923 Replies | Last update 2025-01-04
2019-09-01   #100

Another problem is my units are all lvl 211 but are only showing lvl 210 in HOF

2019-09-01   #101

Reply to #99 @josuapark :

Do you understand what you are writing?))) No one can move your unit except you or the auto battle mode is triggered.))

Check internet connection.
Check browser and plugins

2019-09-01   #102

Reply to #100 @josuapark :

This is not a mistake, the next level will be the correct display.

We introduced some changes to the experience required by the level and corrected the error that was with the unit levels.

2019-09-03   #103

don't tell me nobody can move my units because in almost every battle yesterday as soon as the fight loaded I was already in auto for some reason and when skills were being used for my units it would say a different player other than my name was using skills. I am not the only person this has happened to. Yesterday it happened about 4 times and I can only remember two of the names that had control of my acct when I was in a battle. GzimCurry s21 and adolf s55 were the names of the players that had control of my units when I went into battle and were using skills for me on my units. I had zero control of my acct at that time. Hof does not automatically put you into auto mode at the very start of the fight so explain to me why this was happening and why I could not take my units off of auto and why I would just sit there and watch without trying to use skills I seen other players names everytime a skill got used on my acct. Don't tell me I don't understand what I am saying or saw. It is you that does not understand what is going on with your own game.

2019-09-03   #104

Reply to #103 @josuapark :

Dear user, you may have problems connecting to the internet/browser, your battlefield is loaded much later than that of the enemy, which leads to the inclusion of automatic combat, except for the system (automatic combat) NOBODY can move your units, please, if you can not provide any evidence of your words, then refrain from further polemics.

With Respect

2019-09-05   #105


I purchased 600 gold on my S3 account last night and still have yet to receive it.  My receipt number ends in 9375.

Server:  S3

Gamer ID:  Intimidation

2019-09-05   #106

Reply to #105 @intimidation :


I wrote to you in PM on the forum, 
Click on the bell and select Inbox

2019-09-09   #107

JosuaPark s21. Listen it seems you guys obviously can not or are not going to fix the problems I am having with the god one shot skill on my apocalypse and the solomon wisdom skill on my bayon assault tank. According to you in your own words it is supposed to trigger anytime I have the first move. Well guess what it is not working that way. My apocalypse arty used to work just fine except in HOF and powerbattle and now it is not working in the world boss fight like it should. Neither skill triggers in the first round and rarely triggers at all now. If the one god shot skill does work then the solomon skill will not trigger and if the solomon skill triggers during the boss fight the god one shot won't trigger. You told me this would be fixed. Neither skill works in the power battle even when I have the first move but the cheetah commandos skill works in power battle. Now another glitch is that in arena and colosseum the solomon wisdom skill only triggers against certain players instead of every time like it should when I have the first move. If you can't fix this I want a partial refund since I am not getting what I paid for.

2019-09-09   #108

Reply to #107 @josuapark :

Dear, I personally checked your units and everything works., You apparently missed my answer after checking.

2019-09-09   #109

Reply to #107 @josuapark :

#98 @admin :

Reply to #96 @josuapark :

I personally tested your unit for work skill

So :

1. Your unit skill - Solomon's wisdom  - works with 25% chance

2. The skill works perfectly, checked in all locations.

3. Here are the screenshots, see:

Screenshots made at different times,I do not understand what is your problem .

Apocalypse first skill - triggers after the first round, and the second skill triggers with a chance

2019-09-10   #110


JaimeCombs S138. Endless battle at MilitaryCenter.

2019-09-10   #111

Reply to #110 @jcjc :

Please provide a screenshot

2019-09-10   #112

2019-09-10   #113

Reply to #112 @jcjc :

Thank you, we will try to fix it in the morning.

2019-09-11   #114


All works fine now)

2019-09-11   #115

Reply to #114 @jcjc :

Have a nice game

2019-09-12   #116

This is flipping retarded. 2 weeks straight of getting the same 3 bps in an instance. How the hell are you supposed to get stronger if you can't get the equips you need.

2019-09-12   #117

Reply to #116 @josuapark :

Dear, what can I do, the drawings fall out with a chance, I really hope that lucky will smile at you

2019-09-17   #118

Are you guys ever going to close the skill glitch that allows player to use certain skills and arrange them in a certain order that then causes the AI to glitch and use a skill for that player in almost every round in colosseum, arena, and city siege battles. This gives a player an unfair advantage. Or better yet how about giving these players a 2 week ban when they are caugh exploiting glitches in the game.

2019-09-17   #119

Reply to #118 @josuapark :
I hope I understand correctly your message

if the player is offline or not in the coliseum, then skills that were pumped up to level 5 and arranged in any order are used by the coliseum system giving little advantage to the player you are fighting with, because you in battle you can

move units

use the right skills

your chance of winning is 97%

this is the mechanics of the game, not the bug that the player creates.

