1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2020-10-08   #900

I know I was at 168 for almost a year now and for the last several days I was doing a lot of sweeps because I was using MR for campaigns and I logged in the other day and it reset back to 1 for some reason. 

2020-10-08   #901

Well it should say 168 next to sweep for clearable rounds and that is your total dont go by current wave.

2020-10-09   #902

yeah I know that is why I asked the admin what happened since they think that this game is running perfectly fine without any glitches.lol No big deal though I just sent my units into watchtower when I went to bed and they got me back to 168 so at least I did not have to sit there for almost 2 hours redoing it.

2020-10-10   #903

Reply to #902 @josuapark :

Everything about the tower:

The tower has 4 buttons
first button start tower from first wave
the second and third buttons are to start the wave from the 50th and 100th waves (per gold coins 20 and 40)
The fourth button - if the player has a VIP4, then he can go to the tower in the background, and the reward comes to the mail, the reward comes for the maximum wave that has already been passed.
There is no such mechanic as to continue from the wave where you stopped, left the tower, received a reward - start again.

2020-10-14   #904

you did not understand what I asked and said. On the sweep function I had worked up to lvl 168 and since that time I could just hit sweep and it would give me lvl 168 rewards every hour and a half or so which is how long it took before I could use sweep again. Then all of a sudden one day sweep was reset back to 0. I was asking why this happened since it never reset before.

2020-10-14   #905

Reply to #904 @josuapark :

Perhaps there was a restart of the server, this could reset this progress, sometimes, but it happens and i will also check this

2020-10-14   #906

Do not look at current wave that goes down 10 everyday, look just above sweep button it will say clearable round and total you will get.

2020-10-14   #907


2020-10-24   #908

When did you guys enable the trade in units and gold units special abilities during the power battle event? Why does my solomon skill ability not work during power battle if the abilities of units are turned back on? The solomon skill abilitity is not triggered by rounds therefore it should trigger whether I  have the first move or not in power battle.

2020-10-24   #909

Reply to #908 @josuapark :

I answer again and again

Solomon's skill has a chance to work, read on the skill this% of triggering is indicated.

2020-10-24   #910

and I am telling you that I went through 20 rounds in power battle and it never triggered once. This skill will ALWAYS trigger in the first or second round of a battle anywhere else in the game so why won't it do the same in or work at all in power battle

2020-10-24   #911

Why is the chance of it triggering constantly changing. This is a set parameter so if it is working a certain way in all areas of the game but one then there is something wrong with the code in that area of the game

2020-10-24   #912

Just like I still have to login to the game and do a battle in arena colosseum or an instance battle before joining the world boss fight in order for my solomon skill and god one shot skill to work in the world boss fight. If I don't do at least one fight in one of those areas before going into the world boss fight neither one of those skills will trigger and the god one shot skill is a round based triggering skill so it should trigger no matter what in the second round of a fight. Your game is Bugged and I have repeatedly brought this to your attention.

2020-10-24   #913

Oh and the last time I brought this up you said that special skills that certain units have were not supposed to be working in power colosseum so when did this change?

2020-10-24   #914

You have also told me that the god one shot skill will not work if I do not have the first move since that skill is a round based trigger so if I don't have the first move in a fight it will never trigger yet in colosseum both playes have the first move at the same time and it never triggers. Solomon skill is a percentage chance to trigger which means it should trigger no matter whether I have the first move or not and it will never trigger as well in arena or colosseum if it is another player that is attacking me. Players buy these units for for their abilities and they should work in the manner that their descriptions say they will work in all areas of the game. Your excuse that it is unfair to other players is nonsense since everyone in this game has access to all the same units it is just a matter of how much a player wants to spend. YOU have even told me that everyone has access to the same units when you were trying to justify cetain aspects of  this game so that same excuse should apply to a units skills working like they should in every area of the game.

2020-10-25   #915

Reply to #914 @josuapark :

Some units have two skills, read in their descriptions everything that I told you is written.
We cannot manage the random, there is% and the program itself manages it.

Yes, it never happens that only you have a problem, do you understand?

