight the boss again 24 hours later it still had 73% health left. Boss lost 2% health due to the other players that were able to keep fighting the boss. You said mini boss skills could be used on the boss so did you mean that only the skills that you can put on your own units work?

2020-01-30   #255

Reply to #254 @josuapark :

No, the attacking skills of the mini-boss skill can be used against the World Boss, and the boss disappears, but just refresh the page with the game and re-enter the boss  and click on the autoattack.
A mini skill does not cause full damage, as it is written in the description of the skill, but only large damage.

2020-02-09   #256


2 gündür kapalı olan hesaptan 40 altın eksilmiş.......

Kontolü ve geri yüklemesini rica ederim.......



2020-02-09   #257

Reply to #256 @leifbrock :
Hesabınız engellenmeden önce 40 altın harcadınız.
acct log information:
2020-02-07 13:01:33 UseGold 10
2020-02-07 13:01:34 UseGold 10
2020-02-07 13:01:36 UseGold 10
Use gold coins 10 : 2020-02-07 13:01:37 to deduct exemption cards,Kalan: 291 gold

Daha fazla bilgi yok, soru kapalı.

2020-02-10   #258

hello admin i have a problem to IMA  i pase long time ago quest new island but not tare rewards you can cech that for my please and to online pack i not have more 5 gold i have 2 time strategy recovery . please fixe that for my .  http://prntscr.com/r08eu2

2020-02-10   #259

Reply to #258 @romeomihai :

Tell your nickname and server, we will check everything

2020-02-10   #260

romeo supper . SS  server 43

2020-02-10   #261

Reply to #261 @romeomihai :

No errors, you need anew to complete the mission, because the later version of this mission did not have
As well as rewards in the online package depend on the level and with above 221 level 5 gold coins are missing.

2020-02-10   #262

Reply to #261 @admin :

http://prntscr.com/r08y1p      you thinks his not complet this mission?

2020-02-10   #263

Reply to #262 @romeomihai :
Readyou need anew to complete the mission, because the later version of this mission did not have

2020-02-10   #264

And why not have more 5 gold to online pack?

2020-02-10   #265

Reply to #264 @romeomihai :
Read: As well as rewards in the online package depend on the level and with above 221 level 5 gold coins are missing.

Perhaps in the future we will again make changes to the rewards.

2020-02-19   #266


S137 Britain 

18.02.2020.de depomda ki vermiş olduğunuz süreli altın ve gen kağıdı yok oldu

kontrolünü rica ederim...

2020-02-19   #267

Reply to #266 @leifbrock :

Her şey doğrudur, mektup 12/02/2020 tarihinde yayınlanmıştır, o sırada postaneden almadınız ve mektup en fazla 5/6 gün boyunca postanede saklanır ve daha sonra silinir. Hata yok.

2020-02-19   #268

expeires 1 day yazarken sonlanmaz...Tekrar kontrolünü rica edeceğim 

200 altını neden hiç edeyim.

pakt savaşından sonra alacaktım. 

2020-02-19   #269

Reply to #268 @leifbrock :

Oyundaki mektubun geri sayıldığı tarihin geri sayımı sunucu Server Time-la hesablanır, şu an : 2020-02-19 02:47:28. Mektubunuz 2 saat 47 dakika önce otomatik olarak silindi. Mektubu zamanında almak gerekiyordu, ama şimdi hiçbir şey yapılamaz. Hesabınızla ilgili kararlarınıza - yalnızca siz sorumlusunuz.

2020-02-19   #270

Şua n server saati 18.56 ve 2 saat ten bahsediyorsunuz.....

bütün gün açık oşan oyunda depo da 1 gün süre gösteren nasıl silinir....

mantıklı bir cevap bulamıyorum ve siz oyun yöneticilerinden bekliyorum...


2020-02-19   #271

Reply to #270 @leifbrock :
Oku ya !!!
Oyundaki mektubun geri sayıldığı tarihin geri sayımı sunucu Server Time-la hesablanır, şu an : artiq 2020-02-19 03:57:56

Aynı şeyi kaç kez yazmam gerekiyor?! Mektubu 6 gün boyunca postada sakladın, ama şimdi aynı şeyi aynı cevaplara yazıyorsun

2020-02-19   #272


S137 Britain

oyuna giremiyorum 70 ile 85 de kalıyor

Bug mu yedim acaba?

Kontrolünü rica ederim....

2020-02-19   #273

Reply to #272 @leifbrock :

click >>>GAME RULES 
Oyunun kurallarının paragraf 4 ihlali - Landrush zamanı - unblock data 2020-02-22 06:43:06

2020-02-19   #274

Reply to #273 @admin :

Neden 4 gün ?


2020-02-19   #275

Reply to #274 @leifbrock :

Her ihlalde engelleme süresi artır

2020-02-20   #276

kendi kendine Hp basan birlikler de sorun yok yani.....

