923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2020-06-26   #450

Reply to #449 @makc :

Удачной Игры

2020-06-29   #451


i have problem with alc rp and upgrade pack



NihatHaynes S73  

2020-06-29   #452

Reply to #451 @osama :

We will check it

2020-06-30   #453

Reply to #444 @admin :

I will write him and tell him what you found. He claimed he had enough medals so I was just going by what he told me

2020-06-30   #454

Reply to #453 @josuapark :

Ok,thank you

2020-07-01   #455

I can not login to my acct. It keeps timing out no matter what broswer I try using. JosuaPark s21

2020-07-01   #456

Reply to #455 @josuapark :

Checked account, found no problems

2020-07-01   #457

thanks. after about 30 minutes I was able to get back onto both my accts but only after midnight when everything resets. I was not able to collect to collect any of my daily rewards or checkin rewards since I was not able to login before everything reset. This has happened before but it does not  happen often.

2020-07-02   #458

Reply to #451 @osama :

my account not fix

2020-07-02   #459

Reply to #458 @osama :

We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.The problem is not only yours, it is partially available to other players.We are looking for a problem, this week will try to solve the problem.

2020-07-02   #460

ok thanks

2020-07-05   #461

RedWolf, S22 (Курск). Оплачена покупка золота. Золото до сих пор не зачислено.


2020-07-05   #462

Reply to #461 @timberman :

Ваша покупка зачислена на аккаунт #220020000246 - 6 уровень
проверьте другие аккаунты, возможно не нам том аккаунте вы провели платеж

2020-07-05   #463

И что это за аккаунт ? Количество золота не прибавилось.

2020-07-05   #464

Reply to #463 @timberman :

Вы соверешили покупку на другом аккаунте проверьте другой аккаунт сервер S22, там аккаунт на 6 уровне - стадия обучения.
Золотые монеты начислены на другую уч. запись

2020-07-05   #465

И как золото с другого аккаунта перевести на тот, на котором играю. На том ааккаунте я даже и не нгачинал играть на сервере Курск. Кто же знал, что при покупке золота еще и электронную почту менять нужно.

2020-07-05   #466

Reply to #465 @timberman :

Разные почтовые адреса, разные аккаунты, сейчас попробуем, что нибудь придумать

2020-07-05   #467

В следующий раз буду внимательнее.

2020-07-05   #468

Reply to #467 @timberman :

Проверьте аккаунт RedWolf - исправили.

2020-07-05   #469

Есть. Спасибо огромное. Удачного дня.

2020-07-18   #470


i can`t login to my account 

nihatolson s67


2020-07-18   #471

i just bought 600 gold for 30usd and than this happens .  I can't open the game anymore.

please helpSchermopname (2).png

2020-07-18   #472

We are currently working on fixing the issue, please be patient

2020-07-19   #473


Server S137 Britain

Haiti port Prince de 13 cü bölüm bitti km yükseltemiyorum...

geri dönüş ve bilgilendirme rica ederim......

Daha geride seferde olan arkadaşlarım 207 yi yükseltmeye başladı ....


2020-07-19   #474

Reply to #480 @leifbrock :

Sorun nede??? tamamlaya bilmiyormusun?

2020-07-19   #475

Yoooo tamamlamasını biliyorum da,

Başka hesaptan nasıl oluyorda 208 basılırken ve seferde geri iken ben basamıyorum diye düzgünce  soruyorum.... ve haklı olarak bilgi bekliyorum

2020-07-19   #476

Reply to #482 @leifbrock :
Seni anlamıyorum, lütfen İngilizce yazınız, daha ayrıntılı olarak sorun nedir?

2020-07-19   #477
Server S137 Britain Haiti port Prince, 13th episode is over, I can not raise km 
My friends, who were at the 11th time behind, started to raise 207

2020-07-19   #478

Reply to #477 @leifbrock :

You have not completed the previous campaigns.
200-205 (17-18)

2020-07-21   #479

I have not tried recharging for a few days now but I was just told by a player on s21 that recharge is not working.

2020-07-21   #480

Reply to #479 @josuapark :

How exactly does it not work?

checked on your server:

no problems found

2020-07-23   #481

Both me and the other player receeive this message when we try to recharge and I still get it afte clearing cache.


2020-07-23   #482

Reply to #481 @josuapark :
This will be fixed soon.

2020-07-23   #483

Reply to #481 @josuapark :

Check please

2020-08-01   #484


Plese check my acc cant claim rewards from online pack,thanks

GeroBond server 17

2020-08-01   #485

Reply to #484 @gerobond :

You do not have enough storage space.

2020-08-01   #486

didnt figure that lol, sorry make you lose time

2020-08-01   #487


i have problem with alc rp and upgrade pack



NihatHaynes S73 

more than month now

2020-08-01   #488

Reply to #487 @osama :

Strange, we fixed this error quite recently in an update, we'll check it out.

2020-08-02   #489

  JosuaPark s21. I never received my recharge bonus for last month. I recharged 30 dollars near the end of the month.

2020-08-02   #490

Reply to #489 @josuapark :

Check again

2020-08-02   #491

I received it. Thanks

2020-08-03   #492

Reply to #488 @admin :

when ?

2020-08-03   #493

Reply to #492 @osama :

but we check this problem again

2020-08-08   #494

Server 22


После первого пополнения возникла ошибка. Пустые ячеки в окне. http://c2n.me/48HS7zo

2020-08-08   #495

Reply to #492 @osama :

We clarified, it turned out that after a certain level, rewards for raising the headquarters are not issued

2020-08-08   #496

Reply to #494 @yurgen :

Если средний мировой уровень сервера выше 90 уровня, значит это не ошибка. Данная награда за пополнение выдается по сред.мировому уровню. Мы продлим этот уровень в событии до 110 уровня. Спасибо, что сообщили.

2020-08-08   #497

Reply to #494 @yurgen :

Обновите игру и проверьте. Теперь награды будут активны до 110 сред.мир.уровня.

2020-08-19   #498

Username:  JimmyVargas

Server:  S69 (Lincoln)

For abouy 2 weeks one of my World War troops has been stuck in "At war" status.  It cannot be used or undeployed.  It is a P1500 Grand Cannon-110 at city U.S.S.R.  Please fix.

2020-08-19   #499

Username:  JimmyVargas

Server:  S69

About 3 days ago my number of General Points dropped from about 29,700 to 16,520.  I did not do anything to consume the missing 13,158 points.  I request these be returned to my account.


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