1402 Replies | Last update 4 hours ago
2020-05-27   #800

Reply to #805 @adolf :

ahhh, are you talking about VISA in the game? this is in order to change the side (block / fraction)

I've been thinking all this time, you're talking about visa bank cards)))

2020-05-27   #801

I'm sorry, but I don't understand the answer. I don't think google translate translates as well. maybe you can give some example?

2020-05-27   #802

Reply to #801 @adolf :

For example, you play for the Axis side and you need to change the side to the SSSR, it is possible with this VISA

2020-05-30   #803

I have an artillery Red destroyer 165. If I top trade it for a red destroyer 185, will I keep it among the five main machines? or do i have to reach lv 185? I am currently level 174.

2020-05-30   #804

Reply to #803 @adolf :

in the unit description, there is an answer to your question, for placement in the ranks you must have 185 level.

2020-06-02   #805

I'm being harassed & threatened by a player JosuaPark on server S128... I've deleted him & I ignore him... He's gotten my game banned twice & not 10 minutes went by after I got my game back before he starts threatening to get me banned again... I haven't done anything wrong, I've not violated any rules yet JosuaPark will not leave me alone!!! 
I need an Admin to deal with this... JosuaPark is a hateful person who is trying to run everyone he doesn't like completely off of this server...
I've never complained about anyone or anything, but it's not right that JosuaPark gets to continually get me & others banned... All I've ever done is just play my game... I don't cheat, I don't violate the rules, yet JosuaPark has 3 Alt accounts on this server alone, 2 Allied & 1 Soviet... Why does JosuaPark need 3 Alt accounts on this server? 
I need the help of an Admin to step in here to tell JosuaPark to leave me alone...
Thank-You for your help...


2020-06-02   #806

Reply to #805 @barneycornett :

Do you know the nicknames of these alt accounts? tell us these nicknames
You are not being persecuted, you are asked to play on WW correctly so that your actions do not harm the entire fraction of the players, since when your fraction loses bonuses, these bonuses are obtained by the fraction of the enemy.

2020-06-05   #807

Has there been any changes made to the world boss AI settings? Our server almost always gets the Hell Lord world boss which is the hardest boss there is to fight based on the skills it uses. For the last two weeks the amount of resident evil skills it drops in a fight is just insanely stupid. There have been times where it has dropped the resident evil skill every other round 5 to 6 times in a row. Pretty hard for even me to stay alive with that happening all the time. This skill never used to drop with this kind of frequency before.

2020-06-05   #808

Reply to #807 @josuapark :

The type of World Boss depends on the average level of the world. If within a week this has changed, it has become more, then the Boss has become stronger

2020-06-05   #809

  I understand but what I am saying is that at some point you may need to consider adjusting what the AI does or the skills it uses. Do you know how hard it is to stay alive when the resident evil drops in one round than you get hit with another health damaging skill in the next round and then get hit again with resident evil and so forth and so for several rounds in a row. It is hard for me to stay alive I can only imagine what it is like for the lower level players if they are getting hit like I am.

2020-06-05   #810

Reply to #809 @josuapark :

Yes, I understand you perfectly, but if we make changes, this Boss will cease to be the strongest

2020-06-07   #811

Just out of curiosity what would be your skill and battle item lineup be on campaign 10 "mysterious" in Fierce Confrontation? I will be trying that one in the next day or two and I am a really curious as to what skills you are using to get through these campaigns with just a 200% blessing. I know when I have started at 200% in the past I can't keep my infantry alive and I can't do enough damage to get through the npc before rounds run out so maybe I am doing something wrong.

2020-06-07   #812

There Used to be Special Events where we could earn Better Troops... I wonder why it doesn't happen anymore... Every time there's been a Special Event over the last year or so, it's been for Items to buy with gold or silver... I would love to be able to work towards earning a chance to get a Special Troop during a Special Event... Just an idea... 
Thank-You for listening...

2020-06-07   #813

Reply to #812 @barneycornett :

Now this is also happening, such an event is called Trade-in

2020-06-07   #814

Reply to #811 @josuapark :

I will look and answer you

2020-06-09   #815

Did you guys forget about me or are you finding it harder than you thought to do these camps with a 200% blessing with gold units?lol

2020-06-09   #816

Reply to #815 @josuapark :

No, we have not forgotten, for some time we are busy with work. We create a game launcher.

2020-06-10   #817

In the past you have stated that gold units have an advantage over trade in units. Is this advantage in every area of the game or only in certain parts? For example gold units appear to be better for pvp parts of the game but trade in units seem to be better in campaigns. I say this because as you said I should be doing campaigns with a 200% blessing yet guys that are using trade  in units are doing campaigns that I have already done and campaigns higher than what I am doing with only a 30% blessing. This big of a difference in blessing and seems to be a bit excessive don't you think?

2020-06-10   #818

Reply to #817 @josuapark :

I did not write that you should go with a 200% blessing, but I wrote that you can go through a company even with a 200% blessing, as you wrote about 590% earlier.

As for the units from trade-in, they have all the parameters much lower than that of the gold units, this can be seen with the naked eye. For companies, maybe in the first two rounds, because they quickly come unsamble with NPC attacks.