2020-02-20   #277
2020-02-21   #278

Why is the AI helping certain players with a lot of skills during colosseum and arena but when those same people attack me in arena or matchup with my acct in colosseum the AI almost never uses skills to help me out. It almost appears that the the skill glitch is back in the game again. This has been an ongoin problem with the game for years. It works for players who know which skills to use and what order to put them in to trick or force the AI to drop skills in almost every round for that player.

2020-02-21   #279

Copy them and your skills will work everytime then,

2020-02-23   #280

Yau admin şu yazışmaları işinize geldiğin de ne güzel siliyorsunuz.....

yeniden yazayım  açıklama bekleyeyim mi?

2020-02-23   #281

Reply to #280 @leifbrock :

Cevabımı tekrarlamak için hiçbir neden göremiyorum. bu nedenle mesajlar silindi.
Konular tartışma için değildir. Bir soru sordun, cevaplandın. Anlaşmazlık yaratmaya gerek yok.

2020-02-23   #282

hiç geri adım veya ortak bir paydada buluşmaya niyetiniz yok....

Helal olsun tartışmassak bir yere varamayız ZATEN varılmıyor sizlede ....

Anlaşamazlık yaratan yönetim.... ve davranışları ...oyunda ki hataları oyunculara yükleyen siz,

Konularda yardımcı olmamızı yönlendirmemizi isteyen ama hiç yapamayan gene siz.

hof a bile çözüm bulun diyen biz güç bölememiz diyen siz.....

kural hatası yapan biz, hatayı 15 günle buglayan (neye istinaden pardon yazmıştın) ama abartan gene siz.....

oyunculara FAKİRSİN diyen siz....ama TR ÖDEME için kırmızı yazıları oyunda geciren siz....

Ahan da bir daha bir şey yazarsam ....

Bu son yazışım...

BUNU DA SİLME de herkes okusun da kimin haklı kimin haksız olduğuna karar versin..

2020-02-23   #283

Reply to #282 @leifbrock :

Oyunun kurallarına uymuyan siz, ayrıca forumda bir anlaşmazlık yaratan siz 
ve hak arayan siz,komik ya

Bir dahaki sefere, benzer ihlallere sahip tüm alternatif hesaplarınız süresiz olarak engellenecek!

2020-02-24   #284


good go events not work

NihatHaynes S73

2020-02-24   #285

Reply to #284 @osama :

Refresh the page with the game and try again, there was an error that was fixed.

2020-02-24   #286

Reply to #285 @admin :

ok now thanks

2020-02-24   #287

Reply to #286 @osama :
Have a nice game

2020-02-26   #288

мухтар сервер 137

не могу зайти в игру (70%).

2020-02-26   #289

Reply to #288 @ee9208401 :

Нарушение пункта 5 правил игры, захват завода.

2020-02-27   #290

на какое время нарушение пункта 5?

2020-02-27   #291

Reply to #290 @ee9208401 :

Первое нарушение , время блокировки аккаунта 48часов : 2020-02-28 06:03:13

2020-02-27   #292

меня заблокировали 2020-02-25 в 23.00.Значит я должен начать играть 2020-02-27 в 23.00,а не 2020-02-28 в 06:03:13.Если вы считаете по-другому предъявите скин.С уважением Мухтар.

2020-02-27   #293

Reply to #292 @ee9208401 :

Система ведет отсчет по главному серверному времени, а не по вашему местному времени или по времени конкретного сервера, сейчас уже 27-02-20 19:13

2020-03-03   #294

Peter Kay s136 unable to access account system says account or password incorrect 

Mulla Rice s135 unable to access account system says account or password increct 


2020-03-03   #295

Reply to #294 @peterkay :

Use the Forgot Password function

MullaRice - 

this account is blocked, when you try to log in to this account you can meet a 70% load.Reason for violation of paragraph 5 of the rules of the game. While on this server, this account is located in a different block from the main account.

— Alt are allowed: if alt is in the same block with the main account.
In other cases, it is forbidden to have alt acc, alt acc can be blocked from with first violation, also any alt account maybe blocked for violation of the rules of the game until unlimited time.
Punishment: blocking access to game from 2 days to unlimited.

If you agree to switch sides to the side of the main account, we can unblock this MullaRice account

2020-03-04   #296

It is really hard to lvl up an acct when you can't get instances to drop the blue prints you need. I have been running the same instance for a few months now and there are 7 blue prints available but it only drops the same 3 blue prints over and over. Getting pretty sick of it to be honest.

2020-03-04   #297

Reply to #296 @josuapark :

I understand, but you must understand that this works randomly, because some players collected everything for a long time and went ahead, someone gets it quickly, someone later. You try to accomplish this when the Go to go event is fired(that is, when the chances are higher)

2020-03-04   #298

Dear Admin,

Josua is right... is very hard to get blueprint. i have try for to get it for more than 100 times. Eventhought on Good To Go event still cant get the BP.

2020-03-04   #299

Reply to #298 @funny :

I understand, but this is all the work of randomness, nothing can be done about it, someone is lucky right away, someone not right away.

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