thanks. after about 30 minutes I was able to get back onto both my accts but only after midnight when everything resets. I was not able to collect to collect any of my daily rewards or checkin rewards since I was not able to login before everything reset. This has happened before but it does not happen often.
i just bought 600 gold for 30usd and than this happens . I can't open the game anymore.
please help
Both me and the other player receeive this message when we try to recharge and I still get it afte clearing cache.
Username: JimmyVargas
Server: S69 (Lincoln)
For abouy 2 weeks one of my World War troops has been stuck in "At war" status. It cannot be used or undeployed. It is a P1500 Grand Cannon-110 at city U.S.S.R. Please fix.
Username: JimmyVargas
Server: S69
About 3 days ago my number of General Points dropped from about 29,700 to 16,520. I did not do anything to consume the missing 13,158 points. I request these be returned to my account.
Requires Login
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