1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2020-07-18   #850

what is the problem with the game? can't log in.

2020-07-18   #851

Reply to #850 @adolf :

We are currently working on fixing the issue, please be patient

2020-07-18   #852

KPG the Boss Server S8

i bought 600 gold yesterday for 30USD, but i never received the gold because of your problem with the server.

600 + 10 Game   Credits to S8-Maryland

$30,00   USD


$30,00   USD

I also cant use limit gold now and cant trade inn my eletromagnetic Gun-165 to a lvl 185.

please help to solve this

2020-07-18   #853

Reply to #852 @kpgtheboss :

You must provide data:
Paypal address from where you recharged or screenshot of recharge from your recharge system

This is necessary so that we can check the receipt of money from your account, in the game recharge there is no data on your recharge.

2020-07-18   #854

Schermopname (3).png

2020-07-18   #855

Reply to #854 @kpgtheboss :

your nickname KPG? 

2020-07-18   #856

Yep bijnaam 

KPG Server S8 Maryland

2020-07-18   #857

Reply to #856 @kpgtheboss :

Please, check recharge

2020-07-18   #858


2020-07-18   #859

Reply to #858 @kpgtheboss :

You're welcome.

2020-07-30   #860

Can you stop with the stupid NPC entering the game. This is two times in a row  now that those stupid things have taken oilrefinning platform from the soviets and now we are dealing with a huge buff again and it takes forever for me to build that stupid city up so that I can get enough mercs in it so that the soviets will take it again. this if freaking stupid

2020-07-30   #861

Reply to #860 @josuapark :

NPC attack is an event that has a start time and an end time, so it will end when the end time comes.(end time 01-08-2020 11:50 PM)

2020-08-07   #862



Need red devil in trade in unit

2020-08-08   #863

Are the accts of Random s21 and BLCornett s21 the same person?

2020-08-08   #864

Reply to #863 @josuapark :

Different players

2020-08-08   #865

Reply to #862 @nathan :

Unfortunately, due to the fact that the Red Devil has an irreparable error, this unit is no longer listed in the trade-in.

2020-08-08   #866


I need Aura Tank in trade in. 



2020-08-08   #867

Reply to #865 @admin :


How about Cayman tank,White Tiger tanks and yes Aura tanks???

2020-08-08   #868

Reply to #867 @nathan :

Reply to #866 @piotr :

We will try to do it

2020-08-09   #869

Is Gunter s21 an alt of BLCornett? I noticed that BLCornett BLCollins and Gunter all login at the same time and he waited till BLCornett had the soviets down to 11 cities before taking Military Center back from the soviets which jumped the buff big time. Included is pics backing up what I just said and my attempts at speaking with Gunter. Gunter also rarely moves so this was not an honor point issue.





2020-08-09   #870

Reply to #869 @josuapark :

Different players, Gunter - banned

2020-08-09   #871

Reply to #868 @admin :

Need more ticket...can you sell in flash sale

2020-08-10   #872

Reply to #871 @nathan :

We made it as possible as possible.

2020-08-10   #873

i need moreee tickets

2020-08-11   #874

Reply to #875 @over :

Look,please  Trade-in units

2020-08-11   #875




Does someone have the skill values or abilities of the Aura tank-140??

2020-08-12   #876

Reply to #879 @maren :

In the end of the first round, own unit become invincible status, all harm to imunnity

2020-08-14   #877

"Unfortunately, due to the fact that the Red Devil has an irreparable error, this unit is no longer listed in the trade-in."

Not to mention the same error with the t-element

the cheetah (which when it was reported it got called skill stacking)   

the devil wolf gun

the dark blue assualt tank

So basically all the units that have the manual skills do same as the red devil.

2020-08-14   #878

Reply to #901 @thor :

Red Devil - has an attacking skill, and there is no technical possibility to fix it, and the other units you named are fixable, we can and fix them.

2020-08-14   #879

So you are saying you will be fixing the other units?  They have been able to use repeated skills, in the same manner as the red devil,  since they were introduced.  

2020-08-14   #880

Reply to #879 @thor :

Red Devil - has an attacking skill, and there is no technical possibility to fix it  -  this is how the red devil differs from all other units.

2020-08-15   #881

Ok, so the red devil cannot be fixed.  And can we expect the others to be fixed in an update and will you inform us as to the status of the fix please.  Thanks.