They can be combined through the Reinforcement function. For example :
the same aura of the tank, they can collect all the NPCs together, and you put the desired
gold unit in reinforcements, which will enter the battle in 2-3 rounds.

There are many combinations, but there can be no doubt that the gold units are weaker ... it is not. Gold units have always been strong and remain unchanged strong

2020-06-10   #819

I already use reinforcements at times to bunch up the NPC. The problem I have a lot of times is that no matter what skills and battle items I use I can never do enough damage to kill the NPC before the rounds run out. It is frustrating when my bayon assaul tank has 2 solomon skills, a charge skill and fearless battle item stacked on it and it can't even kill an npc with one shot and most times it misses. I can stay alive at a 30% blessing by using jam and and reinforcemnts but can never do the necessary damage to kill the npc within the rounds given. This is why I asked the question if the trade in units were better in campaigns than the gold units since everyone with trade in units are doing the campaigns so easily. Guess I will just keep going along as I have been or until you give me a better idea of what I am doing wrong.

2020-06-10   #820

Reply to #819 @josuapark :

Oh my God ! Why are you writing here? To admin passed for you? You can't get through, upgrade your squads !!!

2020-06-18   #821

Tell you what. Why don't one of your techs login to my acct and try the next campaign at a 200% blessing and see how far you get. What a freaking joke. Got stupid infantry NPC killing my infantry unit in one shot and that is even with the fort skill S on it. Can't even stay alive long enough to get the NPC to group up because everything gets killed in one shot which leaves all the other NPC take out everything else as well. Even with  reinforcement you can't stay alive long enough to get the npc grouped up. About time you guys admit that there may be an issue with my acct based on the units I am using because right now there is no scenario where I am going to be able to do a campaign with just a 200% blessing.

2020-06-19   #822

Is there a way  you guys can run a check on my acct to see if everything is working as it should. According to you The AI settings for the NPC in campaigns should change every time you try a campaign so that sometimes you get npc on an easier parameter setting and other times it will be harder but as I have have been telling you the NPC seem to only increase to their top parameter settings and do  not seem to move from those settings as I increase my blessing. I have been building my blessing 2% at a time testing what you have told me about how the parameters work and how they change each time you try or retry a campaign and all I have noticed is that the NPC increase towards their max strength since it gets harder and harder to keep my oracle alive as I increase blessing. If my units are being killed in one shot by just one NPC reinforcements do matter since you can not stay alive long enough to group npc up to start using jam. Please do not try to say that my units are junk when I am probably in the top 10 strongest players in the game right now and with a rating of 650 million my units are decent enough that I should not be having this much trouble with campaigns.

2020-06-19   #823

Reply to #822 @josuapark :

Dear user, in the game, there are players who have 230+ levels, even there are players of 240+ levels, as well as 260 levels. We ourselves repeatedly went through companies up to level 280, we did not notice any such problems.
we can provide a maximum video example with the passage.As soon as we have time to prepare the video file.

2020-06-19   #824

god dammit I am at 270% blessing now and my lvl 210 oracle is getting killed in one fucking shot. what part of this is normal?

2020-06-19   #825

I have repeatedly told you that trade in units have a huge advantage in campaigns. There are guys with these units doing campaigns with a 30% blessing that took me a 260 to 300% blessing to do with the units I have now and you still argue with me that gold units have an advantage in the game. Bull.

2020-06-19   #826

Here is a pic of my oracle stats at 332% blessing and this is before I put the fort skill on it. No way should there be infantry NPC killing that unit with one shot. Oh and nevermind about making a vid. I cleared the camp as usual just had to use a bigger buff than I should have to clear it. Just tired of hearing you guys tell me that my gold units have an advantage in the game over trade in units yet trade in units do not require the huge blessing I need to get through camps

campaign stats.png

2020-06-19   #827

Reply to #825 @josuapark :

I know a player who, with gold units, went to level 260 rather the first to reach this level. - Demolition )

2020-06-19   #828

Reply to #826 @josuapark :

As soon as our video file is ready, we will provide you

2020-06-19   #829

  Demolition also spends a lot of gold buying campaign chances to build huge buffs.lol 

2020-06-19   #830

you are missing the main point here. You say that gold units have advantages over trade in units yet people that have trade in units are doing campaigns without having to have such huge blessings in campaigns. You got players with trade in units doing the same campaigns that I am doing or have done the same campaigns I am doing now with just a 30% blessing compared to the 300%+ blessing I have to run to get through the same campaigns. Don't say that your skill choice has affect on how big your blessing needs to be to get through because if I try a 30% blessing I am dead in within 3 to 4 rounds even using reinforcements because I can't keep anything alive. What is the point of having 180% DOD and 118% tendency on your oracle infantry unit if the npc in a campaign are setup to totally disregard those stats and that is even with a 330% blessing and fort skill stacked on top of those stats

2020-06-19   #831

Reply to #829 @josuapark :

Suppose this player also receives a large amount of buff, like you, but this player went through the levels, and you do not, how can this be?

