Reply to #59 @admin :
I have a problem with the main veiwing screen. There is a Red Question mark flashing above my city seige building. I can not find a way to remove it. It has no business and serves no porpose!! Please remove it! It flashes every time I use my account. It is totally annoying!! Thank you. LkanStuart S137.
PS: Also please quit recommending friends to me! If I want friends I will find them myself! LkanStuart #137
Good grief is this game ever going to get fixed? Once again the solomon skill stopped working in the world boss fights and is still not working in power battle. I even cleared the cache which has worked in the past sometimes but is not working anymore. Freaking pointless to have the bayon assault tank when its special ability only works every now and then. World boss has been stuck on the Hell Lord boss ever since you guys did the merger and the Hell Lord boss is the hardest boss to fight. Your techs should make and acct and try fighting these bosses and maybe think of making a few tweaks because the bosses are just stupid hard now compared to what they used to be.
Reply to #73 @admin :
there is noprobem with internel conection buddy the points were there for a while after reconecting only vanished just before sent message
and being he was level 64 i think me being level 210 that would not be i won battle
and point went over half an hour afther the fight and i had 10 chances again
Reply to #85 @chris :
From now on, about HOF write here ->
Why are my units so weak in HOF? I have a 557 mil rating and I am getting destroyed by players with ratings that are not even 400 million. I beat guys on my server that have 575 million rating to 630 million rating with no problem but as soon as I go into HOF my units seem to lose all their power and seem to have no stamina and dod. Pretty bad when my units are getting killed with one shot by players that are not even using gold units and are only using lvl 185 event units.
Reply to #96 @josuapark :
In HOF - no problems with units.
Check the Internet connection, the version of the browser, because by all appearances you have the battlefield later loaded than the opponent, which gives an advantage to your opponent, therefore you lose, and as for the rating, this is a matter of chance.
Reply to #96 @josuapark :
I personally tested your unit for work skill
So :
1. Your unit skill - Solomon's wisdom - works with 25% chance
2. The skill works perfectly, checked in all locations.
3. Here are the screenshots, see:
Screenshots made at different times,I do not understand what is your problem .
It would be nice if I had control of my own units when I fight in HOF. I have had two fights in HOF so far today and each time someone else was controlling my acct or appeared to be. The first fight I had no control over and someone else was moving my units and then just let my units sit there and get killed by someone I should have been able to beat. The next fight I had to put my acct on auto because someone or somehow the end round button was being pushed on my acct and was not giving me time to even move my units. This game is getting worse and worse with all the bugs and hackers in this game
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