2020-08-17   #882

Reply to #881 @thor :

We will definitely do it

2020-08-26   #883

 It goes inactive because you live in HOF and don't give anyone a chance to win any battles. When HOF is active alot of times your accts especially your Demo acct is active in HOF almost 24 hours a day. And yes I said accts since your IP has been linked to the GstaGibson acct and I am also aware of the lie you told to get yourself unbanned when you got caught. Other players would love to get points as well and not lose them because you are constantly living in HOF. HOF goes dead when nihathaynes, monster, myself and the other big guys come in as well so it is not just you but  you are the only one that lives in HOF though. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to HOF going inactive.

2020-08-29   #884

when u run new trade in event??

2020-08-29   #885

Reply to #884 @nathan :


2020-09-05   #886

why does it appear that the chance of the solomon skill and the god one shot skill is set to a lower chance of triggering in campaigns than in other parts of the game? I would think the chance would be the same through all parts of the game. Solomon skill triggers several times in instances, battles on the ww map, colosseum fights and arena. It will sometimes trigger 3 or 4 times in those short fights and triggers alot against the world boss most times but will only trigger 2 times, sometimes "rarely" 3 times in a campaign. Even the god one shot skill does not trigger as often in campaigns as it does in other parts of the game.

2020-09-06   #887

Reply to #886 @josuapark :

Because all these skills have a chance to work,
hover over the skill there this chance number is indicated.
and if the skill has% chance , then the trigger remains for the random 

to the locations, this has nothing to do with it.

2020-09-06   #888

ok. Another response that makes it seem like I don't know what is going on. I have been using these units for over a year and the fact remains the god one shot skill and solomon skill trigger less in a campaign than they do in other parts of the game so obviously you either lowered the percentage chance of the skill triggering in campaigns compared to other aspects of the game or there is a bug that is causing a lower chance percentage to occur in campaigns, either way there is a big difference in how these skills trigger in only campaigns. For the record when I first bought these units the skills would trigger 4 to 6 times during a campaign but I am guessing once the techs seen how helpfull this was to players with these units they changed the chance percentage since after about a month the skills stopped triggering so much. Not the first time a unit has been nerfed by the techs because they felt it was giving too big of an advantage to a player.

2020-09-06   #889

Reply to #888 @josuapark :

This does not work that way, there is no such function as cutting off the% chance of a skill triggering in specific locations, since the skill has a constant chance for all locations. If you write about the% chance of a skill cut, then this indicator was displayed in the skill description. Nevertheless, I will answer again, everything remains with the random, since the skill has its own chance, which you can see in the description.

2020-09-06   #890

ok then can you explain why the solomon skill will trigger 99% of the time at the start of the battle and then trigger again when it is my turn again in colosseum, arena, instance, and world boss. In the case of world boss the solomon skill will trigger 3 or 4 times in a row right at the start and triggers numerous times throughout the battle, but when it comes to campaigns the solomon skill triggers right at the start of the battle and most times if I am lucky if it will trigger again in the next 20 rounds. Most times it will trigger twice in a campaign but not always and almost never 3 times. Why is there such a big discrepancy in the number of times it will trigger only in this area of the game? If what you say is accurate then the solomon skill should trigger in campaigns in the same manner that it does everywhere else and the way it used to when I first bought these units.  I brought this same question up several times since I bought the Bayon assault tank and the apocalypse arty since the god one shot skill would trigger numerous times in campaigns when I first bought it and now only triggers one or two times in 20 rounds when it used to trigger 4 to 6 when I first bought it. As I understand your explanation now, the trigger chance percentage remains constant and therefore should work the same in all areas of the game but it does not and there has to be a reason why those skills do not trigger like they should  when it comes to the hardest part of the game.

2020-09-29   #891
what wave in watchtower obtain High trophy NM
NihatHaynes S73
2020-09-29   #892

Reply to #891 @osama :
196-215 - High trophy X
216-235 - High trophy NM

2020-09-30   #893


2020-10-05   #894

Dear Admin,Is there any posibility to put Instance ticket i Flash Sale? I need ticket to the troop. TQ

2020-10-06   #895

Reply to #894 @awesome :

We will try to do it.

2020-10-06   #896

  Is the corrosive agent battle item immune to SDA or is it like most other skills and battle items where it effectiveness it lessened?

2020-10-06   #897

Reply to #896 @josuapark :

Combat item Agent works like all other skills, without any changes.

You can read how the Agent skill works in the item description.

2020-10-07   #898

Does the round you went to in watchtower reset every now and then? I my round has been at 168 for a long time now because I rarely do watchtower except for the last few days and today when I went to hit sweep the rounds were set back to 1 instead of 168. Really don't want to spend 2 hours in watchtower building my rounds back up.

2020-10-07   #899

Everyday the current wave goes down 10 rounds, but if you look above sweep it will tell you Clearable rounds 

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