2020-10-25   #916

listen your game is messed up. When I fight the other two players on this server that are lvl 231 and 235 in colosseum and arena I don't even have to use skills to beat them and most times  my units will take their units out in one shot or if they don't I take almost half their HP in one shot from one of my units but when I fight these same people in HOF or power battle all of a sudden my units will barely do any damage to them. Also again you have stated that the god one shot skill will only work when I have the first move and you have stated to me that is why when I get attacked in arena or colosseum my units do not use their skills because I have to have the first move eventhough in colosseum both players can move on the first round. Now my apocalypse artys god one shot skill is a round based skill meaning that when applying your own statement to me should trigger at the start of the second round when I have the first move. It does not trigger at all ever in power battle. You still can not explain why my solomon skill always triggers in the first or second round everywhere else in the game except in power battle. You have something screwed up when it comes to power battle conerning solomon skill and god one shot skill. These two skills can not work in a consistent manner everywhere else in the game except in power battle. What part of that do you not understand? You also can not tell me that it is normal to go 20 rounds without the solomon skill triggering at least once in power battle whether I have the first move or not since  this skill is percentage based and does not rely on rounds so first move has no bearing on this skill. My skills have not worked in power battle for almost two years and you said it was mad that way because it was unfair to other players that did not have these units and that your techs were afraid that they could not make them work in power battle because that was such an old part of the game they were afraid they would mess something up if they tried to make the skills work. Now all of a sudden everyones unit skills seem to be working in power battle except for mine.

2020-10-26   #917

Still waiting for an answer as to why it appears that other peoples unit skills are working in power battle but mine are not. Again I had the first move in power battle which means my god one shot sklll which has a round based trigger for that skill did not trigger during both my battles for the king position. I mean according to you the game is working just fine and there is no problems with my acct or its units. Guess maybe you and your techs don't know what they are talking about which would explain your silence on this matter.

2020-10-26   #918

Reply to #917 @josuapark :

I answered you several times, and I will answer again, all skills are working properly, skills that have a chance to work, which means that they may not work. There is no other answer.

2020-10-27   #919

 I am sending a pic of the description of how the apocalypse arty one god shot is supposed to work. The trigger for this skill is not percentage based. It is based on triggering at the end of the first round meaning that it will trigger 100% of the time as long as I have the first move at the end of the first round. I  had the first move in power battle this week and it never triggered and has not triggered for a year now. Solomon skill always triggers in the first or second round in arena colosseum world boss and campaigns but never triggers in power battle. Have your techs login to my acct and watch the replay of my power battle fight for the crown and you will see that your game is messed up and the one shot god skill never triggers like it is supposed to and neither does my solomon skill eventhough that is a percentage based skill but should trigger since in every other area of the game it triggers in the first or second round. Why does that skill only act different in power battle? It pisses me off that you come on here talking like your game is operating correctly when everyone knows it is not. I have repeatedly asked you to have a tech login to my acct and watch replays of the power battle fights and you won't do it because you don't want to admit that your game is screwed up for some people. If units act a certain way 100% of the time in all aspects of the game except for one area then there is a problem in that area of the game. I write programs for a living and know that there is something with power battle that your techs are overlooking that is causing my unit skills to not work at all or like how they do in all other areas of the game. Solomon skill also always triggers in the first or second roung on the ww map as well so there is something with the power battle code that is either turning off the ability for my unit skills to trigger or is changing the percentage chance of that skill triggering.


  As the pic clearly shows no matter what the god one shot skill should be triggering in power battle if I have the first move which I did this week and it did not trigger. You or your techs can confirm this if you login and watch the replay of my battle.

2020-10-27   #920

Reply to #919 @josuapark :

Each unit has its own trigger, you can immediately see that there are two skills, one in round 0 with the first move, the other is triggered with a 30% probability. Although the system is the same with straw, there is less chance, if I am not mistaken.IMG_20201027_063624.jpg

Restrain your emotions, you are still on the forum, and communicate with the Admin. Thank you.