2019-09-19   #120



Recharge 2000 gold today after clock reset and 4000 gold yesterday after clock reset. Both times ACCUMULATED RECHARGE screen popped up but would not allow me to recieve anything. Also did not say activity over. should have recieved accumulated bonus one of the times.

2019-09-19   #121

Reply to #120 @lts138 :

the time of your recharge 2019/9/19 7:13:20 and 2019/9/18 13:03:05 (server time) the Accumu.Recharge event ends at 06:50:00 (server time), the event starts at 15:00:00 (server time), so you did a recharge without this event.

15:00:00 server time = 08:00:00 game time

2019-09-21   #122


S-137 Britian 

Cdl25-t piyade birliği aktarım sorunu

2019-09-21   #123

Reply to #122 @leifbrock :

Size dün cevap verdik - sorununuzu kontrol edeceğiz ve size bildireceğiz.

2019-09-23   #124

JosuaPark s21 If I have to refresh within two hours of the world boss fight the solomon skill on my bayon tank will not work and the god one shot skill will hardly trigger at all as well. If I don't have to refresh within two hours usually on one of the two units I have trigger their skill. Usually the solomon skill will work and the god one shot skill does not work. I have been figting with you guys for months to get this this situation fixed and so far you keep telling me I don't know what I am talkin about or that you will fix it in the next maintenance and it never gets fixed. If you can't fix it then give me a partial refund since the units I bought do not work in the manner they are supposed to.

2019-09-23   #125

Reply to #124 @josuapark :

Dear player, please pay attention to the answers that we give you, we did not find any errors on the skills of your units.

#98 @admin :

Reply to #96 @josuapark :

I personally tested your unit for work skill

So :

1. Your unit skill - Solomon's wisdom  - works with 25% chance

2. The skill works perfectly, checked in all locations.

3. Here are the screenshots, see:

Screenshots made at different times,I do not understand what is your problem .

2019-09-23   #126

OZAIR  s136 My account problem is.. starting enter the game np. set any thing np but when i press check in stuck loading. long time i waiting still not open.

problem game.png

problem game 2.png

problem game 3.png

2019-09-23   #127

Reply to #126 @jetpomen :

We checked everything is OK with your account, please clear your browser cookies / cache, also check your Internet connection.

2019-09-23   #128

Reply to #127 @admin :

Yes.. after u check my account .. my account ok now. i,m also done clear my browser cokies/ cache. Thank GM

2019-09-23   #129

Reply to #128 @jetpomen :

Have a good game

2019-09-24   #130

there is no quit button to quit Alc, please fix this bug

2019-09-24   #131

JonnyLeon s-38 Detroit


2019-09-24   #132

Reply to #130 @jonnyleon :

carefully look , should be the button )

2019-09-24   #133

no there is not. there is no button up management button near skyp number. not only me but more other players has this broblem

2019-09-24   #134

Reply to #133 @jonnyleon :

Please give a screenshot

2019-09-24   #136

Reply to #135 @jonnyleon :

Dear user!

You are the leader of Alc, you can exclude players, but in order to leave Alc you must resign as a leader, then the Exit button will appear.

A leader can: exclude everyone and dissolve Alc

2019-09-24   #137


2019-09-24   #138

Reply to #137 @jonnyleon :

Have a nice game

2019-09-29   #139

WW kills not reset and no ice fragments S-12

2019-09-29   #140

Reply to #139 @coby2407 :

1.WW kills not reset -  what you mean?
2.no ice fragments S-12 - what is your VIP status?

2019-09-29   #141

World War kills not reset to zero at 23-00 so no one got ice fragments, VIP 4 

2019-09-29   #142

Reply to #141 @coby2407 :

Should they be nullified at the weekend?

2019-09-29   #143

No, resets every day 1 hour before end

2019-09-29   #144

Reply to #143 @coby2407 :

We will try to restart the server

2019-10-02   #145

No ice fragments again and kills not reset to zero in world war

2019-10-02   #146

Reply to #145 @coby2407 :

Please, with such a question, we need data:

Your nickname

Your server

Screenshot of the problem

2019-10-11   #147

JosuaPark s122 About 2 months ago you were notified by our NG that our alc had last 20% of our alc rating boost in land rush after the merger of servers. As far as I can tell our alc did not lose any member nor have any members quit so I would like to know when we are going to get our 20% rating boost back. We around 104% or more rating boost and it is now at 84.16%

2019-10-11   #148

Reply to #147 @josuapark :

In order for % to stabilize, it is necessary that all members of the alliance enter the game after the merger at least once.

%  is lost in 2 cases:

1. If the player who raised the gold bonus leaves the alliance

2. After the merger server, the player(s) of the alliance who raised the golden bonus did not enter the game.

2019-10-16   #149


S-137 Britain

CDL25T -90 lık sorununa verdiğiniz cevabı kabul etmiyorum .

yuksek seviyeli oyuncularla aynı kabul etmenizide geliştirmelerede yeterli olmuyor 

hele birlik yukselt,ymelerinizde cabası zaten

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