1405 Replies | Last update 2025-01-10
2021-02-05   #1000



when does the trade in event actually come in event unit level?

2021-02-05   #1001

Reply to #1001 @monster01 :

Which units are gold or special?

2021-02-05   #1002

gold units

2021-02-05   #1003

Reply to #1002 @monster01 :

Unit name?

2021-02-05   #1004

phantom-II-tank-170 to phantom-II-tank-230 or 250

2021-02-05   #1005

phantom-II-tank- 250 ware better 

2021-02-06   #1006

Reply to #1005 @monster01 :

Accepted, we will make such an exchange in the next Trade in launch

2021-02-06   #1007

thank you

2021-02-08   #1008

Any event for Chinese New year ?

2021-02-08   #1009

Reply to #1008 @coby2407 :

Hi, we are starting an event for Valentine's Day

2021-02-14   #1010

where is valentine event?

2021-02-14   #1011

Reply to #1011 @test :

Hi. The event will be launched on February 14, 2021 S1 server time after 00:00. (central server time 16:00).

2021-02-14   #1012


2021-02-15   #1013

Reply sent please respond

2021-02-15   #1014



first of all thanks for the Phantom Tank

But now my criticism, there are not enough tickets for the units, since the dogtag II are now raising timers, I can no longer get them together to get myself a red devil or colonel ivans guard 185 and so there is no banking for it

please reconsider

2021-02-15   #1015

Reply to #1014 @monster01 :

I don't know when you knocked out the tokens, but the time on the tokens is for the Trade-in event that is running.
If you start collecting tokens from the very beginning of the Trade-in, you can exchange everything you need.

DogTag is available for 196 hours, that is, 8 days - the time of the launched Trade-in is 8 days.

2021-02-15   #1016

Is there an overview for the Red Devil from the Trad-In for special skills?

2021-02-16   #1017

Reply to #1016 @maren :

185 RD - Cause 80% DMG of current HP to the enemies around range 2 
165 RD - Cause 70% DMG of current HP to the enemies around range 2

2021-02-16   #1018


ok, 120 tickets are enough to get 400 tokens, in my experience I get around 240-300 tokens with good to go


400 tokens is needed for a unit 185

2021-02-16   #1019

Reply to #1018 @monster01 :

We'll be adding more attempts to Trade-in, don't worry))

2021-02-17   #1020

New email sent please respond

2021-02-17   #1021

Reply to #1017 @admin :


can you please do Good To Go again today. Otherwise I cannot invest. Thx

2021-02-17   #1022

Reply to #1021 @maren :

Hi, We will try to do it

2021-02-17   #1023

so when  i'm going to be compensated for my XP loss?

2021-02-17   #1024

Thx :-)

when do you fill up tickets?

2021-02-21   #1025



no more tickets?

2021-02-21   #1026

Reply to #1025 @monster01 :


2021-02-23   #1027


2021-02-23   #1028

Reply to #1027 @test :

Hi This week we will try to update the servers, this will solve your problem

2021-02-23   #1029

my problem seems to be solved, i'm just wondering if my loss will be compensated?

2021-02-24   #1030

Reply to #1029 @test :

First, let's see what happens with our update in your game account and then think about the next step.

2021-02-25   #1031


S-137 Britian

Top trade de ki E3 ü nasıl alacağız ?

E1 var 

Acil cevap lütfen

85 biriken madalyam var

2021-02-25   #1032

can you please tell me all skill levels of the aura tank? unfortunately found nothing in the thread trade units.

2021-02-25   #1033

it is possible that you introduce 2 new buttons for changing the troop formation! Because you have other formations for Kamps or inis.

2021-02-25   #1034

Can we have some more tickets please ?

2021-02-25   #1035

New email sent please respond.about recharge

2021-02-25   #1036

Reply to #1031 @leifbrock :

Selam, Bakin - Accumulated Recharge

2021-02-25   #1037



     Please check the RECHARGE.

When I clicked the RECHARGE button, the window opened. 

When I clicked the Debit or Credit Card button, the window for payment did not open. I was able to recharge yesterday, but today it's not working.

2021-02-25   #1038



Baktım da E1 var orada E3 yok ki

Ve Tr de ödeme kanalları kapalı

Bu Trade de niye böyle yapıldı ?

2021-02-26   #1039

Reply to #1037 @kudarat :

There is a problem with PayPal, the problem will be resolved soon
We will extend the event time, don't worry.

2021-02-26   #1040

Reply to #1038 @leifbrock :

Her 24 saatte bir bu etkinlik yeniden başlar, bu da her gün böyle 1 öğe alabileceğiniz anlamına gelir.

2021-02-26   #1041

Reply to #1032 @maren :

Hi Because this unit has been with the players for a long time, i.e. this is not a new unit so there is no information, but for you we will add.

2021-02-26   #1042


S 137

O zaman Tradeden E1 alıyorum ertesi gün E1 daha alıyorum ertesi gün E1 alıp E3 yapıyorum oyleyse 


ama Trade de Remaınıng 1 yazıyor .....

Recharge de alamıyorum ödeme kartı ve kanalı kapalı ben de 

2021-02-26   #1043


S 137

Türkiyede Paypal kapalı destek yok İnnial kart olurmu veya başka bir çözüm ltf.

2021-02-26   #1044

Reply to #1043 @leifbrock :

Türkiyeli oyuncular

2021-02-26   #1045



Skrill Türkiyede  çalışmıyor

Ödeme kanalları kapalı kontrol edermisiniz şimdi ne olacak IBAN numaraı verin bari...

2021-02-26   #1046

Reply to #1045 @leifbrock :

Türkiye'de hangi elektronik ödeme sistemleriniz var?

2021-02-26   #1047


S 137 

Türkiyede her şeyi kapattılar o yüzden ödeme bile yapamıyoruz ve geri kaldık ne birlik var ne de altın eskiden kalma çuval ve el bombaları vardı onlarıda siz kullanmıyorsunuz bari 

Flash sale veya Top trade ın e 3 almalık hak koysaydınız.

2021-02-26   #1048


S 137 

Ben innial card kullanıyorum internet alışverişlerinde 

2021-02-26   #1049

Reply to #1048 @leifbrock :

Bak, Qiwi sisteminiz var mı?

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