2020-10-27   #921

The skill triggers at the end of round one no matter what. What part of that do you not understand.There is only a 30% chance of it triggering again to boost its attack to 600%. No matter what the god one shot skill is supposed to trigger at the end of round one with a 500% increase in attack. The 500% boost in attack is not a percentage trigger. It is a guaranteed trigger at the end of round one. It is right there in black and white. Why are you arguing this point? This skill is not triggering at all period in power battle. Just like solomon skill does not trigger at all ever only in power battle. Something is wrong with the game code when it comes to power battle with the apocalypse arty and the bayon assualt tank. I told you to login to my acct or have a tech login and watch the power battle replay and verify that I had the first move and the god one shot skill never triggered and according to the description it should have triggered since this is a round based trigger skill and not a percentage based trigger skill

2020-10-27   #922

Just like nowhere in that description does it say that the player has to have the first move in order for that units skill to trigger. When that unit first came out it was never dependent on the player having the first move but for some reason you guys changed it after a couple of months of that unit being out. 

2020-10-27   #923

That skill also used to trigger whether I was the when attacking people in arena colosseum  or city seige or if another player was attacking me in those areas of the game. Solomo skill should be triggering for me when other players attack me since it is a percentage based skill but it never triggers when I am defender.

2020-10-28   #924

Reply to #923 @josuapark :

The unit has two skills:
1. The skill, about which it is written, works immediately in round 0 and gets a rollback of 99 rounds.
2. The second skill of the unit already has a 30% chance that it will or may not work, it all depends on luck.

The mechanics are almost identical to those of the Apocalypse unit.

2020-10-28   #925

What part of the skill not working at all do you not understand? The god one shot skill does not work at all in power battle when I have the first move. I keep telling you to watch my replay of the battle for the crown in power battle to verify that the skill is not working and has not worked in power battle for over a year. I understand the thirty percent chance of increasing the attack to 600%. The 500% attack skill at the end of round 1 or round 0 as you call it is supposed to trigger 100% of the time when I have the first move since this skill is based on rounds and not a percentage. This skill is not work at all in power battle. I don't know how much clearer I can tell you this. It works everywhere else in the game except for in power battle. Again the same thing with the solomon skill. Works everywhere in the game except for in power battle. Again when I first bought the bayon assualt tank the solomon skill used to work in power battle but then your techs changed something in the game and it quit working over a year ago and now it seems that the skills are working again in power battle for certain units but mine still do not work. Bottom line is that when I have the first move the god one shot skill is supposed to trigger 100% of the time at the end of round 1 or round 0 as you call it and it does not.

2020-10-28   #926

Reply to #925 @josuapark :

It does NOT happen that only you have the error!

You just don't want to understand how skills work.
I see no reason to repeat the same thing. The answer is written just above. We haven't changed anything.
"first skill - the skill works automatically,
the second has a chance (30%) that it will work. (may not work)"

There will be no other answer.

2020-10-28   #927

The first skill is not working. When it works it flashes god one shot skill across the screen there is an explosion around the unit. This NEVER happens in power battle. Stop acting like your game is perfect and login into my acct or have a tech login to my acct and watch the replay. I have had these units for about 2 years and I know how they work and when they work and when they don't. The fact you won't watch the replay tells me and everyone else that you don't want to know the truth. You have hanged things because when I have brought this up in the past you said that unit skills were turned off in HOF and power battle and that is why they were not working. I don't know when you reactivated unit skills in power battle but mine are not working. WATCH the replay and you will see that the first gone shot skill never triggers and it is supposed to trigger 100% of the time in round 0 when I have the first move. If you were so sure it was working correctly you would have already watched the replay and come back and said I was wrong. You know I am right therefore you won't watch the replay. It would take you or a tech all of 2 minutes to login and watch the replay and see what I am saying it true and correct.

2020-10-28   #928

For the record I am not the only having issues with the apocalypse arty god one shot skill not working in power battle. I had a battle with a player in power battle last week that has a lvl 210 apocalypse and he had the first move and guess what. The god one shot skill never triggered for that player either so it is not just me.