2020-06-20   #832

Reply to #830 @josuapark :

I have already given examples of how gold units are stronger than trade-in units.
I repeat: units from trade-in have only an auxiliary function.
Little hint. : You make a mistake when you try to collect all the NPCs and hold them using the Oracle unit,
put the infantry in the Reinforcements, and the NPC collect and hold for at least 3 rounds using the aura tank.

2020-06-20   #833

there in lies the problem. I don't have the aura because you have not offered it for so long in trade in and now that you did in this one you have to have the lvl 165 to get the lvl 185. I was just getting ready to ask you guys if you would put it out in the next trade in event

2020-06-20   #834

  I was not really worried about trade in units because according you guys the gold units were and are so much better but as I am finding out that is not the case. They are better for pvp but not in campaigns

2020-06-20   #835

could you guys consider making the aura heavy tank available in the next trade in event for all the players that don't have that unit yet?

2020-06-20   #836

I also just seen BLCornett claim that I have 3 accts on this sever one of which is in soviet. I just want to say that this is not the case. There is my main JosuaPark s21 Wizz s21 and Pretitor which has not been used in at least 2 years or more and all 3 are in allies.  I don't know what kind of lies BLCornett is telling you but you can check those accts.

2020-06-20   #837

Reply to #834 @josuapark :

I repeat once again: units from trade-in have an auxiliary function in all locations, since they are very weak when compared with the golden technique.After all, we did not just introduce such gold units as Bayon, Apocalypse and gold units with the prefix EX...  because they are also gold units and you want to tell me that they are weaker than units from trade-in?
Unit hierarchy
1. Gold units with the prefix EX and gold units with skills
2. Gold units from flash sale
3. Gold units from the store
4. units from trade-in
5. units from store for prestige and silver.
The passage of the company depends on the% chance, skills, strategy, the amount of positive effect.
And, of course, the most important:
strong unit, as well as the vulnerability of units to each other.
(for example: if one company's room has more tank NPCs, then the main unit must be changed.)

Aura tank was introduced more than once and will be introduced in the future.

If the additional account is in the same block (side) together with the main account, then this is not a violation.

2020-06-20   #838

Again I know about how you need to change units according to what npc are in a particular campaign but what you don't seem to understand or want to accept is right now it does not matter what unit you put in your lineup based on the npc units in a campaign because if you don't have the aura tank then every type of npc can kill whatever unit you have in your lineup right now. I can understand an artillery or tank npc taking out my oracle with one shot but now there are infantry npc taking out my oracle in one shot and that makes no sense. There is not much that I or anyone else that is running all gold units can do till the aura tank comes back out since that is the only unit that is indestructible for a few rounds. Till then I guess I will just have to run huge blessings. Have a good day.

2020-06-20   #839

Reply to #838 @josuapark :

Any unit can be held without an aura tank, it is enough to use interference S or have a few more units in reinforcements. A sufficient number of options.

2020-06-23   #840

You still just don't get it do you?lol Even if you jam some units at the start you can't jam them all and the other ones kill your units in one shot which which leaves you with all your good units when it is your next turn and most of the time not all the units are grouped up yet so then all your good units are killed or you are left with 2 or 3 units to try and get through the campaign which is not going to happen so like I said I will just have to keep running a huge blessing till you guys decide to bring the aura tank back out which as you stated in an ealier post in the hint you gave, proves that trade in units have a distinct advantage even if it is just for a few rounds. It is those first few rounds that really count. So at least we finally agree that trade in units are better than gold units at least when it comes to doing campaigns.

2020-06-23   #841

Reply to #840 @josuapark :

You are repeating the same thing again, dear player, note that no one writes about companies other than you
I repeat:
Unit hierarchy
1. Gold units with the prefix EX and gold units with skills
2. Gold units from flash sale
3. Gold units from the store
4. units from trade-in (auxiliary function)
5. units from store for prestige and silver.
The passage of the company depends on the% chance, skills, strategy, the amount of positive effect.

2020-07-09   #842

Привет.Будет еще БО по обмену танков? а то скучно стало играть. S136. SamBryan

2020-07-09   #843

Reply to #842 @makc :

Будет, скоро.

2020-07-16   #844



привет, как востанавить доступ к акаунту на сервере минск не играл больше года логен с паролем был утерян


2020-07-16   #845

и ещё вопрос с какова лвла корпуса будет пускать на войну корпусов на сервере S22 Курск

2020-07-16   #846

Reply to #845 @xapon :

30 уровень корпуса нужен для участия в БК

2020-07-16   #847

Reply to #844 @xapon :



2020-07-16   #848

Reply to #847 @admin :

сервер-S9 Минск


можете проверить захожу с тавоже кампьютера и с той же точки доступа к инэту 

2020-07-16   #849

Reply to #848 @xapon :

В последний раз вы заходили в игру 2019-11-27, а значит аккаунт был переведен на jtggame, ввиду чего вы должны вспомнить свой почтовый адрес на который был зарегистрирован прогресс, а далее восстановить пароль, т.к. у нас нет таких данных, как зарегистрированные почтовые адреса за конкретными аккаунтами.

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