something is wrong with my arms event name is not in the arms event.and it should be.this is the first look i spent a lot of silver but i have no score in arms event.please have a look.s17 roma demolition.
this was in there and still no score in arms event.i spent it on g240 equip.over 80 million silver no score.
still no score.
So when are you guys going to fix this game? You have players exploiting glitches that causes the AI to use a skill in every round for a player if they have certain skills arranged in their lineup in a specific order. You have been informed that this glitch has come back at least two months ago and have done nothing to fix it. I have 2 fairly high lvl accts on the same server one is a lvl 213 with a 575 million rating and one is a lvl 204 with a 450 million rating and for the last several months my lvl 213 acct has been beating the lvl 204 acct in power battle on auto and now for the last two weeks the lvl 204 acct is beating my main because for some strange reason the word EFFECTIVE has started flashing above the units on the lvl 204 acct and makes the units almost impossible to kill and none of the units or gens on that acct have any special abilities. Again you were told of this problem last week and nothing is fixed yet.I have been telling you for several months now that the 2 gold units that I have with special abilities do not work in power battle even when I have the first move. I bring this up because you argue with me and tell me that if I don't have the first move then the abilities won't work. The special abitlies in power battle used to work but you guys did something that has caused them to stop working. You also tell me that the abilies of the 2 units I have work off of a certain percentage. If this is true then the abilities should trigger at some point during the battle whether I have the first move or not and they don't. It is really frustrating to keep dealing with units that do not work the way they are supposed to and cost as much as they did. My spending has dropped dramatically because you guys refuse to fix your game. If I log in to the game right before the world boss battle and go right to the fight with the boss the solomon skill does not work on my bayon assault tank but if I login and do a instance or arena or even colosseum fight then the solomon skill will work. There are some serious issues with this game that you guys need to address.
Reply to #204 @josuapark :
Dear player, I personally provided you some screenshots with the working skills of your units!Unit skill work is in no way associated with the World Boss.As for the battle with the enemy in the Arena, I still don’t understand why this should be a problem? The player is at a high/low level, the player is offline, which means he has no advantages against the player who attacked, what is the mistake of the skills being used by the system?The problem is the intensity of the use of skills by the system?
The problem is that there is and has been a glitch in the game when it comes to skills being used in the arena that will trick the AI into using a skill in every round for the player that is being attacked. This gives that player a huge advantage over another player. I explained to you how guys are manipulating the glitch to get the AI to do this. This has been an ongoing glitch for years that the old techs would fix when it popped back up. The biggest advantage to this glitch is that the AI seems to ignore the skill points available to the player being attacked and will just keep dropping skills hence the huge advantage to the player using the glitch. Speak to the NG freezerbrn and he will confirm this since he has already reported it to you again within the last couple months when I brought it to his attention. I have been playing this game for almost 6 years now and I know how my units have worked in the past versus how they are working now and there is some sort of problem with my units when it comes to the world boss. I should be able to login in and go right into the world boss fight and the skills that my units use should work the way they are supposed to and they don't. I have to login and do either a colosseum, arena, or instance before I join the battle in order for my skill units to work properly. When working correctly the solomon skill will trigger at the start of the fight and then off and on throughout the fight. When I login and go right to the fight the solomon skill will never trigger. My skills should also work in power battle like they used to when I have the first move and they don't work but now certain players have the word EFECTIVE flashing above their units which seems to be giving their units a boost in power and stamina which is giving them an advantage even on accts that have no units or gens that award special abilities even when they don't have any units or gens that have special abitlities or skills.
I have an issue on City Seige. For about a month I tried to play the two city seige. All I got is black screen and/or no units show on screen. I can play against player name with no problem but not the city seige. I cleared cache several times and nothing change.
I am hoping that this problem might be on your side. DAK- S10
Reply to #211 @admin
I just reboot the computer, clear cache, and I tried again. Try both Google Chrome and Baudi. So I took the pictures again as you can see.
Other players with name and/or nickname is working fine. Player Name: "City seige #1" and "City Seige #2" are still the similar problems. If you"re works then do you have any idea what cause the problem on my computer because it is clear it is not the browser?
Reply to #213 @dak2020 :
I checked, there are no problems, nicknames are not City Siege, but a Challenger1 / Challenger2
it's City NPC, that is, it's your clones who are pretenders to attacks on accounts that have been absent from City Siege for a long time, you cannot attack yourself.
Therefore, your attempts end in a black screen, attack real players
Reply to #214 @admin
I know they are NPC and you're right it is city seige challenger 1 and 2. I am not aware the challenger 1 / 2 ended for long time. That mean I am not the only one as same all other players as well. Made me wonder why my other user in different server still working. Thanks for info and solving.
TheDoctor - S74 Prague
Hy there, i have a problem with recharging, shown in the attached jpg file. What can i do? Should i just wait, or am i missing something? The form is correctly filled, BTW, so its not me...
Reply to #217 @thedoctor :
Try to clear cookies / cache in the browser and check again works
Why are the stats or my units lower than what they are supposed to be when fighting in arena, colosseum, instances campaigns and city siege. All my units stats are lower than what they show in the combat center. My bayon assault tank shows over 1 million atk in combat center but when I enter a fight the attack drops to a little over 800k. STA, DEF, abd CRIT all are lower as well when fighting.
мой взнос вчера не прошел 370 монет . а деньги с тел. сняли 726.10р. нет ни денег ни платежа . чем вы можете мне помочь ?
Reply to #240 @dukofinley :
По вашему запросу, вам ответ уже выдан модератором сервера.
+790***318 не поступало никаких платежей, это подтверждается скриншотом, который вы прислали.
На вами высланном скриншоте, нет подтверждения платежа, который должен был бы в формате обратного ответа с цифрой 1 и течении 30 минут.
Свяжистесь с оператором мобильной сети,также проверьте баланс QIWI кошелька. Возможно, если деньги были сняты, то они осели на баланс QIWI..
JosuaPark s21 I have 2 CDL25T units. 1 is a lvl 50 and the other is a lvl 185 and the problem is both units show up in storage and combat center but when I go to troop formation so I can put the lvl 185 in my lineup it does not show up in the list of units available to me. Only the lvl 50 unit shows up.
Requires Login
Reply to #199 @siirwise :
According to the logs, you got 200 coins into the game 10 2019/11/22 13:05:10
or did you do two recharge today?