1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2020-12-15   #950

Kudarat, S-21

     Thanks for the Corrosion Agents. I don't know about the rollback time, thanks for the info.

2020-12-15   #951

Reply to #952 @kudarat :

Have a good game

2020-12-18   #952



Birlik etkinliği ne zaman gelecek

Auro beklemekteyim etkinlikte 

2020-12-18   #953

 still not producing workout exp. This Chinese money which took 250 gold coins away by pressing 5 * has broken something.

#949 @admin :

Reply to #945 @adolf :

We will check it

2020-12-19   #954

Reply to #953 @adolf :

We will update live servers soon, then this should be resolved. Don't speed up your workout

2020-12-21   #955

i'm having the same problem as adolf, not getting xp from production since that strange bug.

hosichen - S6

2020-12-22   #956

Reply to #955 @test :

Hi We will update live servers soon, then this should be resolved. Don't speed up your workout

2020-12-24   #957

when christmas event started???

2020-12-24   #958

Reply to #957 @nathan :

This week we will update the servers to the New Year version and then we will launch all the New Year's events.

2020-12-26   #959

Hi, still not getting any xp from production. Last few days no flash sale either. I see Christmas decoration and event instances but no event to exchange.

2020-12-26   #960

Reply to #959 @test :

I have check your account and sent a patch request to our specialists. Please wait. The workout will be fixed soon.

New Year's events have just started.

2020-12-28   #961

ok i'll wait. All players got treasure boxes by mail, but i didn't get that mail. Seems my account is a little fucked up.

2020-12-28   #962

Reply to #961 @test :

Please, check in-game mailbox

2020-12-28   #963


2020-12-28   #964

where do you use the xmas candy cane, don't see any use for it in top trade in like stated?What does the skill of the new unit do?

2020-12-28   #965

Reply to #964 @test :

Look here:  Trade-in units

2020-12-28   #966

thx and where do you use the xmas candy cane?

2020-12-28   #967

Reply to #966 @test :

Which one? show in the screenshot, please

2020-12-28   #968


2020-12-28   #969

Reply to #968 @test :

The description says that when you open you can get coins

2020-12-28   #970

it also says it can be used for exchanging troop/ general in top trade-in event

2020-12-28   #971

Reply to #970 @test :

No, we use other candies for exchange, these are for use only

2020-12-29   #972

my xp production is still not working...

2020-12-29   #973

Reply to #972 @test :

I know that as soon as our specialists find the cause of the error, they will correct it and I will inform you.

2021-01-03   #974


Server S137

Auro tank ne zaman etkinliğe konacak ?

2021-01-03   #975

Reply to #974 @leifbrock :

We will try to do it as soon as possible, but we currently have a trade-in

2021-01-06   #976


Would you please tell where can exchange to skill book these ReinforcementOrder pack ?

i dont see in Fuse/Exchange something like that.


2021-01-06   #977

Reply to #976 @capra :

This item cannot be exchanged, click on it 2 times and you will receive 4 sheets of reinforcement. They are used to call for reinforcements during battles.

2021-01-06   #978

Reply to #977 @admin :

Hows works these reinforcements ?

i have grey (inactive) reinforcements button in Construct, but i have reinforc.

2021-01-06   #979

Reply to #978 @capra :

It is activated at a higher level, if I am not mistaken at 120, then place a unit there, and having these sheets you can call reinforcements, if you lose the main unit on the battlefield, then the reinforcement will work and the unit that is placed in the reinforcement will appear.

2021-01-12   #980

i need more tickets can u put in flash sale

2021-01-18   #981

still no news about the exp production problem? I'm minimum missing out on 5.5 million exp a day. I can't keep up with upgrading generals and units this way.

2021-01-18   #982

Reply to #981 @test :

We checked your account, but did not find a problem or cause of the problem, please try to increase your HQ level.

Today we will try to check your account again.

2021-01-19   #983

i just increased my lvl a few days ago, so that is not the solution. How did you solve the problem for adolf?

2021-01-19   #984

Reply to #983 @test :

We have not received a response from adolf yet.

2021-01-21   #985



AReform Signet III ekipmanı nerede ve nasıl kullanılıyor acaba?

2021-01-21   #986

by now i already missed out on 360 million xp and it is starting to show on my units and generals...

2021-01-22   #987

to me? 

2021-01-22   #988

Reply to #988 @test :

Can you take a video showing the error for at least a couple of seconds and send it to me by email?

2021-01-22   #989

Reply to #985 @leifbrock :

Selam Ekipmanın altınla yeniden geliştirmek için kullanılır ve bazı altın sikkelerin yerini alır.

2021-01-23   #990

2021-01-22 19_01_21-General War - Official Web Site - Baidu Browser.png

2021-01-23   #991

Reply to #990 @test :

So, we tested this function on your account, it works without any problems. We even accelerated with gold, the experience was obtained successfully

2021-01-23   #992

BS the function works but it's producing 0

2021-01-23   #993

Reply to #992 @test :

Strange, we'll check it again. Today.

2021-01-23   #994

plz wait, i took a new screenshot to compare, i'll contact you again after test

2021-01-23   #995

Reply to #994 @test :


2021-01-24   #996



General War - Official Web Site.png

ne kadarr ltın gittiğini göremiyorum ?

2021-01-25   #997

Reply to #996 @leifbrock :

Remodify'a basılmalı ve ayrıca Areform mühür seviyesinin teçhizatınız için uygun olduğundan emin olmalısınız.Aksi takdirde, tüm gold miktarı ikinci bir altın yükseltmesi için harcanacaktır.

2021-01-25   #998



Uygunluğunu nasıl bileceğim..

Areform Lv.180+ diyor anladığım kadarıyla 215 lv. ekipmanda da kullanabilirim 

ama ek ne kadar altın gidecek? Çünkü kullanımında 10 altın harcayacağını söylüyor

2021-01-26   #999

Reply to #998 @leifbrock :

Lütfen doğru yanıtlayabilmem için bu öğenin ekran görüntüsünü sağlayın. Ve ayrıca öğenin açıklaması ekran görüntüsünde görülebilir. Hangi ekipmana sahipsiniz - G?

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