2020-10-28   #929

Reply to #928 @josuapark :

What is this?!!!
After activating the skill, the skill rollback received 99 rounds
I logged into your account and immediately entered the Arena.
Without any fights in other locations.(screenshots from other locations, I already sent you when you wrote for the first time.)

2020-10-29   #930

None of this happens in the power battle fights. Again what part of this do you not understand? This screen shot is from arena fights now power battle. You should read more carefully what I am saying. There is no solomon skill or apocalypse skill working in power battle. Please go to the correct area of the game and watch the replay. Watch my replay of my fights with DelosTate and you will see that his apocalypse arty never triggers the god one shot skill although all his other units skills work. Then watch the replay of my fight with Kudarat for the crown and you will see that neither the solomon skill or the god one shot triggered in that battle as well eventhough I had the first move. I have repeatedly said my skills work properly EVERYWHERE in the game except for in power battle. I have even told you that my units are weaker in power battle and HOF compared to how they perform in every other area of the game. I appreciate that you at least made an attempt to watch the replay but please go to the correct area of the game I am talking about and watch the replay

2020-10-29   #931

Reply to #930 @josuapark :

other battle and 

I warn you!
Everything works perfectly.
Another message that the skills do not work, for no factual reason, I will ban you on the forum for a month

2020-10-29   #932

Reply to #943 @josuapark :

I will no longer waste my time on this conversation. All skills work without any problems, check your software.

2020-10-30   #933

Reply to #930 @josuapark :

Your units skill works : arena / colosseum / city siege / instances / camps / world map / world boss / 
city siege


I spent another 30 minutes of my time and again saw working skills

I will ban you on the forum for a month, if you continue this theme.

2020-11-07   #934



Where are my 3 Trade-in Core-H? Yesterday I still have 3 Core-H but today they are all gone/disappeared. I got those 3 Core-H by recharging.

On 11/01 I recharged 3 times, $30, $60, and $5 and I got 1 Core-H.

On 11/02 I recharged $100 and I got 1 Core-H.

On 11/03 I recharged $100 and I got 1 Core- H

But today, all 3 Core-H are no more. 

I need those 3 Core-H  to upgrade my Underworld King's Cannon 170 to Underworld King's Cannon 190.


2020-11-07   #935

when will the next hall of fame begin?and is it possible for you to notify or post the events in advance when they will begin.thanks

2020-11-07   #936

Reply to #934 @kudarat :

Hivg We return the cores to you now, but we will not do this in the future, I ask you to pay attention to the fact that the kernels have a rollback time and their disappearance is a game mechanism, so you should use them in time.

2020-11-07   #937



Thanks for the Core-H. I upgraded already to Underworld King's Cannon 190.

2020-11-07   #938

Reply to #937 @kudarat :

Have a good game

2020-11-07   #939

what about my request for events and Hall of Fame.

2020-11-07   #940

Reply to #939 @demolition :

Hi 20.11.2020

2020-11-22   #941

you changed the rewards for hall of fame for 1st second and 3rd place.Why?there is no gold for the 1st 3 places.

hof rewards.PNG

what about the 5000 gold?i need that more than a camouflage for an infantry unit that is only good for 7 days.

2020-11-22   #942

Reply to #941 @demolition :

The rewards in such events are not permanent, therefore they have been changed. Regarding camouflage by 7, every 6 days they can be removed and put back on, the period will be updated by 7 days.

2020-12-11   #943

why don't my workout exp produce? there was once a Chinese banknote in the game that I had never seen before. I pressed there 5-7 times. nothing happened. the gold was gone. now every day money is 100. before it was 50 a day. how long has it been now. i would like the workout to produce exp again.

2020-12-12   #944

Reply to #943 @adolf :


Show in the screenshots what exactly is not working? 

2020-12-14   #945
2020-12-14   #946

Kudarat, S-21

     Hi! Where are my Corrosion Agents I and III? I collected a lot for my campaign, now all gone.

2020-12-14   #947

Agents got timers on them

2020-12-15   #948

Reply to #946 @kudarat :

All corrosion agents have a rollback time, this has always been the case

2020-12-15   #949

Reply to #945 @adolf :

We will check it

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